Chapter 4




In the middle of an all day download Saturday, the Wikileaks and "Guffybomb" release, I start to see slight patterns. Women ascending to the highest levels of power, all because of men's selfish ways.


Iowa's first elected female governor. All because of the male democrat opponent getting exposed for having not one, but two mistresses. Original source, unknown.


The first female director of FEMA has a "power lunch" with two top female senators. One of the topics discussed, dealing with "social injustices on populations." Something the media glazes over quickly.


After the failed military coup in Columbia of 2018, the first female Vice President was elected. The political madness ushered in a new level of distrust for the American military machine. Republican ancestors would roll over in their graves at the level of ineptitude and incompetency their heirs would inherit when having the House, Senate, and Presidency. 


Nothing but infighting and demonizing any of their opponents. They accomplish nothing in the first four years of making us great again. It seemed more about dividing each and every single one of us. 


Something, the President survived, even with his "history" he somehow skates better than Nixon, convincing his followers to continue to believe.


Women meanwhile never went after each other, Republican, Democrat, even with tensions high during the coup. Both sides, women ignored each other, instead focusing on recruitment of more women at all levels of politics. 


A "Bernie movement" but with an almost unmentioned undertone, not noticed by normal Joe's. The motto; "Take it back" struck a chord. Women, Mother Nature, femininity itself, had enough of endless wars, black budget covert acts of aggression. 


Suddenly all local races were getting more outside money from different corporations. Female controlled corporations. There aren't many, but the ones that do exist, got involved heavily, always for one gender, regardless of affiliation. Even Libertarian and Green parties get media attention, real attention. Female celebrities began backing different local elections, always backing the female candidates. 


Unprecedented and the establishment caught with their collective pants down. Men retreated to their secret Bilderberg meeting. Soon after, a new wave of mistresses came forward all across the spectrum. Bankers. Politicians. Executives. Actors. Directors. Athletes. 


You had a dick and an ounce of power, you were a target. You couldn't change the channel without finding a new man to hate.


Some were silenced; some became daily distractions for the masses. A Russian hacker was blamed. Some elite secret dating site was the cover. The simple explanation. 


The shakeup was immediate. Divorce filings, executives stepping down from their thrones. Women weren't replacing men at the top, just yet. They were moving up, and the man ahead of them had just as many secrets. They were set up to fail. It was a matter of distrust, and even lower expectations. Once titans of industry, now unemployable.


To the uninformed, it was just politics. But to the educated, this was just the first wave of a new, stealthily hostile takeover.


The elite thought it could be contained to "political power" until the "rise" made its way across the pacific. India, China, the Middle East all being hit by similar "unknown hacks". Homosexual relationships being outed in areas where it was still punishable by death. Pedophilia by some of the most respected world leaders. Some of the most powerful men in the world, being reduced to toxic waste. Exposed for all their horrid secrets. Stock markets going nuts, so much volatility. Each week a corporation losing value, selling itself, dumping its CEO without their golden parachutes. 


My source material grew as "my story" became massive. The longer I collected, and wrote, the more I had to wait.


Maybe take a vacation, put it all together. I need one; I'm seeing a female takeover in classified leaks.