New Home

The next day i woke up and immediately looked around at my surroundings, by the next day all the bones had been picked clean. All I could see were skeletons throughout the village so I figured that it was going to be time for me to leave. I picked up 2 swords that were left in the blacksmith's place and found a large sack that had somehow been spared in a wooden bin. I tied the sword to my waist and threw the food in the sack before making my way out of the village. If i stay here then i'll obviously be dragged to the nearby city to be interrogated for what happened so it's best that i stay away from civilization.

I decided that I am going to travel deeper into the wilds, Yes it may be stupid because of my weak strength. However, as long as I find a decent cave I can carve some runes into the ground and make a makeshift shelter away from here. That being said, I made my way across the plains and into the hills. I saw some wolves scattered here and there but thankfully I was downwind so I slowly made my way around them. I eventually was able to come across a small cave so I carefully checked inside to make sure it wasn't a cavern. Thankfully it was not and it only went about 30 meters at a curve so as long as I stay at the far end then I should be fine.

I set down my sack and one of the swords before making my way back to the front of the cave. I slowly started to carve the rune for Faas into the ground while staying as quietly as possible. It ends up covering nearly the whole front of the cave. I then carved around it in all four directions the runes Lahvraan and Lah meaning Gather and Magicka. These two runes pull the magic in the air towards the Faas rune allowing it to stay active and more powerful. I then jump started all the runes with my own magic so they don't affect me.

The Magic I used last night used nearly all the mana from a 15cm diameter mana wisp. This however is running off the mana in the surroundings making it nearly 20X more powerful, of course this is only because I am still very weak. However the rune is still powerful enough to scare away nearly all the beasts around here when they get within 100m and it should scare the rest away by 50m.

Now that I've "beast proofed" my base then I can start exercising. Since I had never really exercised before, I had to start from scratch. I decided to try anything that made my muscles work more than usual and I eventually found some basic exercise positions like pushups, planks, and I also tried things like lifting a heavy rock over my head and setting it back down.

I continued doing this until my entire body was sore and then I sat back down in the back of the cave and meditated. I used the mana I gained to further strengthen my muscles and afterwards I continued to pull in mana and combine it with the wisp of mana in my soul realm. I continued doing this until it was about 30cm in diameter and then I chose to take a break.

I walked over to open up my bag and grabbed something to eat and i realized that I was thirsty. I hadn't drank anything in over a day and I've been so high on adrenaline and trying to secure my own survival that I didn't even bother to grab a drink.

Thankfully I had passed a pond on the way here that had a waterfall pouring into it. I slowly snuck over to the area while keeping an eye on my surroundings. I saw a group of 4 magic doe's at one side of the pond drinking some water so I stayed on the opposite side and made my way over to the waterfall. Once I got over to it I decided that it was probably a good time to wash myself off aswell so I took off my shirt and pants and walked onto a log that was conveniently going from one side of the pond to the other right under the waterfall.

I used my mana and circulated it to my feet to help me stick to the log. Judging by the rate I am losing my mana I have about 15 minutes till I'm out and I could slip, so I immediately started washing myself down. I rubbed every corner of my body trying to wash as much grime off of me from the last few days as I could. I also cupped my hands and collected some water to drink as I was standing there.

After about 10 minutes of allowing the water to rush off my body I decided that I had drank enough water and cleaned myself off enough so I walked off the log and threw my clothes back on. I made sure I drank enough water for another day or so as I could feel the water moving around in my stomach as I was moving back to my cave.

When I got back I sat down in the corner and meditated for an hour and was able to get myself back to peak condition before I fell asleep in the far corner.