For the past two days I have memorized when the Doe's come and go from the pond. I am going to ambush one of them for the meat and pelt. I hid on a tree downwind of where they would appear and waited for their arrival. After about half an hour the usual group of four doe's come, however the one that was usually the biggest one looked a lot skinnier this time. In fact it looked as though the doe had lost nearly a tenth of its weight. Lo and behold a few seconds later I see 2 young fawns stumbling out of the woods. I was surprised to find out that the doe had been pregnant but this is a good opportunity for me to score some companions. Thankfully I had learned a spell called Gron before I came just to make sure the doe's didn't escape.
I slowly snuck up next to the group of deer making sure not to make any noise. "Gron" I whispered as some vines shot out of the ground and wrapped up the deer and 2 fawns. I then tied the 3 together and dragged them back to my cave. I used the Dwiirok spell to carve the ground out about 3m down and used Wahl to build up some walls surrounding the hole with the excess dirt. Afterwards I lowered the 3 into the hole and released them. The doe was obviously freaking out and trying to jump out but it couldn't even make it halfway up, eventually it got tired and layed down and its fawns immediately went for the milk.
Afterwards I went towards where I had normally seen the wolves wandering around. Yes you heard me right, I'm going for the wolves. I chopped down a small tree and carried it with me as i moved over and when i noticed that there was a small pack near me i used Dwiirok to make a hole in the ground that was 5x5x5m and used wahl to make planks to set over the hole while i placed the dirt back on top of the planks. I then used the rest of the wood to make a tiny wooden frame that laid on the ground that I could cover in dirt. This frame was something I could crawl under and leave a tiny hole in front for me to see the dirt covered planks.
I then snuck back to the hole where I left the 3 deer and used Gron to bind the fawns and pulled them up top. The doe started going ballistic but I just had to ignore it. I then broke the legs of the fawns and tied their mouths shut with vines before dragging them to the trap. I then placed them right in the middle and used a vine to hold their bodies to the ground before undoing the vine covering their mouth and hurriedly hiding under the wooden frame and covering it with dirt. As soon as they realized that they could cry again they started calling out for their mother as loud as they could.
About 2 minutes later I could see a few wolves slowly making their way over. The ear piercing cry of the fawns distracted the wolves from their other senses long enough for all 5 wolves to walk onto the wooden platform and attack the fawns. The moment the last wolf stepped on the platform I immediately used Wahl to separate the planks and wood and drop the wolves into the pit.
I then walked over to the edge of the pit to see 5 wolves angrily staring up at me. My plan worked thankfully, and I'm exhausted. I decided to leave them there for the night as they won't be able to jump out as it is too deep.
I came back the next morning and found them all sleeping, thankfully I was silent as I came up so now is the perfect time. I used Gron to tie them all to the ground, unable to move their heads or any other part of their body. I then dropped myself down in the hole next to them and they all tried to escape from the roots and get to me. I decided to try a compound spell today, if it didn't work then I can just use a normal one but let's try this. "Mid Mir Raan" I spoke as I touched the head of one of the wolves. It twitched a few times before finally settling down and looked up at me with loyalty in its eyes.
I then did this with the other 4 wolves and had them show me back to there home/territory. There was a single female wolf caring for about 4 pups when I got there so I had the 5 wolves I had tamed make her calm down before I used the spell on her and the pups. Now I had a pack of 6 wolves and 4 pups so I picked the pups up and carried them as I walked back to my cave. The Rune didn't affect the wolves as they had my mana signature binding them to me, thankfully that allowed me avoiding to have to take down the runes.
The closer we got to the cave the more the wolves seemed to relax. I noticed before that the amount of mana near my cave is a lot higher than the amount farther away, I assume it is because I have runes pulling the mana towards it. Hopefully this doesn't start attracting the more daring animals, but with the wolves here I shouldn't have to worry.
When the wolves layed down I decided to go cut a small tree for some firewood and made a small woodpile next to the entrance. I used Dwiirok to carve some stone out of the side of the cave, I took the stone and used Wahl to make it so 2 1m wide .5m tall slabs were on the ground sideways facing vertically, fused to the ground. While another .5m2 slab layed on top and was fused to the both of them. There was a .5m2 area for a bowl to sit on the stone so with the last bit of stone I made a jagged stone knife for cutting and a stone poker( think of it as a small dagger with no edge just a pointy tip, stab it into something and that something will stick to it)
I threw some logs under the stone and used Yol to light them on fire. I then went over to the hole where the Doe was and used Gron to tie it down before hopping in the hole and breaking its neck. I then dragged it up top and over near the fire, I decided to use dwiirok again to make an indent in the wall(like a hidden shelf) and layed the deer on it. I used some of the stone to make 2 large bowls and 10 smaller bowls as well as a stone ladle.
I then used Wahl to separate the pelt, meat, bones, guts, blood. The Blood went in one bowl while the guts and organs went into another, I used Wahl to them mix all the guts and organs together and separated some water from the blood and threw it into the bowl so I could set it on the fire to make an easy soup for the wolves.
I then picked the big bowl up and set it on the open .5m of the stone and left it there to cook. I then walked back over and separated the meat before placing them on the heated stone. "Sizzle" I could hear the meat cooking as well as see the steam rising the moment I put it on the stone.
I looked up to see I had a few eyes watching me. "You guys will get some when it's done." I spoke and they all nodded. I guess it must be a perk of the Mid Mir Raan spell to translate your intent to your servants.
After the meat was done cooking me and the wolves split it all, we finished the whole deer in one sitting and man I am stuffed. I then sat down between all of them and meditated before looking up and watching it get dark so I opened the door and had the wolves come into the cave. I then went back into the corner to my bed and layed down before all the wolves layed down around me and fell asleep while 4 little rascals tackled me and used me as a pillow. I then drifted off to sleep as I enjoyed the warmth.