Chapter 5




Before I open my eyes, I think its Monday. I'm on vacation.


I groan slightly, when my abduction nightmare is still real. Sweatshirt makes a shitty pillow. My back is aching and I haven't moved. Day three is starting out lovely.


"Good morning sleepy head!" I hear two female voices cheerfully say in unison.


I set up and shocked silent. In front of me two Hooters girls; both wearing blonde wigs and transparent Marilyn Monroe masks, standing at the open door. One has the stun gun, the other spins a pair of handcuffs on her finger. 


In shock, I lay back down without response. Another coincidence, them wearing those outfits. 


"That's no way to start the day!" One says from out of view.


Something lands on my stomach, the familiar jingle of metal gives away my "present".


"Put on your new we can start our fun!"


I look back at them, trying not to let their outfits blind me. I sigh out of frustration, then grab the handcuffs. I have no power, so I try to make some.


"Ladies...Can I get my morning smoke in before, whatever this is?"


They eye each other under the masks before one of the blondes responds, "You have five minutes."


I light the cigarette, "Good stuff, so what's this? You guys check my browsing history; my shopping habits...what kind of hackers are you?"


I exhale smoke as I feel the tension between us build. They don't respond, or even look to each other. Confidence. 


"If I didn't know better, I'd say you were NSA...or one the other off the books agencies?"


One looks to the other, who cracks the stun gun to life. "He's smart...funny-"


"Too bad he's not that attractive." The blue eyed blonde finishes.


I slowly stand, and chuckle at our lovely banter, then flick the cigarette at her. It hits perfectly on her exposed chest, causing a momentary distraction. I'm fast and have to move quickly.


The other girl reacts slowly; by the time I reach her I have a second's jump. I shove her hard into the blue eyed blonde. I hear the two collide, and crash into the wall, as I rush out the door. Just imagine Batman against two hot, well....Hooters girls.




Cold open air. I'm cold, under dressed, without shoes, in a t-shirt, but I can run. I don't know what direction, but I run.


My feet throb and ache as I run over rocks and hard dirt. I feel each ripple of land under foot.  My lungs burn, as I can't suck enough air.


Out of fear, I look back and see the two girls. Skipping together in unison, in my direction. Fear and adrenaline cause me to use my afterburners. Muscles I haven't used in years, grind and tear. Each step, I feel my strength wain.


Running down a field, I try to make my way for any kind of opening. A ridge. A line of trees. Nothing but untouched nature in every direction. 


My mind wants to panic. My lungs want to give up. I look back and see them, still skipping together. Both laughing. Looking in my direction.


Mouthful of paste. Body weak and wants to lie down. A grouping of trees thirty feet ahead. My way out. Or my last stand. I give it all just to fall face first behind the first tree.


Pathetic. I know it. I can't stop gasping, almost hyper ventilating. My legs and arms tingle. I can't catch my breath, no matter how many weak gasps I choke out.


I can hear their giggling calls, twigs snapping coming closer.


My body has nothing. Forcing my rubber legs to support my weight, costs me time.


"There you are!...Silly, silly, silly boy..."


The blue eyed blonde. Only one of them?


" someone out of shape!?" The other coming from behind a tree.


Fuck. My eyes dart from each masked girl. The green eyed blonde zaps the stun gun to life, slowly strolling towards me. 


"Did someone wun-outta gas?" The blue eyed girl asks, adjusting her wig. She unlocks the handcuffs from her wrist, tossing them at me.


I catch and reluctantly eye each girl. The green eyed girl slowly coming closer, showing the stun gun. Her eyes focused intently on me.


"Go ahead, do it." She pushes, "Give me a reason."




She's five feet away. Her eyes intense.


"Heh-heh-heh...that the plan...scare me into imprisoning myself?...You zap me out here, means you have to drag me back...I'm not...scared of pain...and I two little girls can't carry me back!"




Two feet. Her eyes on fire. I swear she's smiling evilly under the mask. She holds her empty hand out.


"You're right...we're not carrying you anywhere." She says with an eerie tone.


I hesitantly hand over the cuffs, and she immediately hits me with the stun gun. 




Pain everywhere. I hit the ground hard. My gut, hurts to breath. Hurts to hold air. Hurts to think words.


My body curls up and I twitch on the ground. All I can do is look up as they stand over me. Both staring down, both using one foot to hold me down.


The blue eyed blonde speaks first, "Go get the cart...I'll stay with our pet."


The green eyed blonde nods, then walks over me. Directly stepping on my chest. More pain. No air. Surprised, I watch her walk away, and I'm slightly hurt as I watch her walk away.


The blue eyed blonde takes her shoe, and shoves my chin to face her. My eyes instinctively run up her hosed leg, then to her mask. 


"Did you enjoy your moment of power?...You know I'm going to have to hurt you for this?"


I look back the other way, my jaw clenched.


"Na-ah! Don't be looking for her to help you!"


I feel her kneel down on my chest. Her legs distract me, shinning in the afternoon sun.


"When you're a bad-little-boy, I get to punish...and I love using may not be afraid of pain, but you will be afraid of me!"


I want to say something, but I can't speak. Fucking bitch.


"Do you wanna say something? Maybe something smart..."


She pushes down, her knees pushing the air from my lungs.


"What? What is it? Is Mr. Writer without the thirty dollar comebacks?"






"Ugghh!" I can't help but moan out.


Pain everywhere. Fucking bitch! Again my body spasms and she holds me down with one foot. I see those blue eyes, piercing me through that mask. We stare at each other. It's almost as if some unspoken relationship forms. She gives me pain. I can take it. Am I submissive? Masochistic?


Would that explain my own sexual desires?


"Why...why me?...What...did...I do?"


She squats down, using her knees to pin my arms down. I'm turned on, and can't tell if I'm hard.


"When you are a good boy, you get answers...when you're bad, you get torture."


In the distance I can hear a familiar golf cart motor coming closer.


" were...going torture me...anyway."


She looks back down, stroking my face gently, "Because I knew you were going to be a bad, bad little boy. We have no disillusions about your character...You're not going to be broken easily...that's why we chose you."


I have to look confused, as she leans in and plants a kiss on my lips. I try to resist, but she easily holds my head in place. Giggling under the mask. My lips are held against plastic.


"Starting without me?"


The blue eyed blonde looks up laughing, "He's trying to squirm...I had to!"


I look over to the green eyed blonde confused. She walks from a golf cart similar to mine at work. Except this one has a seat in the back bed. 


I'm flipped over on my chest. Taste dirt, I'm face down next to an ant hill. I feel the handcuffs locking me into submission.


"Well, if you get to be nice to him...that means I get to be mean!"


Great. I see a pair of white New Balance shoes walking up to my face. The right foot reaches over, pushing at my head.


"You hear that?"


Don't respond! Do not give them anything! I grit my teeth, and look up.


"If you think she can be cruel, one night of punishment from me, and you will never look at another girl again!"


Part of me believes her; the other part thinks she's a wrestler, cutting a promo. Either way, I'm at these two psycho dominatrix's mercy. Just shut up, and find a way back to their good side.


I'm lifted and walked back to the golf cart. I'm sat in the back, and the green eyed blonde makes eye contact as I'm strapped in the seat.


"I'm going to zap you, and cover your cannot see the house."


She eyes me, half expecting a response; I stare back at her, teeth clenched.


Her eyes change expression, into almost curiosity. She raises one finger, bringing it to my mouth; I look from her, to it, then back to her.


Her index finger lands on my lips, her eyes watching my mouth with amusement. I feel it gently run over my lips, then press past. My teeth still clenched. I start to feel the tension rise. Feel the blue eyed blonde watching.


Her eyes change, almost flirtatious as her finger massages my teeth. Her eyes never looking up to meet mine.


My mouth opens to resist, and her finger goes into my mouth. Pressing gently against my tongue. 


She looks to my mouth, then states, "Fate is something we all control, yours, you control, even right now. You could bite down, and get more pain for a moment of payback...or you could swallow your pride, and do as we will live, no one will believe you...or what you remember...But you could be the first to survive."


Shocked, I look from her eyes back down. In my mouth, my tongue slowly licks her finger, and I look back to those eyes. Those charged eyes looming down on me.


"Good choice."


She removes the finger, and shows me the stun gun. Fuck. Here we-




Pain! Fuck! Bitch! Everywhere. Pain.


The bag goes over my head and it's black again. 


We bounce over rocks, up and down for what I guess to be thirty minutes. I try and remember the route, but I'm sure they do a couple victory laps to throw me. Outside in the elements, it gets chilly fast. 


I try and bite at the hood, using what I can, however I can. Try to get my sight, really just trying to defy them however I can. It's a waste of effort, as the bag refuses to help.


Before my body can come back to working, I'm struggling just moving around, trying to stay warm. Finally we glide across the level gravel. Some sort of civilization. We ride smoothly for a minute before we pull onto flat concrete. Inside, no wind. 


The cart dies, and I feel myself being unstrapped, then pulled out by my arms. I'm marched with them holding each of my arms. I can feel the prongs of the stun gun on my right side. 


I'm walked over tile, then carpet. They move me fast, not allowing me to get familiar with my surroundings. To take in my environment. 


Then one takes the lead, as we descend down wooden stairs. Each step, I hear the wood lurch and creak under our collective weight. We reach the concrete floor, and I'm pulled along across a basement. Each step, the prongs still jabbing me. Reminding me of its presence.


No words. Little to no noise. We move together in this awkward silence. 


I'm shoved to a standstill, being firmly held in place. I hear them moving around me, the prongs still at my side. The sound of a metal chain being pulled down above me. I hear something being unfastened close. 


Someone grabs my wrists, and begins to release my restraints. My left is released, and snapped into a restraint above my head. My right follows suit.


"Where's that resistance you're so proud of?" One pushes.


"Maybe that's just one of his stories." The other prods.


I pull hard against the restraints, my teeth grinding, sounding like a caged animal. My arms above me, I can't get leverage, I cannot break free. I growl from mounting frustration. I jerk, pull and yank in every direction. I try pulling down, but the bar only stops hard. My shoulders start to feel it first; each tug ends with sharp pains. I hear metal chains above.


"There it is." 


I feel hands touching me, one grabs at the hood, but I resist. Full out thrashing, I'm helpless, I can't allow them to make me look at them. To make me weaker.


"Awww...that's so cute!"


I feel hands running all over me the more I thrash. The more I'm touched, the more I try to resist until I'm too tired. My body weak to the point that my jerks turn to nothing. My back, shoulders cramping. 


I stand unable to fight, my lungs spent. Hands running all over me, gently allowing their nails to lightly scratch. I hear them circling me, staying so close I feel them rubbing against me. 


"I bet he wants this hood off so bad."


I'm teased as I feel the hood being tugged at randomly. One snuggles up, I feel her leg wrap around, her chest pushes into me. Her hand slowly makes it way to my waist. It's then I hear the familiar snapping of a camera. 


A click, then my shirt is sliced off of me. My chest exposed, I'm covered in goosebumps, my nipples stand at attention. More snaps from a camera. I feel her pulling into me, pinching my nipples, twisting till I try to jerk away. 


Her laugh in my ear. My sweatpants slide down, one of her shoes pushes it down to my knees. More snaps. I feel her hosed leg sliding over my skin. "Mr. Never listens to me" perks to life, and the women both laugh, more snaps.


"Humiliation? Blackmail?" I ask slightly embarrassed to the one close.


"Hah!...This is just for us." She answers, pulling the hood tight to my face. 


I'm held up for more pics; she slowly pushes my sweatpants to my ankles, then strips me down to my boxers. I hear their laughs, as I'm passed in between the two. I feel them taking different sides as the snapping continues. Different voices close as they take turns posing with their trophy.


The hood is pulled tight against my face, then pulled back, revealing only my mouth. I feel a set of lips on mine, followed by more snaps. Her hand grabs me, squeezing my dick so hard she could take my blood pressure.


I try to pull away, but I'm restrained, unable to move an inch. I can hear her happiness; feel her joy as she holds me against my will. 


"Where do you think you're going?" Her voice borders on struggling. "We have some questions for you."


Something ties the mask tight to my face, my mouth exposed. Whichever girl was holding me, releases and I stand unsure of what's next. The snapping continues.


"We know everything about you. Everything. So, these questions, we already know the answers."




"The point?" I ask as politely as I can.


"Test of character."


"To see if you're a "man of your word." Whispered right in my ear.


" away."




"Poor choice of words, don't you think?" One asks, cracking the stun gun to life close.


"Do you know the names of your contacts associated with the "Guffybomb" release?"


I wait a moment, before responding with my head down, "Yeah."


"Do you know their locations?"




"Fuck." I whisper. Shaking my head, "Yeah."


Snap, snap.


Their asking vanilla questions. 


"Where are they located?"


"All over the world."




"You already know-"


"Where?" The stun gun cracks close.


"Literally, all over the world. South America. Sweden. Germany. Australia. South Korea. China. Russia."






My head drops, and I whisper, "I can't do that."


Snap, snap, snap.


The hood is pulled back, my head jerks back.




"I won't do that."




The stun gun zaps me in my ribs and I cry out in surprised pain. My body hangs, shoulders screaming at my weight. 


Snap, snap, snap.




Panting in pain, "I'm sorry...I can't-"




More pain for my already useless body. My wrists now hurting from being stretched. It hurts to breathe. I twitch all over. Every second, my own weight adding pain.


They let me hang, to think. To allow myself to fear what's coming. I know she's not done asking. More random snapping from a camera, close, then further away. 


The hood is pulled back; I feel hands holding my head up.


"You know what I'm going to ask."


"I can't, I can't...please...please don't...they've done nothing to me-"


"They got you here." One chimes.


Snap, snap.


"Names." The other demands.


"I'm sorry, but I...I would die for each and every single one of-"




Pain again everywhere. I slump, hanging, and twitching. I can't help but let out pathetic groans, whimpers. I'm drooling through clenched teeth.


"If you keep this up, you will."


Snap, snap, snap.


"Arghh!...Ask...ask me...something else...anything else."


"That's all we want." She uses one finger to hold my chin up. Her breath right in my face. Watermelon.


"Anything else." I beg.


"None of us are going anywhere...You're very brave, but we're not stopping, and how many times can you take this punishment? For what?"


"If you...already know...why...why are you...torturing me?"




Snap, snap.


I sigh, and try to anticipate the coming shock. I feel the sharp metal prongs on my flesh, but no zap. I twitch, trying to get away from it, but it drags across my stomach, up my chest. Making its way across my neck. 


My head pulls away, and my mouth runs into a set of lips unexpectantly. I jerk away, only to run into another set of lips. My head pulls away, looking up, away from both of them.


Both of them pulling at me, I feel them clinging to me. Their mouths wet, they begin licking my neck. They climb, pulling at me, pulling my head down. They both pull themselves to my mouth, my lips being engulfed by two, taking turns.


"Come to us..." One whispers.


"Play with us..." The other follows.


Fuck I want to.


"...Tell us..."


"...Their names."


No! My lips pinch shut, and I growl into their mouths. Both of them, hovering over, holding me in place. 










After a long pause, I lower my head. Shaking a no is all I can muster. Then they're both off me in an instant. I gasp out breaths, waiting for the jolt of pain. Waiting for that spasm to run throughout my body.


It never comes. 


I wait, and wait. Breathing scared in the darkness, but nothing comes. No sounds. No conversation. No doors closing.


Just silence. My ears stretching, searching for any sounds outside of my heartbeat. For endless minutes, I hang in this now deafening silence, waiting for what's next.


After what feels like forever, I hang my head and whisper, "You...already know."


After eternity in the dark and silent, I hear a click. Immediate slack in the chain. I'm crashing to the ground. My knees hit the concrete hard, then my left elbow. My arms strapped to the bar overhead, I'm still handicapped in my movement. 


The pain all over causes me to lie there, waiting. After another minute of silence, my ego allows me to groan out loud. I try to get up, my body talks me out of that thought quickly.


I try to catch my breath, unsure if I'm alone. I try to listen, finally when I believe they've left, I croak out, "Still the best vacation I've had in years."


"That's so sweet." One of them chimes sweetly.


Fuck! The restraint bar is pushed to the ground. I feel a foot right at my crotch.


"Fuck! Don't you have someone else!?" I plead.


"Not anyone we got dressed up for!"


"Don't you like our outfits?"


"In any, any different circumstance, I would love, love them!"


I'm pinned to the ground. The foot at my crotch begins pressing with weight. I try to squirm to get away, but I'm held in place.






The pain of my nuts being crushed under foot causes me to jerk the bar as hard as I can. It comes free, and I hear someone crash to the ground behind my head. Her foot presses down, but I'm turning, scrambling away blindly. My arms locked into the bar, slow me down. I'm up long enough to be tackled back to the ground. I grab, claw, pull away. I feel hands pulling me, dragging me to the ground.


I'm overpowered quickly, a pair of legs squeeze the air from me, her arms tighten around my throat. My arms are kicked out from under me, one by one. I fall forward, only to be held in her loving stranglehold. 


Fingers dance on the concrete, unable to establish a grip. I'm pulled backwards, no air. I'm choking. I see stars in the black. I hear static.


Then nothing.


My face hits the ground and I wake disoriented. I try not moving, just breathing. They move around above me. Pretend to sleep. Maybe they'll get tired and-




Someone kicks my gut, hard. I'm crumbled into a coughing ball of explicatives. Paralyzed by pain, I'm moaning, I'm clawing to get away.


"Where do you think you're going!?"


Ignore her. Crawl.




Another unprotected kick to my ribs. I drop in shock, gasping out pleas. The sound of me sucking air is the only thing I can hear, outside of their mocking laughs.


One of them walks over me, using my back to step on; pushing me down again. Another shoe lightly kicks my face.


"How ya doing down there? Had enough yet? Got a name to stop all this?"


"Just one name." 


Shoes pin my wrists down. Someone kneels down on my back, her knee pressing directly into my kidney. I feel her shift weight directly onto me.


"Come on sweetie, just one little name."


"Just one name and this will be all over." Her voice changes with her knee pressing all her weight into me.


They both wait on me, I feel them leaning in, anticipating my response. I hold out as long as I can, I try to get air while her knee gets heavier. The weight gains until the unfamiliar groan of my voice startles me. 




The weight gets heavier as I scream. 


"Are you...sure?"


My hands flop on the concrete, scraping to inch away from them. From all their pain. The weight from the girl standing on my wrists cuts off the circulation, I feel the blood being deprived from my hands. They have no strength, soon going numb.


I stop trying, my body just convulsing under their weight. Gasping short breaths. I'm so sore and broken, I can't think straight. Giving them a name, any name, means they will expect me to cave. Give them more. I cannot cave on this. Give them something! Get them off; get some space free of pain. I have to hold onto whatever power I have with everything I have. I have to show them.


This little obstacle that I am, I have to make them work to break me. Bigger, dumber Iowa redneck bullies wasted their teenage years trying to break me. These two, better bring a ladder and lunch. 


The girl kneeling on me, stands up, stepping onto my head, shoving it into the ground. Gritting my teeth helps with the pressure. She shifts her weight onto my head, balancing perfectly all of her weight on me. The pressure and pain blinds me. I hear my scream, but it doesn't sound right with her foot pressing down on my exposed ear.




Both girls release me without warning, and I try to curl up, protect myself however I can. The bar prevents me, but I use my legs to protect my gut. They circle around; I'm unable to do anything.


One gets right in my ear, "Are you ready to give up?"


I don't respond, outside of involuntary twitches. Keeping my knees as close to my chest as I can. I pull my arms close, still splayed out, attached to the bar. 


Their footsteps dance around me. I envision them skipping around. Each noise, I twitch, thinking I'm going to catch a foot any second. Absorb some more form of punishment. 


I hear a familiar voice stuttering, "No, no, no, no" before I realize it's me.


"Lookie there, its 11:30...We're going to go have lunch, relax and stretch out for a bit...don't worry, we'll be back though. We didn't get the answers we want."


Fuck. Me.


My mind stays strong, but outside I can't stop shaking and twitching. Just cause they said they're leaving doesn't mean this torture is over. My breaths are so quick and rushed; I have to grit my teeth to keep from spewing spit and whimpers.


I hear one set of steps leave. It's silent for a minute, and I start to think I'm alone when the other leans down on me. Her knee presses into my spine. I groan out, surprised.


"You are tough, tougher than you look...I'm actually impressed, I've broken a five star general in less time..." 


I feel her nylon knee press harder, her shoe resting on my ass. 


"...You should be proud of yourself, we actually got bored with you...but don't worry, this is just the beginning...You will give us those names, that's not changing..."


Her fingers trace my clenched jaw. 


"...Try and get some rest, you're going to need it.


Her weight is lifted, and I hear steps walking away, then a door slam shut. Then it's quiet, I feel no presence, hear nothing. 


Being blind and strapped to a bar makes everything difficult. I grab at my head, feeling a plastic zip tie pulled tight around my head. I have to grab at the knot in the plastic line to pry. 

With my grip weak, I change hands, until I feel it start to come free. It hurts coming off, thank god my head is sweating. It feels like I'm tearing my own flesh from my head. I'm sure my skin is ripping apart under the hood. I struggle, but manage to pry the large zip tie off my head. Not an easy task with only the use of one hand. 


Ripping it free, I throw it with whatever I have with my left, removing the hood with my right. I lay on my stomach, arching to finally take in my surroundings. The room is lit, bare. Your basic basement interrogation torture room; concrete walls, painted white. All the paint looks new. No windows. One light bulb overhead. One thick looking metal door, with no handle is ten feet from me.


My wrists are strapped by leather to a metal bar. The bar is welded to a metal chain running to a motor on the ceiling with enough slack for me to lie down, but not reach the door.


I move to set up, looking in each direction. A large one way mirror, two cameras mounted in opposite corners of the room. Every inch is covered. A wooden table is mounted to the floor, with wooden chairs on opposing sides. They look heavy, expensive Amish craftsmanship. A drain sets close in the concrete floor. Metal rings mounted to walls.


Then everything goes black. 


"Fuck you!" I call out in the dark room.


I look to the mirror, hoping to see a light or someone behind the reflective glass. No such luck, everywhere is pitch black. They must be watching. Maybe a FLIR.


Who is this? What alphabet soup agency would send not one, but two female agents? Using their bodies and minds to disrupt me, control me. What bizarro world have I slipped into? Why, oh why didn't I take the red pill?


I set for a moment, contemplating, then deciding I should try to sleep. I'm going to get nowhere setting in the dark. Possibly forget the pain for a short time. I lie down on my back, using one hand as a pillow; I quickly fall into the most uncomfortable sleep in the history of uncomfortable sleeps