"So why are you the one giving me advice?"
"Because you seem like the type of person who won't do anything unless someone knocks some sense into you or tells you to do it," Lawrence admitted, asking him, "Why, have you ever been in a relationship?"
The whole room turned quiet. One should note that there were only two people in Xavier's office at the time, but it was enough for Lawrence to take the hint.
"And what happened?" Lawrence dared to ask.
"She's gone," Adrian said, refusing to specify or get into clearer detail.
Lawrence inhaled, "Sorry to hear that."
Adrian nodded, and Lawrence - despite being awfully ignorant sometimes - took it as a hint not to ask any further questions. In an attempt to lighten the mood and change the topic, Lawrence questioned, "So do you like Briar or do you not like her?"
"Don't you have the answer to that question already?" Adrian asked, his voice lowered.