Isn't It Nice?

"Isn't it nice? All five of us together," Lawrence said, feigning a smile.

"We invited Lexie but she declined," Madeline whispered to Xavier, who let out a chuckle. 

"What's this about Delta Kristibeth?" Xavier asked his brother.

"She's nothing to me, we just… hang… out."

"They played archery together," Madeline explained, before she nudged Xavier, asking him, "Remember when we went and played archery?"

He looked back on when he and Madeline played archery. 

"Is she good at archery?" Xavier questioned.

"She beat me," Lawrence said bitterly. 

Briar - who was listening in on the conversation - asked him, "She beat you?" 

"We had some sort of challenge. Winner would get whatever they wanted."

"And what did she want?"

"I'm not telling you anything," Lawrence said, crossing his arms. 

Adrian placed his tumbler filled with coffee down. 

"It's not sex, is it?"