Chapter 88

Three weeks later, Hu Yetao was feeling great - but having problems he never expected to have. He finally decided to seek out Jing-Long to have a whinge.

They were both seated in the back of the library, at the last table next to the wall, piles of books all around them and a heavy Silencing Charm keeping their very private conversation truly private.

Oscar was at Quidditch practice and had nearly made Jing-Long swear an Unbreakable Vow to not leave Hu Yetao's side until he returned.

"What did you want to discuss?" Jung Long asked, still speaking quietly despite the Silencing Charm. "You looked rather frantic to speak with me," she couldn't help adding with concern.

"Oscar is driving me mental," Hu Yetao stated without preamble.

Jing Long bit his lip to hide a grin. "In what way?"

Hu Yetao moved a stack of books in front of him in case anyone in the library could lip read. "Ever since Madam Chen confirmed the pregnancy, he's been so bloody worried about me that he can't sleep at night. His stupid Alpha tendencies are irrationally concerned that someone is going to attack me while I'm asleep, so he stays up all night… to bloody guard me!"

Jing Long snorted but then nodded in understanding. "I thought he was looking a little worn-out recently. I suppose the fact that there was an attack on you only exacerbates his anxiety?"

"Yeah." Hu Yetao paused and ran a hand through his messy hair. "I could handle the non-sleeping, and the tired grumpy behavior that comes along with it, but he…" Hu Yetao sighed and knew it was a sign of how frustrated he was that he was talking to Jing-Long about this. "But he's too tired to have sex - and I am bloody gagging for it."

Jing Long laughed loudly in surprise then quickly clapped a hand over his mouth to stifle it at the look on his friend's face. "Sorry," he apologized, trying not to smile. "Is it pregnancy hormones which are causing you to… you know?"

"Yeah, definitely," Hu Yetao replied unequivocally.

Zhang Xinyao and Jing-Long had been amazingly supportive of the pregnancy news when he'd shared it with them. They hadn't looked surprised in the least, so Hu Yetao guessed they'd been expecting it ever since he mentioned that it was a possibility.

They were both concerned about the same things that Madam Chen was worried about though; the media getting ahold of the information and then Hu Yetao's attackers returning.

It was a secret they were all going to keep for as long as they could; which they suspected would be until Hu Yetao physically started to show.

"You wouldn't believe the lengths I've gone to attempting to seduce him - even for just a blow job," Hu Yetao continued in frustration, seemingly unable to censor his words now that he'd started. "He either falls asleep before we get started or he tells me that he's too tired or he has to study or he has a headache - I can't take it anymore!" he cried in exasperation, dropping his head into his hands. "I know it sounds mental but I am desperate and all he wants to do is fucking cuddle!"

(T/n: I'm here again 😂😂 You got a cuddle lol some people get nothing)

Jing Long laughed and moved a tall stack of books in front of her so that they were both completely hidden in their little corner.

"What about, er… helping yourself?" he suggested, cheeks turning slightly pink.

Hu Yetao lifted his head and looked at him. "I've practically sprained my wrist trying to lessen the desire and it doesn't help. It's not enough; it's not what my body wants."

"Ah, I see." Jing Long sat back in his chair, thoughtful. "I'm not sure I have any solutions for you Hu Yetao, it may be something you're just going to have to suffer through until your body's needs change, or until Oscar gets some proper rest."

Hu Yetao sighed and rubbed at his eyes. "Yeah, I thought as much."

"So how are you feeling - other than sexually frustrated?"

A reluctant smile pulled at Hu Yetao's lips as Jing-Long grinned at him in amusement. "Good. No morning sickness or anything like that, just sort of hungry all the time."

"Do you feel different?"

"Not really." Hu Yetao shrugged. "Oscar said I smell differently though, as though my scent has changed slightly."

"Oh that's interesting," Jing-Long responded, leaning forward. "Can he smell the baby do you think?"

"Possibly." Hu Yetao faces lit up with a genuine smile; that familiar burst of warmth exploding in his chest which always accompanied thoughts of Oscar being all paternal.

Jing Long noticed the look on his face and smiled. "So how's Oscar coping? Other than the not sleeping thing of course. He's always with you so I never have the opportunity to ask."

"I know," Hu Yetao said ruefully. "Sorry about that. Other than the night-guarding issue, I don't mind the overly-protective side of his behavior," he added with an amused grin, "just in case you were worried that I was secretly annoyed."

Jing Long laughed. "Oh I know you don't mind Hu Yetao, I can see it on your face every time he puts an arm around you or glares at another Alpha… It's quite entertaining. I've always said it was time someone looked after you for a change."

Hu Yetao grinned. "Oscar's been rather calm about the baby itself, now that the pregnancy has been confirmed. He's very… practical about the whole thing. Hasn't told his parents yet though," he added with a smirk.

"I don't envy him that conversation," he said, eyes widening.

"Shui Xian will be fine," Hu Yetao replied confidently. "I think he's very much looking forward to having grandchildren, it's Xiaocheng that will be the problem."

"Because you're so young and still in school? Or do you think he'll only be upset because of the danger you're in right now?"

"Both." Hu Yetao snorted. "I don't think he's the type to approve of accidents."

"Are you going to be there when he informs them of the impending bundle of joy?" Jing Long grinned.

Hu Yetao laughed and shook his head. "Yeah, I wouldn't leave him to do that on his own. We're going to tell them before Su Miake's party next week. Oscar thought it would be a tactical advantage to tell them about their future grandchild directly before attending a party to welcome a new baby. He thinks it will soften them."

Jing Long nodded. "I think it's a good plan," he agreed. "Are you sure it's safe for you to attend though?"

"Oscar will be with me, and I'm using my Invisibility Cloak for traveling between Hogwarts and their home."

"And Keyu will be there," Jing-Long reminded him with a roll of his eyes. "Does he still not know that you're pregnant?"

"He keeps asking but I refuse to confirm or deny it," Hu Yetao said blithely, falling back against his chair with a heavy sigh. "Chenchen will be at the party too. I wish you and Xinyao had been invited, I'm going to be outnumbered."

"Yes, that is a fair number of Slytherins," he observed with a raised brow.

"It'll be fine, I'll just hang out near the food table and play with the new baby."

Jing Long smiled affectionately at his friend, absently toying with the edge of one of the large texts in front of her. "You're going to be a great father Hu Yetao," he said with quiet confidence.

Hu Yetao looked up and smiled. "I'm going to try my best," he said.