What Do You Mean He's Dead?

[Author's Note: A reminder that this is a work of fiction, and that what is written in this chapter is medically inaccurate.]

Xavier left the dingy room, the ghost of a smile flitting across his handsome features. His shirt was bloodstained, and he could have sworn the bastard's blood had managed to stain his shoe as well. He was glad he had made the decision not to kill Lucas right then and there, it was far more satisfying hearing Lucas' screams and yelps of pain as he slowly - and very painfully - bled to his inevitable death. 

"YOU! C-COME BACK!" Lucas shrieked from the pain as he was left bleeding out on the floor. It took all his energy to call for Xavier. 

How dare he! This was not what he had anticipated when he wanted Xavier to kill him. He wanted it to be quick and precise, not slow and painful. Not like this. This was hardly the way he wanted to go out.