[BONUS CHAPTER] I Was Your First?

'Did you seriously just ask her what she thinks of pie?'

'I couldn't find something else to ask her, so I just asked her about the first thing I saw.' 


Madeline tapped Briar on the arm. 

'We should go,' Madeline mouthed. 

Briar nodded curtly. 

Lexie stared at Lawrence, not taking her eyes off of him. He looked amazing, dressed in his t-shirt and trousers.

"We should go now, I think Xavier and Adrian are waiting for us," Madeline said. 

She and Briar got up, bidding both Lexie and Lawrence goodbye before they left. 

Lawrence cleared his throat. 

"Why pie out of all things?" Lexie questioned.

"I meant to ask what your name was."

"My name?"

"I'm assuming Lexie is short for something."

"It's short for Alexandra. My name's Alexandra Kristibeth." 

"That's a short name."

"What's your name then?" Lexie asked, frowning.