You're Not Bad At Archery

"So, are we going to talk about the elephant in the room?" Xavier questioned. 

Madeline looked up, staring at Xavier. 

Briar scoffed, "He has a point, Maddie. We should talk about it." 

"I rather we not talk about it."

"Talk about what again?" Adrian questioned, too tired to remember what exactly they were talking about. 

Briar nudged him in the rib, wanting him to shut up. Could he be any more tone deaf?

Sure, she and Xavier had pretended like it wasn't Madeline's birthday for her sake but Xavier was right. They should have talked about it, it wasn't nothing, it was a special day. 

"It's nothing," Madeline said, waving her hand dismissively. 

"Her birthday," Briar explained. 

"Oh," Adrian said, realising he had just dug a hole for himself. He looked at Xavier, only to see Xavier glaring at him. He greeted, "Happy birthday."

"Thanks," Madeline said, an awkward smile etched across her face.