Storm Dragon

"Oh, it's just Veldora," I said as I turned around.

"'Just Veldora...'" The Storm Dragon said with a bit of exasperation and disbelief.

"So, what did you want?" I said trying to sound a bit annoyed.

"Now now, don't be like that," Veldora said a bit meekly. Unlike with Rimuru in canon who was clearly afraid of Veldora, I was purposefully being a bit dismissive.

"Hmm? Ok then Storm Dragon. What's up?" I asked as I turned towards him.

"Wahahaha! I've not been doing anything at all!" Veldora boasted while standing proudly.

"I see... It seems the Storm Dragon is a NEET." I said to myself.

"Whats a NEET?" Veldora asked as he twisted his head to the side.

"Basically someone who doesn't like to interact with the outside world," I said with a bit of a smirk.

Veldora looked like he was about to say something, probably about being trapped and not a NEET, but I decided to troll him a bit.

"After all. There is no way that the powerful Storm Dragon himself couldn't break out of his imprisonment after being sealed for 300 years." I said shaking my head and raising my hands in defeat.

"A-ah yes. That's right. I'm just a proud NEET! I'm here because I want to be, yeah." He confirmed with a bit of hesitation. His pride was too high to admit he was trapped after I stroked his ego, although after I absorbed him and he started reading manga and watching anime, he would find out I trolled him.

"Whatever then. I'm going to head out now. Since you obviously LIKE to be alone, Ill leave you to your silence..." I said as I turned to leave.

"W-wait!" Veldora yelled. I turned around, trying to look a little annoyed.

"What? I'm trying to find the exit here. If you want to talk just follow me." I said gesturing for him to lead the way.

"Eh? Ummm... about that..." He started but I cut him off.

"You're stuck. Aren't you?"

"Yes," Veldora said defeated with his head held down.

"Hahahahaha!" I laughed a bit at him. "Yeah, I know. You should have seen your face trying to convince me you were just a NEET!" I laughed.

"You have an awful personality you know that?" Veldora said plainly.

"Don't sweat the small stuff Veldora-kun," I said, making sure to add the '-kun' to the end.


"How would you like me to release you?" I asked, interrupting him from yelling insults at me for teasing the 'mighty storm dragon'.

"Well if you could, that would be great," Veldora said with crossed arms.

"Great, now get in my belly!" I shouted.




"Look, I feel bad that one of my new friends was trapped inside a cave for the rest of eternity, so I figured I'd use one of my Unique Skills to isolate you inside my 'stomach' for now. You can view some of my memories while in there and even read or watch some manga and anime."

"Well, I wouldn't be trapped here forever, just another hundred years or so..." Veldora mumbled to himself.

"Oh? Would you be released by then?" I asked.

"No" He replied before looking into the distance of the cave trying to look cool. "I'd just die, that's all."

'Oh my god! Even before watching anime and reading light novels and manga, he was a weeb! That was so cringy!' I thought as a sweatdrop formed on my cheek.

"W-well I'm sure you wouldn't want to experience death, so let's go with my method," I stated.

"It's true, death would be unfortunate, even if I know I'll be revived, without any memories and with a different personality, it can't even be called a true resurrection," Veldora admitted.

"I don't know man, if you revived as a cute girl, I wouldn't mind too much," I said to him with a straight face.



Veldora sighed after our awkward silence. "You sound like my eldest sister..."

"Oh? You have an elder sister? You should introduce me. There's no better wingman than the target's little brother after all!" I said with a straight face.



"Are, are you trolling me?" Veldora asked.

"You just now realized it!" I yelled.

"Is this what people call an S?" Veldora muttered to himself.

I ignored him before deciding to approach him. "Alright then, enough humor. Let's get started on analyzing the [Unlimited Imprisonment]." I said.

"Wait!" Veldora yelled.

"Yes?" I asked, thinking I must be forgetting something for him to want to stop me.

"Before we do that, allow me to give you a name," Veldora said while rubbing his hands together.

"I already have a name. It's Rimuru." I replied.

"Oh! Rimuru! Such a nice name for a slime!" He said.

"It does sound nice, but It feels a bit incomplete. I'll need to come up with a last name for myself too." I said, faking a thoughtful expression. I finally remembered what it was that I was forgetting.

"I see... how about we share a last name. It'll engrave onto our souls that we are equals, plus Veldora, while a majestic name, feels a bit empty too." Veldora said

"I see. If we're going to share a name, then I should come up with one that represents us both. Since your the Strom Dragon, perhaps I'll use something related to storms... Storm... Hurricane... Tempest... TEMPEST! From this point on, you shall be Veldora Tempest and I shall be Rimuru Tempest!" I said, faking my excitement a bit.

To be honest, there were better names to represent me, but Rimuru Tempest has a good ring to it and it would be hard for me to subconsciously call myself anything else. Was I weebing out? Yeah, probably, but it is a good name. If it ain't broke, don't fix it!

"TEMPEST YOU SAY!!!" Veldora yelled at the top of his lungs, causing the cave to shake slightly. "THAT SOUNDS FANTASTIC!!!"

I waited for a few moments for him to calm down. I too, needed a minute, as I felt something warm occurring deep within my soul and my body began to swirl around itself. I had self-named myself as Rimuru Tempest and that name was engraved onto my soul. I didn't realize it at the time because I was too focused on my own change, but Veldora was also empowered by my name as well. I had unlimited magicules, so even naming someone like the Storm Dragon was possible.

After a few moments, we both calmed down our rampaging energies. Veldora was back to his prime strength and stood about twice as tall as he did just moments ago.

"Rimuru, my friend! It seems you're truly full of surprises!" Veldora said while laughing aloud.

"Of course! Now lets get started. The sooner I get you out of there, the sooner you can introduce me to your sister." I said as I activated [Predator]

"Wait you were serious about tha-" He tried to ask before I consumed him whole.


A/N: I know I created this fanfic because I wanted to write something while at work on break, but I've been so busy the past few days I haven't had any time to. Isn't that a bit weird?