We went back home when the sun was starting to come up. Asena was already awake, lying there and looking at the morning sun before turning to me.
"I'm glad you're alright, Master." She spoke in a soft Matured voice.
"Thanks Asena" I replied
Since no one else was awake I decided to go inside. I then went over to the cave, in which the entrance I had renovated a few months ago to make it larger so the wolves could come in. I walked inside and grabbed another pair of clothes, This one being a pair I had made with the pelts of some of the deer we had hunted. A lot of things had happened in the past few months, however now that I know that I have evolved at the end of stage 7. I must prepare for Fenrir's evolution. Thankfully it is gonna take probably 2 months till he is ready.
I then sat down on my bed. I also should start preparing to return, I need to kill those bandits. I also need some equipment, these swords are getting rusty and they were of poor quality anyway. I decided to look through the book to find a spell that would solve my problem.
Eventually I came across a spell called Sii Zeim, meaning see through. I wonder if I can set it so I only see through some things and not others. I thought to myself as I started playing around. I was able to do just that as I made it so the wood was transparent, then the stone, and I realized there were different spots in the ground where different color ores could be seen. "This is like a miner's dream." I said out loud.
I started to use Dwiirok to carve my way to one of them, it ended up being a brownish metal. Upon closer inspection it was Iron, the top layer had rusted from the moisture in the ground. I continued looking for different ores as I dug my way deeper and deeper. Eventually I returned to the surface with samples of the different metals I had found. {AN: yes the MC just downloaded the XRAY texture pack}
I had a bag of different metals that I had found underground. Some of them were malleable in my hands while others were too hard. I started sorting through them and finding their properties one by one, whether it be soft and malleable or hard and brittle and eventually came down to the conclusion that none of these were good enough for making a sword out of. Some of them have the properties I want, while others don't.
I eventually came up with the idea of mixing the metals. I tried mixing two together and it came out too malleable for my liking. I mixed another two and it came out too brittle. I continued doing this for an hour, trying and failing over and over and over. Eventually I gave up and went outside. I then noticed that Fenrir was missing as Looked out the door before I was tackled by Hati and Skoll.
"We were so worried when you passed out." They both said.
"Thanks, you two, I'm fine now. I just wasn't expecting to go through an evolution since there is nothing about humans evolving in the book."
"Are you sure you're alright?" They asked again with worried looks on their faces.
"Yes, I'm fine. This evolution probably means that I'll go through an evolution every time you are supposed to. If I don't then maybe it is every other time as I don't remember evolving when Fenrir evolved, however I also did pass out for a few days when he evolved." I said thinking back if anything had changed when I had last gone unconscious. From my memory I seemed to have blended in more with the environment since then. Almost as if I've become part of it. After thinking about it more deeply I come to the conclusion that I will evolve just like the Magic Beasts do.
I push the thought to the back of my head and continue to converse with the 4 who are just being able to speak to me for the first time.
They all seemed really excited to finally be able to communicate with me and were firing off questions of just about everything for a little more than an hour until Fenrir came back from a hunt.
I started a fire with some firewood that was already chopped up and hung three deer over the flames so they would cook.
As the deer meat was cooking I made idle chat with the wolves. Being able to speak with someone and not be all alone in these woods has really helped me recover mentally from all that happened 7 months ago.
We then proceeded to eat and talk about future plans.
"I am planning on returning to the Human kingdoms in another 3 months."
"Are you leaving us?" one of the pups said.
"No, I will return after I finish what I need to do. Until then I would like you guys to just stay safe and keep strengthening yourselves."
"Don't worry, I'll make sure they all stay out of trouble." Asena said.
"I know you will, besides I won't be leaving for another 3 months so we have plenty of time. When I return I would like to go deeper into the woods. I have a feeling that the further we enter the better the rewards will be."
"That will be quite dangerous, the furthest I have gone is about 4 hours west of here and the beasts near there were mainly around the 5th stage with a handful at the 6th stage with a few scattered around at the seventh stage." Amarok stated
"That's why this will only happen half a year from now as most of you should be able to reach past the 8th stage by then." I replied. "Before I leave I would also like to take these four out for a hunt. I want to make sure they can defend themselves in case anything happens while I'm gone." I say while looking at the four pups.
"Yay" they reply, as they have been forced to stay back at the cave as they were too young until now.
"Alright so let's finish eating and set off in a few hours after lunch." I said while returning to my food.