In The Spirit of Confessing (I)

Talking it out, Indiana confessed everything. When her feelings had started, and what she intended to do with them. 

How the conversation ultimately ended? Why, the girls simply decided to hug it out - and to never speak of this or bring the conversation up ever again. 

Indiana could see why Madeline was made Xavier's mate. Regret flashed in her eyes. This was the person she accused of using Xavier. 

Madeline would never. 

"Alright, that's enough for now. Look at the time. It's way past lunch," Madeline commented. 

Declining Madeline's offer for lunch, Indiana reckoned it was better she cleared her head.

Making some excuse, she left Madeline's quarters, leaving Madeline and Briar. 

Briar broke the silence, telling Madeline, "Well, that went better than expected."

Madeline glanced out her quarters' window. 

"Yeah, but I hope Indiana doesn't feel uncomfortable around us because of this."