Goodnight Darling

Madeline was flawed. She wasn't perfect, she could be annoying at times too. 

Yet, Xavier still had feelings for her regardless. 

At one point, he had found her repulsive. He also thought she didn't belong here, although he wanted to know more about her and decided not to let it get in the way of discovering who she truly was and why fate had paired her with him. Now? His view about her had changed significantly. 

As he gazed across from her, he thought about how far the both of them had come. 

He remembered the moment he realised he had feelings for her. 

After numerous books proving unhelpful, Xavier decided to stop finding an answer. It had taken him that long to realise that he was in denial.

Why? Because he didn't think he was capable of having feelings for someone. Also because… He didn't know what to do if he really did have feelings for Madeline.