Chapter 32 "The Spoils"

A plain white van backs into the suburban two stall driveway. From inside someone clicks the garage door to life. The back van door swings open, and a bearded female dressed in a khaki uniform, and tool belt walks into the garage. The door closes as the plain white van slowly exits out of the driveway, and down the street.


Inside the female undresses, removing her fake beard, and uniform to wearing normal feminine clothing. Inside the tool bag is her purse, which she fetches before heading inside.  


The dogs bark, and she speaks in baby talk, feeding them treats. The dogs happily accept, and she is welcomed into the home. Twenty minutes later a knock at the door, and an unsuspecting kenneler comes, and takes the happy dogs unknowingly.


Paying him in advance, she even kisses them each extra, then smiles and waves as he takes the dogs.


She shuts the door, then slowly walks the house, looking at his walls, pictures; stopping to take in his private office. His inner sanctuary. A place no other knows of or has seen. His "bat cave".


This faceless man. This friendless savior. Superman's fortress of solitude, hiding in plain sight. All his files. All his exposures of corruption. Just another target of the deep state. Just this one knows how to stay anonymous from them.


The garage door opens, and she gets into position. Hiding in the darkness of his laundry room, she waits. The door opens and he is seen for a full second. He pauses, knowing something isn't right. 


In that second she studies his face the entire stride forward. He never saw her as she jabbed the syringe into his arm. She injected fast, but he jerks away. His face looks to hers, confused. He takes a step forward, then another, then falls face first onto the carpet. He gasps like a fish out of water before falling asleep. 


Sun falls over the horizon and night drops into darkness.


The white van returns, and backs to the garage door. It opens and two women dressed as men carry a human shaped roll of carpet to the van. Then climb in, and drive off as the garage door closes.


The two women drive to their rented Camry, in a vacant field. Unrolling  him from the carpet, then carrying him to the Camry's trunk. Inside a cozy sleeping bag with pillow. 


The two make their way across country, taking turns driving thru the night. South Dakota. Wyoming. Finally, Montana.


Their passenger asleep in the back, now wearing a full diaper inside a water proof sleeping bag.


Not much is said but at each stop, they look at each other, wondering if the other is tough enough.


The brunette looks down at him know, asleep in her lap, remembering their trip home. Now, the story is changed, no longer the abductee, he sleeps peacefully the put down dog, being taken to the farm.


The blonde drives the entire trip, as the two barely speak through words. Glances, and long looks in the mirror, state both their intentions.


One wants to hold onto him a long as she can, emotion of the experience holding her like she holds him.


The other, still the solider, inside wanting to be back there, holding both of them, but pushes past emotion, knowing what's at stake if they fail.


Both reflect on the last two weeks. The change in both of them. No longer foot solders for a "greater good". Both are awoken to their insignificance to the bigger picture. Both not wanting that life anymore.


Both not knowing the other's thoughts, drive in silence, wondering what comes next. After they return him to "normal life". Is there a next mission? Is it worth it? Is any of it worth it, if it doesn't have your heart?


The blonde watches the brunette at a stoplight, thru the rear view. She watches him sleep, even calming his panic breaths with a gentle touch and quiet shushing. 


Wanting to say something, a green light change takes the thought, leaving it there.


Wyoming is cold, and snow covered. South Dakota the same. Iowa returns to normal, but cold and desolate stretches of farmland.


At a rest stop in Iowa, the brunette takes over driving. Only asking, "You want some time with him?"


Nodding, the blonde cradled his head into her lap. Reminding her of taking her pet dog out to the farm after it had passed. Sad, but not the same sad.


She sheds a tear, looking down at him, wondering which male she has to target next, since this will be labeled a "success."


"The only man I could ever love on this planet, and I'm giving him up" repeats in her head. Rain and sleet block her view away, forcing her to look back to him.


After a moment she leans down, kissing him on the forehead. Mouthing an "I'm sorry" only he could hear.


The Camry pulls into his driveway, early in the morning hours. The garage door opens, and his sleeping body is carried inside. They lug him up the stairs, and deposit him on the bed, moving him into place.


The brunette sets with him a moment, as the blonde walks around his house. Taking in his memories, his past. His love of writing since an early age. His first book, written on colored cardboard paper. 


The pictures and pictures of him and his dogs. So many, it's almost a family. Kids she never had, but wanted. A little princess girl, and a smelly old hunting dog. Its smell still permeates the house. The Bassett hound smell.


This simple little life she could accept. Take on. Once his mother passes, he can be free. Free from a state without friends, without a future. They could all escape back to the ranch. Live together, hiding, in plain sight. A life of working the ranch with him, she could do anything with her skills. The three could live together, in their weird bdsm world. No one would judge or care, because they could live freely, isolated. Away from the constant war. The constant fear spread on television. Live life, happy, full of smiles, and love, pain and ecstasy, fighting and makeup. Like any other loving relationship.


Then reality hits her. She could be silenced. Erased. Just like her. They could both be sent to opposite sides of the world. Tortured. Killed. Dumped in unmarked graves. Forgotten. Lost.


Then the first option becomes the Disney ending that can't come true. No matter how bad you want it.


Looking down the hall, she grabs a picture of him and the dogs. Taken by whom, she doesn't know or care. The happiness in his face, his smile in that moment moves her to keep it. Not as a trophy, but as a tether. One day, when it's over. Maybe.


She walks to the bedroom door, and looks in. The brunette dries her eyes, and kisses his forehead. Closing her eyes, she smells him one last time, the gesture causes a tear to drop onto his lips.


She moves to wipe it away, but his lips pinch tougher and a slight whimper comes from his sleeping mouth.


She repeats, "I will see you soon. I will see you soon."


Getting up, she turns and the two females see each other. See each other's hurt in this moment, and move to embrace each other, letting off some steam from the emotional charge.


Their embrace is stopped a moment later as the door bell rings. The brunette checks her phone, then her eyes in the mirror. She answers the door and takes the dogs, loving and hugging each one. Tipping the man extra, and closing the door.


The brunette walks upstairs to see the dogs setting, watching the blonde with eagerness. She looks timid, never being sure around dogs, she waits for the brunette's reassurance before petting them. 


Both dogs melt in their arms, and they take a moment to enjoy the company. The two play with the blonde as the brunette gets their treats ready. The two women deposit each dog in a kennel, and look around his home one final time. 


The two make their way out the garage, getting in their Camry, the blonde clicks the garage door to close, and the two drive slowly down the block. Both in the front seat, holding hands, tears streaking their faces as they leave Iowa City.