As My Pup Pleases

"So we're friends now."

"Unless you'd rather I call you my acquaintance."

"No no, let's go with friends."

"So be it."

"So, what do you like about my brother anyway?"

"Do you want the entire list or the summarised, short version?" Madeline asked.

"Are you joking?"

"I'm asking a genuine question here."

"Latter then."

Huffing, Madeline told Lawrence, "You could have just told me you came here to interrogate me."

"I didn't come here to interrogate you, I also came here to see if you were alright. And then maybe interrogate you a bit," Lawrence admitted.

"So he finally admits it. Hmph, why ask that question then, do you think I'm not a good enough mate for Xavier?" 


"I'm kidding."

'Thank luna,' he muttered.

"Could you repeat what you just said? I didn't quite catch that," Madeline said, peering up at him.


She tilted her head, "I love everything about him."