Under The Rain II

And as his lips captured hers, Xavier, who was watching from afar, had finally caught a glimpse of the mysterious woman's face. 

Even after he'd finally seen her face, he couldn't take his eyes off of what was happening. To make things even more worse, the man in his dream wasn't just anyone, it was him. 

Under the rain, the lovestruck couple kissed like there was no tomorrow. Like no one else but them was present, which was true in a sense. She wrapped her arms around his neck, he clasped his hands behind her back. 

Xavier heard a symphony of noises, the rapid beating of someone's heart, the sounds made by the rain as it poured down on what was once dry land.

Thunder boomed in the background. Most would have taken it as bad timing, but Xavier would reckon otherwise. He didn't know much about dreams.

However, what had happened may have been a sign. A kiss wasn't just a kiss, it could mean many things. 

An epiphany. 

A solution.