Lily The Kitten

"Hold on just one moment."

"Aside from you being my aunt…"

"A couple minutes ago, you were a cat."

"The same cat that listened to me ranting and going about my quarters…"

Madeline didn't finish her sentence.

"Ah right, that."

"Let's not talk about that now," Rosalynn said, dismissing it. 

"You must be wondering what I'm doing here, and why I suddenly changed into a human, no?" Rosalynn asked, her brow raised. 

Madeline nodded, "Of course."

Rosalynn seated herself on Madeline's couch. 

Madeline followed, sitting across from Rosalynn. 

"Originally, I only came for a little visit. Think of it as a little check up to see if you were alright. But then, you spotted me and I realized that my little trip would have to be extended."

"Since I couldn't possibly change into my human form for… certain reasons."