Feelings Be Gone

Finally, Madeline had to eat her words. 

Her teasing Briar about how Adrian immediately thought of her once he returned to Eudora resulted in Briar doing the same, except this time it was Madeline thinking about Xavier. 

Briar was at a crossroads, unsure of what was going on between the two of them and if she was misunderstanding everything, but at the same time extremely tempted to tell the two lovebirds to just get a room already. 

Sometimes, they were too much to handle. 

'Geez, why do they have to be so lovey dovey all the time? I know they're mates and meant for each other and all but…' 

Briar laughed. 

In all truth, she didn't mind. Besides, Madeline seemed to be way more happier as of late. And if Madeline was happy, so was she. 

There was nothing more Briar could want when it came to Madeline. 

Hmm, she wondered what was the reason behind Madeline smiling more often. It was strange to even think of it.