"My goodness, looks like I'll have to talk to Cornelia about this. I can't believe she's back to her old antics."
"Old? As in, she's done this more than once? And to other people?"
Rosalynn nodded, face filled with confusion. She thought Xavier would have told her.
"There was once a time even Xavier fell for it, thinking someone's life was on the line because of Cornelia."
Madeline opened and closed her mouth, but no words came out of it. The woman was too stunned to speak.
"Wait, seriously? Who did Cornelia threaten to–"
Rosalynn realised she had spoken out of line. So Xavier hadn't told her yet, she had expected him to have told her by now. Perhaps he was too embarrassed, or perhaps he didn't want to upset Madeline further.
"Forget I said anything," Rosalynn said.
"Eh? Why?"
"Cornelia does this a lot, it's not uncommon for people around her to be threatened. She thinks it's funny."