Why Are You Just So Damn Nice?

"And I'll have you know I make a mean lemon meringue pie," Jonathan insisted. 

"Oh really? Then you'd have to show me some time. And maybe, I can bake a treat for you too!" 

Jonathan looked surprised, "You bake too?"

"Of course I do, why else would I have asked you if I didn't?"

Jonathan realised Indiana made a good point. 

He realised Indiana hadn't been eating much.

"Something wrong with the food?" He asked.

Indiana shook her head, "No, it's nothing. I just don't feel like eating."

Jonathan wondered if there was a reason behind why Indiana didn't feel like eating. 

"And why don't you feel like eating?" He inquired, only for Indiana to lower her head and admit, "I hid something from my friend."

"And who's this friend?" Jonathan asked. 

"My friend, Madeline," Indiana explained.

Jonathan's eyes went as wide as saucers.

"Madeline as in the same Madeline that's Alpha Xavier's mate?"