You Take After Me

Cornelia couldn't help but laugh at how bold her daughter was being. It seemed like Madeline inherited her own boldness. 

"Well it seems like you took after me in another department," Cornelia said, chuckling before she told the girl, her face more serious than before, "You're right, I'm going to have to tell you the answer one way or another. Now is just not the time, dear."

Madeline was beginning to get annoyed at how Cornelia kept treating her like she was some porcelain vase that would break. She didn't need to be treated like she was fragile and couldn't be told stuff, even if it was because she wasn't supposed to know what Cornelia was purposely hiding from her, et cetera et cetera. 

"You didn't tell me why you left either," she pointed out, her voice now flat again. 

Cornelia sighed, tilting her head, "I know."