Girl's Night

Briar turned to Madeline, having no idea what was happening.

"Go on, tell us," she encouraged Madeline, cheering her on whilst they walked all the way to Briar's room. 


Racking her brain, she desperately searched for a way to tell them both what happened without seeming like she was hiding something, and like she had done something else. 

"I just made him take a nap since he was exerting himself."

Indiana blinked, "In your quarters?"

"If it were somewhere else, he wouldn't have actually taken a nap in the first place," Madeline reasoned, adding, "Why ask? Something happened?"

Briar stared at Madeline. 

Something clicked.

"Actually, something did. Strangely, Xavier's been in a…" 

'How do I put it?' Briar questioned. 

"…Really, really good mood this morning," Briar finished. She whispered to the both of them, "I heard he even invited Adrian for breakfast, he practically never does that."