I woke up the next morning and ate some fruit, surprisingly I had eaten less than normal. This might be from the mana I have circulating in my body. Perhaps once I get stronger I won't even have to eat or drink and all my energy will be supplied by mana.
After I finished eating I started working out again, it took me about an hour to exhaust myself and half an hour to relax myself so I did this for about 3 hours before I decided to eat again for lunch.
After lunch I looked through and found a few spells that would be good for me to work on, one is a spell that allows me to make a magical axe that I can use, although it's intended use might be for war I am going to use it for defense and for cutting down trees.
The second spell was a crafting spell, all I had to do was imagine what I wanted to make with the materials in front of me and the spell would create it for me, this will help me a lot as I can fuse 2 materials together with the spell instead of trying to nail them together. This will help me put a gate in front of the cave as I don't know how to build one. I looked through and read through some attack spells and escape spells before continuing the grueling training for another 6 hours before I ate.
After I ate some bread and some fruit I decided to walk back over to the lake and rinse myself off and get something to drink. There weren't any animals there this time and I got back home very quickly.
I continued doing this day by day for a whole week, the first day my mana increased to 90cm3. The second it increased to 2.1m3. The third it increased to 3.8m3. The fourth it increased to 6.3m3. The fifth it increased to 9.7m3. The sixth it increased to 13m3 and the seventh it increased to 17m3.
This whole week my physical strength has increased. Before I could barely lift 60 pounds and with the magic reinforcing me I can lift nearly 400 now, it may seem insane but pushing my body to its limits, healing it, pushing it even further, healing it, and so on and so forth for a whole week will really boost your strength.
Now that the week is over I have about 5 days left of food, since I haven't been needing to eat as much, my food has been extended 2 days. In 3 days I should start hunting but for now I am going to start working on building up my little cave. I then went outside and used the Hahkun spell to chop down a tree, it was pretty loud falling, but thankfully I have the fear runes placed around to ward off all the creatures that would have been attracted to the noise.
I then used the Wahl spell to transform the wood into 30 planks that are about 3m long , the extra bark and leaves were converted into easy fire starters. I picked up the planks and carried them back to the cave before grabbing the Firestarter and setting it inside as well.
I wanted to see how far I could build the gate before I had to use the Wahl spell so I walked over to one side of the cave's entrance and used Dwiirok to carve out a hole for a wooden plank to fit snuggly at about a meter off the ground. I did the same for the other side and placed a plank in each end about 1m into the stone and I ended up having a gap of about 1 meter between the planks in the middle. I then cut a plank in half and used Dwiirok to carve 2 holes about half a meter deep right where the two planks ended and placed the two half planks into the holes so that the 2 planks coming out of the walls would rest on top of these half planks.
I then carve out a small hole in the top of the cave to slide 2 planks up to rest on top of the plank coming out of the walls. After that I took two planks and made 2 holes a little more than 3m off the ground into the sides of the walls and I placed the 2 planks into the holes so that they would be pushed against each other in the middle just in front of the frame. I then carved 2 holes at ground level and pushed the planks in so that the end closest to the doorway would line up right in front of the frame. At that point I knew that I would need everything together so I decided to use the Wahl spell just to fuse the planks together so there were no gaps anymore.
Then I got to placing the walls, because I placed the top 2 planks just above 3m, I could set the planks on top of the bottom plank and it fit snugly in between the two against the frame. I did this with the whole length and even carved out part of the wall to perfectly fit the planks all together, then on top of the 2 upper horizontal planks I laid more planks across the top to the top of the cave before fusing all the planks to the frame. After it was fused to the frame I then fused the frame with the cave.
I then used Wahl to make a door and used the leftover stone from Dwiirok to make hinges for the door. I then used Wahl to fuse the hinges to the door and Doorframe. I then used some of the leftover wood to fuse it with the door to make a door handle with a simple latch and that finished up the 26th plank.
I then carried the 4 extra planks to the back of the cave where with no light coming in I could barely see so I used a spell called Yol while supplying just enough mana to keep it going while having it float in the air. This gave me enough light to see the back of the cave. I walked to the back corner where I usually sleep and used Dwiirok to pull out a slab that was half a meter from the ground and half a meter deep. I then placed this slab vertically 2.5m away and placed the 4 planks inside the hole so they rested on the slab. Afterwards I used Wahl to fuse the wood with the slab and then fused that to the cave where it is connecting.
Tired, I ate some food and meditated while repeating my usual daily routine. Then for the next two days I stalked the doe's that come to the lake to find out their drinking patterns. When I finally found the perfect time to kill one I grabbed my sword and prepared. Finally after 2 weeks I'm going to eat meat again.