Mr Protective

Of course, it wouldn't be long before Madeline woke up. That was what Xavier and Emilio hoped, at least.

Emilio asked, "What happened? Before she fainted."

Xavier blinked. 

He thought Emilio would have scolded him or threatened him if Madeline didn't wake up soon. Instead, Emilio simply asked what had happened before she fainted. 

Xavier inhaled, "We were talking about Cornelia, and about what I did."

He left out some parts - which included her talking about how she had been planning their second date - since that wasn't something Emilio would have to know. Not now, at least. 

Maybe later, but now wasn't the right time for him to know about that. 

"I'm sorry," Xavier apologised to Emilio. 

It was the first time he had ever apologised to Emilio. But he wasn't apologising to the murderous ex-alpha. He was apologising to the man that was Madeline's father.