Sorry, I'm Late!

Madeline listened carefully as Cornelia explained why she had brought them here. 

"I invited you all here for many reasons, although I doubt anything I'll say will be able to convince you all. So, I'll answer any questions you want, and I'll also be a gracious host. After all, I did invite you all to dinner."

She glanced at Madeline, knowing her daughter was full with questions she wanted to ask her. 

"All in time, of course," she said, her smile not leaving her face. 

Emilio shot her a murderous glare, and Xavier felt anger radiating off of Madeline. 

He folded his arms against his chest.

"Seriously? You leave me for that long only to casually invite me to dinner and invite our daughter along with us with no explanation?" He asked, speaking up for him and Madeline. 

Xavier just watched, knowing it wasn't his place to interfere. 

Emilio seethed, "I don't– I don't even remember how she came to–"