Chapter 87

Hu Yetao chewed on his ravaged thumbnail and nervously swung his legs back and forth whilst sitting on the edge of the hospital bed. Oscar stood next to him, arms crossed over his chest, not saying a word and face expressionless.

The silence in the infirmary was deafening, even the sound of heavy rain hitting the glass windows outside seemed muted as though in sympathy with the tension of the room within. Madam Chen had ensured that the infirmary was empty for their appointment time and the quiet was only adding to their anxiety.

The past two weeks had been two of the longest in Hu Yetao's life, but now that the moment had finally come, it felt as though the time had gone by in the blink of an eye. He'd gone to all of his classes as though on autopilot and, except for his one night of Animagus training, his evenings with Oscar had been subdued and quiet, not talking about the possible pregnancy but not talking about much of anything else either; mostly just remaining quietly lost in their thoughts.

Even though Oscar had been quiet, he'd been extraordinarily single-minded when it came to Hu Yetao's safety; his eyes sharply watching anyone who came near his mate. Hu Yetao had wanted to start taking meals in their room to help ease the obvious strain on his Alpha, but Oscar had said it would raise too much suspicion and so they continued; with Oscar attempting to moderate his reactions and Hu Yetao constantly worried about him.

To say they were both feeling a little ragged by the end of the fortnight was an understatement.

Hu Yetao looked up as Madam Chen finally emerged from her office and strode towards them, wand in hand and face set.

"Good evening gentlemen," she greeted absently as she stood at the foot of the bed. She rested her wand in both hands and looked at Hu Yetao. "There is a very simple detection spell which I will cast on you Mr. Yetao. You will not feel much, just a slight warming sensation around your abdomen, but no discomfort. It will only take a few seconds." She paused and then raised her wand in preparation. "The light will glow a pale yellow if there is a positive result and will be a deep blue if negative; very easy for everyone present to discern between the two, yes?" They both nodded dutifully in reply. "Are you ready?"

Hu Yetao nodded jerkily, heart thudding in his chest.

"Please lie down Mr. Yetao," she instructed gently.

Hu Yetao awkwardly slid down to lie on his back, glancing up when Oscar took his hand and held on tight. He wasn't sure if the gesture was meant to comfort him or Oscar, but at that point, he didn't care, and judging by the look on his Alpha's face, it was probably a bit of both.

"Gravida Revelare."

Hu Yetao turned back to the matron as a soft white light flowed from the tip of her wand and swept over him, encompassing his entire body for a moment before settling over his stomach.

Hu Yetao anxiously bit his lip as the light seemed to pulse there for only a second before the light shifted and vividly changed color before their eyes.

Hu Yetao's teeth sunk even deeper into his bottom lip as the bright yellow light seemed to burn directly into his retinas.

And then it was over; the yellow light abruptly disappearing.

Madam Chen cleared her throat as she lowered her wand. "I would usually offer my congratulations..." she said tentatively.

Hu Yetao swallowed thickly; gaze still glued to the spot where the yellow light had just been merrily glowing, at a loss for what to say.

Despite there being a fifty percent chance of this exact outcome, he still felt numb with shock. He honestly didn't know how he felt yet.

A warm squeeze to his clammy hand brought him back to the present.

"While this pregnancy was not precisely planned, it is certainly not unwanted."

Hu Yetao blinked and turned to look up at his Alpha. He knew surprise must have been written all over his face.

The corner of Oscar's mouth stretched up into a tiny smile, gaze soft as he looked down at him; causing hope to unfurl warmly in Hu Yetao's chest.

Madam Chen couldn't help but smile at the two of them. "I've already placed an order for a male pregnancy book for you Mr. Yetao," she said, reluctant to interrupt their little moment but need to give them further advice before they left the infirmary. "I should have one on hand for future cases regardless - if there ever are any. I will let you know when it is in my possession. I shall also charm the book so that no one else can read it except for the two of you."

"When do you think you will have it?" Hu Yetao asked, feeling a sudden wave of determination sweep through him.

It was like a switch had been flipped inside of him at the sight of that yellow light followed by the unmistakeable love in Oscar's eyes - and now nothing was more important to him than this fragile fetus growing inside of him.

"I expect it tomorrow," she replied swiftly. "In the afternoon. If you are in class then I will send it to your rooms with one of the house-elves."

Hu Yetao nodded, satisfied.

"Now, I shall start you on a very specific course of potions that will safeguard your young one against any errant magic that may leach into the womb. These potions also contain supplemental vitamins and a mild boost to your magic levels. You must take these potions every day Mr. Yetao. I expect you to help him to remember Mr. Wang," she added with a sharp look in his direction.

"Of course," Oscar replied evenly, and Hu Yetao did not doubt that his mate would be forcing these potions down his throat if he ever tried to skip one.

"I will have one of the house-elves deliver a seven-day supply to your rooms once a week. One of the potions you will take morning and night, and the other is once a day before bed. The bottles will be clearly labeled."

Hu Yetao nodded in understanding.

"I think that's all for today gentlemen," she said, tucking her wand away. "I will of course schedule some periodic check-ups with you, which will become more frequent the closer we get to your due date."

Hu Yetao slowly sat up and swung his legs over the side of the bed. "What is my due date? And will we be able to find out if it's a boy or a girl?"

Madam Chen smiled, her stern exterior cracking just a little as she gazed at one of her most frequent patients. "We may determine both of those things in future appointments if you wish."

Hu Yetao hopped off the bed, coughing to cover a snicker as Oscar quickly held him steady with both hands; as though he wasn't capable of standing up without assistance.

Hu Yetao presumed that this was going to be a very long nine months.