I Just Want To...

Never in Cornelia's entire life had she ever wanted to…

Right, he had just confessed his feelings to her. The feelings that he still had for her. She couldn't help but smile and blush. 

She couldn't feel any happier once she heard it. 

Once she had gotten her feelings off her chest, she felt relieved. Knowing Emilio felt the same way about her only made her wonder if they could ever… rekindle what they once had. 

Was Madeline alright with that?

Figuring Madeline hated her guts, probably not. But Madeline was a considerate person, she'd want what was best for her parents, no? 

Cornelia remembered how she threatened to kill Xavier if Madeline didn't come to dinner. And how she did the same for Briar. Yet, she told Adrian and Xavier what was happening, adding her signature crest to the letter so no one would be too alarmed.