Chapter 33 "Uninvited"

Friday afternoon.






Before I open my eyes, I'm swimming in some sort of loss. Feeling so empty, so utterly destroyed. I can't even really sleep.


Then I wake. I don't have to open my eyes, I know. 


I'm home.


The familiar feeling under me, covering me, under my head. My bed. 


Instead of joy, I'm heartbroken. When I reach out to either side, I'm alone in my king size bed. So empty, so cold. Their faces, somehow erased from my memory.


I'm alone again.


Finally opening my eyes, I see my bedroom, perfectly intact, cleaned even. 


It takes me a moment to will myself out of bed. Suddenly I'm 13 and waiting for dad all over again.


I walk around the house, looking over my office. Slowly walk over to my files, everything still there. My laptop untouched. The room, cleaned.


That's when I hear whimpering from the other room. My dogs!


My life. My dogs. I haven't thought of my real life in so long. I run out to the living room, seeing my kids in separate kennels. The second they see me, they bark more excited than I've ever heard. Tails banging inside the plastic.


I let them out, and the rush of pure love they give with kisses, forced snuggles. I'm takled as they bark in loud happiness. It's then I finally feel some sort of happiness, I'm alive. For better or worse, I'm back to my normal, boring life.


Looking out the window, nothing looks worse off. I can't tell if the "rise" has officially became public. A car passes by with a family in it. The Internet is still working. News is covering some sort of baseball scandal. 


My phone is setting charged, next to my glasses. No missed calls. No text messages waiting for my response.


I can believe it.


With some semblance of purpose, I feed the dogs and accept that Monday I have to go back. Back to a reality that could never accept or believe my last two weeks. At least I have the weekend.


Possibly the greatest two weeks of my existence.


Sad, yes, but being abducted by a secret female organization and held by two dominatrix's, who grew feelings and broke their own mission, for me, made me feel more alive, more wanted, more loved than I have in my entire life.


Whatever the last two weeks was, it changed me, it made me see what I could take. Mentally, emotionally, physically.


I've never felt normal in a relationship, or in general. I know now, I will never want a "normal" relationship again.


The next three weeks are painful, slow, depressing. Take your choice. Every day I look at a sea of beautiful females, only to be disappointed it's never "them".


I don't have a favorite, or a choice of them. My soul just aches for the spark of their eye contact. Their enchantress voices. How they knew everything about me. Like long time lovers without the lost desire to evolve sexually.


As days pass their faces elude me. All I can remember is their eyes. Whatever drug they fed me, it erased parts, I find myself trying to remember days, events, conversations. It just slowly evaporates into grey.


The grind is hard. Mornings, feeding the dogs and taking them on their demanded walk, is the only thing that gets me out of bed. I burn a sick day or two.


Some days, I notice women looking at me with those same penetrating stares. Never looking away, eyeing me like meat.


Each time I notice, eyeing them back without fear. No matter how beautiful they are, they don't compare. Iowa City "9's and 10's" barely compare to the two I couldn't unmask.


Each time, I touch the scar as I walk away without engaging conversation. I know they watch me walk away. In my mind, it's me giving them the finger.


Work orders come in and doing my little work dance. Clogged toilets. Wasp nests. Fan vents. Monday's blurs into Friday's, which are the worst, because I'm surrounded by people in relationships. With plans and lives.


And I'm over her, missing my dominatrix captors. 


I quit writing and publishing my research altogether. Not even three days back, and I pass over control to a handful of trusted allies. Two females included. I didn't care about the uprising. 


My spirit and stubbornness lie broken.


I would never go public with what happened to me. Yes, I may have my house broken into, drugged, abducted, tortured, starved, burned and from the feel of it, branded. But it made me feel alive. 


If I could have stayed there forever, with my dogs, but never seeing their faces, I would. Without a second's thought I would.


I can suppress those thoughts with searches of Google maps. I go premium, and search. I spend weekends searching. Colorado. Then Utah. Then Washington. Montana. Idaho. 


All fruitless out of desperation. 


I search social media accounts. Celebrity images. 


I'm not going to "accept my circumstances".


Wyoming. North and South Dakota. Oregon. 


I'm not "fixed". I need to be reabducted. Retrained. Reprogrammed. Everything.


I'm spinning out, my beard grows wild, and I quit sleep. Conversation. Exercise. Engaging.


I want them to see their failed experiment. Fix it again.


In a rage I destroy my laptops, my phone, my television. I only succeed in scaring the ones who would never leave me.


My two fur babies demand my attention, and I realize they are the only tethers from leaving this life to find them.


Then something weird started to happen. I awoke to my morning alarm on a Monday, with some sense of hope. I don't know why I remembered it, or why a dream would stir a real life feeling of something positive was going to happen. 


I felt it all day, only to lose it and forget it by Thursday. The grind will do that.


Then, Friday.


Late in the afternoon were informed of a new move in. A top floor, fully furnished, two bed, two bath. I'm tasked with the final walk through, handing out the swag and making sure everything is "five star" worthy.


I rush to complete it as the day winds down. I want to go home so bad, I rush. I sweat. I cuss. 


Its 4:30, then 4:50. I'm shampooing carpets. Cleaning dead bugs for the lights. Then mopping the hardwood floors. Its past 5:00, everyone in the office is most likely gone.


I lock the door, and overload my arms with cleaning products, ladder, dragging the vacuum behind to the elevator.


I wait for the slow elevator, and hear a female voice from the stairwell below. The elevator bing grabs my attention. 


I remember time slowing down, exhaling right before the doors open. 


Then it freezes.


Standing in the elevator in front of me, are the two women. Them!


Their eyes focused directly on me. A blue eyed red head with short hair. The brunette, now adorns silver hair, with lime green eyes. 


I'm frozen in shock. My eyes are full of tears instantly. 


They stand for a second, they're eyes know me. They react like typical residents, stepping aside still staring holes into me. Playing the part. Their eyes never leave mine.


I know I exhaled before, because I involuntarily forget the breathing process. Blinking, I feel two wet lines running down my face. I can't even stutter a word, goosebumps run down my left arm.


"Are you the nice maintenance man who cleaned our apartment?" The silver fox asks.


I slowly nod, not wanting to do two things at once. Not being able to breathe correctly at this moment. 


"Thank you, so much! I know we came at the last minute, that is so nice of you!" She continues, "Wow, your arms are full!"


I cough, forgetting to breathe.


"Cough-cough!...Sorry, excuse me, cough!"


"You okay? You look like you've seen a ghost." The red head asks. She stares me down, slightly smiling. 


"More like two." I finally respond.


I struggle to keep the ladder from falling.


I want to drop everything, rush to them, pull them into my arms, never let go, but I'm frozen, believing this isn't real. A fantasy from sleep deprivation. 


The silver fox leans in close, smelling me without being discrete. Her eyes looking to my name tag then back into mine.


"Colby, nice to meet you." She states locked deep in my eyes.


I'm speechless hearing her say my name for the first time. 


We're close, both our eyes venture to the other's lips, then back.


"Maybe I'll see you around." She eyes me walking away.


My eyes drift to the red head, she stands unmoving, waiting for alone time. 


A random resident walks by, and she just stares at me. Her face lightens up when we're alone. Her stare, piercing. 


She slowly strolls towards me, a smile stretches across her gorgeous face. 


"Colby. Nice to finally meet you."


Hearing her voice, I drop everything, and kiss her. The loud crash of everything is muted. We're magnetized to each other for a moment. 


She finally pulls away gently, smiling, eyes sparkling, "You're sure friendly here in Iowa."


"Took you long enough." I respond on the verge of tears.


The joy in her smile changes to a sly demeanor.


"I want you to go clock out, then come directly back to us."


She leaves my embrace, then turns back to me, "I have an inspection report to fill out."


Still walking, she calls back, "You have ten minutes."


I can't contain my smile. Apparently I have plans this weekend. 


"Yes, mistress." 


Fucking Disney ending over here.