If You Say So, Dear

"Thanks, dad," Madeline said to Emilio. 

Emilio scratched the back of his neck, "No problem, Madeline."

He paused, realising it was best if he left now. 

"Do you have to go?" Madeline questioned.

"I think it's best if I do," Emilio said, looking miserable.

Madeline looked discouraged, but she replaced her frown with a smile, "I'll see you later."

"Of course," Emilio said, before he rushed out the door, back to his room like Xavier ordered. 

When he was leaving, he happened to run into Xavier, who was holding a bag filled with snacks and something else.

"Is that for her?" He questioned.

Xavier nodded, "It is." 

Emilio smiled, a look of understanding now on his face as he said to Xavier, "Good luck. I'll be on my way to my room now so don't you worry."

Xavier nodded, watching as Emilio disappeared from sight, returning to whence he came before he knocked on Madeline's door - which was unlocked.