Third Wheel

"You want me to… What? Third wheel you and Xavier?" Briar questioned. 

"I never said that," Madeline insisted, her eyes narrowed. 

She seemed confused by what Briar meant. 

"Bri, it's a walk in the woods, not a date. You're not going to be third wheeling anyone."

Briar asked, "Does Xavier even know you want me to come with you? He's probably not alright with it." 

Madeline blinked, Xavier had agreed with Briar coming along already. 

"He does, he's alright with it," she said. 

"Seriously? Xavier's alright with me coming? Are you sure about that? You didn't make him agree with me coming, did you?" Briar asked. 

"Why would I do that?" Madeline asked, seemingly offended by Briar's accusation. She insisted, "I would never." 

"Sure," Briar said, sceptical. 

Then, she thought of an idea. 

"Hold on."


"Could Adrian tag along?" Briar asked. 

Madeline turned around to face Briar.