I Love the Sound of That

"What are you trying to say? That I should just scare her away?"

"I said you could, I didn't say that you should do that."

"So what do you think I should do?"

"That's up to you," Briar said to him. 

"Seriously, won't Adrian be looking for you after work?"

"He stays there days at a time when he's busy, besides you're my friend." 

"Do you think Lexie considers me your friend?"

She scoffed, "You had a one night stand with her and you think she considers you a friend?" 

"You make a good point."

"I don't make a good point, I'm just speaking the principle."

"What principle?"

"That when you have one night stands with strangers they don't automatically become your friends overnight," Briar spoke, rolling her eyes at him as she muttered under her breath, 'No matter how good the sex was.'

"So she doesn't consider us friends, I get that now. What do I do next?"