Over the next 6 months the other wolves evolved. First was the only female of the pack, I named her Asena, Then came the other 4 boys who I named Spenti, Sor, Santo, and Amarok. Amarok happened to be the odd one out so I gave him a different name. It's not because he was any weaker, It's actually because he likes hunting alone and whenever he returns you can feel the bloodlust on him. He seems to really enjoy fighting and often tries to pick a fight with Fenrir and always gets knocked down. Also on another note, I just found out that the four of the were the first borns of Fenrir and Asena from 2 years ago. It seems like last year things were too tough and they never had the chance to have pups so it was delayed a year. This interested me as I had never heard of animals skipping a year between pregnancies, but I guess it was probably because of Amarok as they probably had to keep an eye on him all the time otherwise he'd disappear.
On another note, iI have gotten to the 7th stage and I have 1457m3 if mana right now. Fenrir is not far behind at 1420 and the rest are still in 1200-1300. The puppies are getting ready to go on their first hunt soon, however they are also nearing their time for evolution so we are going to try and do all of them at the same time. We've been preparing for a week now as the pups have gotten closer and closer to the 200m3. We have a 6 pointed formation now with all the adult wolves ready to help the 4 pups who are sitting in the center.
We are ready to begin our ceremony so I once again picked up a jar with liquid mana, this time it was just over double what I currently had in my body. I drank the whole thing as I began to speak in Runic. "Zu'u ofan hi 4 daar namdro do suleyk, hi kos Nu Freki, Geri, Hati, ahrk Skoll," I spoke while looking at the two boy pups before looking at the two girls. I watched as their little bodies started to twitch in pain just before the formation kicked in. They then calmed down but I could still see shivers on their bodies. As they twitched I noticed the hair on their bodies changing. Freki's was turning black, Geri's was turning brown, Hati's was also turning Black however with green highlights, while Skoll's was changing white with orange highlights.
I started to get even more alarm bells but I just pushed it aside. Nothing bad could happen….Right?
Then I felt it.
The mana in my body started to collapse inward.
"Master" The wolves screamed looking at me as i became pale
I fell over in pain wondering what was happening till I realized… "I'm evolving!" I said surprised.
Nothing about this was mentioned in the book? It never said anything about the only guy to pass the 8 stages having evolved. Every corner of my body was wracked in pain as I felt my cells screaming in joy as they changed to something new…. Something better…. And then everything went black.
{Some Tens of Billions of Years Ago}
"The great filter is upon us, this child is the last hope for something to be passed on" An old voice said
"But what if it doesn't work? The origin code could collapse the known uni-" A middle aged man questioned.
I woke up in a cold sweat gasping for air wondering what the scene I just saw was.
I looked around and saw the wolves sleeping, the Hati and Skoll were curled up next to me as Freki and Geri were at my feet. We were outside again, Fenrir was awake as always. Gazing into the night sky.
"Only a few hours this time" He said
"Good, I'd hate to have scared you all like I did during your evolution."
"Oh you scared us alright…. You died for a minute there. Everyone else was already asleep though. It was why you gasped for air so suddenly. You had just taken your first breath in almost 3 minutes."
I was shocked. "I saw a vision." I said.
"What was it about?"
"I don't know, I heard voices. Something about an origin code, and then I woke up."
"Then that's probably why you died."
"You mean?"
"You probably had to die to see those visions, however it also wasn't your time yet so you were sent back."
"That makes….A little bit of sense. However I am still terrified."
"You'll get over it." He said while returning to look at the stars.
I was surprised at his words for a minute, but I still joined him to enjoy the night sky. After a few minutes I started to smell blood and both I and Fenrir looked over to see a blood stained Amarok walking towards us.
"Yo Master, Glad you're still in the land of the liv-"
"Go take a damn bath." Fenrir and I interrupted him at the same time.
"Tch" He clicked his tongue.
"Hold up, I'll join you as I didn't take one tonight either." I spoke before looking at Fenrir.
"Oh well It's not like anything will come near here anyways." He said before lifting his large frame. Let me remind you that after Fenrir went through his evolution he was no longer the waist sized wolf like before. Both He and Asena got some perks of being the Alphas of the pack and stand at about 2m in height and about 4-5m long. Amarok also evolved bigger but he was 2.5m tall and almost 6m long. So here I am, an almost 2m tall Human walking with wolves whose heads can rest on my shoulders.
We got to the pond and i took off my clothes before wading into the water with the two. I looked down at the water and noticed something different. "My eyes are a different color" I said while looking at the two Multicolored crystals situated in my face.
"Yup" Fenrir responded while finding a shallow rock to lay on and finally resting his head on one that was sticking out of the water.
I saw Amarok do the same while I also found a rock to rest on. The three of us often found ourselves here. Fenrir, to relax the stress of managing everyone. Amarok, to calm his mind after a slaughter, And me just tagging along as it was a peaceful atmosphere. Although Amarok may be a bloodthirsty slaughterer, he is still the most mature out of his brothers. He seems more like a battle junkie who slaughters because no one is his challenge.
"You know, master?" Amarok spoke.
"You've given all of us names, so what's yours?"
"Oh, my name is s-"I was about to say it before something sounded in my head
"Kóði Uppruni" A female voice sounded {AN: Pronounced - Kothee Uprunee, He will just be referenced as Kothee so i don't have to come back and copy this every time I write his name. If it is something Official or in another flashback then it will be written as Kóði, but if it is unofficial and in a casual setting then everyone will call him Kothee.}
"What were you saying, master?"
"Kóði Uppruni" I said. No one is left that remembers my old name so misewell accept the one given to me by my visions. "My name is Kóði Uppruni." I spoke confidently.