Chapter 27

Tuesday, night.



I wake from an exhaustion nap, my body aches at every joint. I try to move but crawling is its own mission. I struggle to relieve myself. First time pissing from my hands and knees into a floor drain.


Ending up stretched out on the mattress, my last cigarette dangles above me on the headboard. Something else taunting me, just out of reach.  


"Of course." I say to myself.  My body unable to do as I command, I can only watch the afternoon sun light up the basement room.


The sun falls over and the days light fades to black. I lay on the bed as all the light is slowly taken from me. 


My last match refuses to spark, and I throw it with anger. Cigarette still stuck to my lips.


With my luck and body working against me, I curl up in the bed. Angry, sore, and in the midst of the worst nicotine fit I've ever suffered all week.


Screaming out, "I hate you!"


My ears ring for a moment after and I throw the blanket over my head like a child.


After a couple of moments, I hear muffled footsteps coming close. Two sets. Both of them. I throw the blanket off, and wait for them to enter.


Instead they stand at the door, the light from the room they stand in cast silhouette shadows into mine.


"Is someone in a bad mood?" One asks, I guess the brunette.


I'm blinded by two flashlights, flashing across my face. Angrily, I face to the side of the blinding lights, not acknowledging them.


"Maybe he wants to stay out down here tonight, instead of coming." I guess the blonde prods.


"I'd be a lot nicer if I wasn't being blinded." I say to the wall.


The lights stay in my face.


"But how would we be able to see that angry-face?" The brunette asks, her voice mocks me in a baby tone.


I sigh and shake my head. I don't want to play.


"That's it. He can stay down here. Come on."


I look over and one of the shadows has disappeared, the second starts to lower.


"Wait, wait..." I rush, only to see the light fading. "I would love to come...please!"


No response.


"I know you're still there! You wouldn't come all this way, downstairs, for nothing."


Still no response.


"Please, continue torturing me. I love being tied up, and left, for hours!...You take my last fucking good match...try to cripple me emotionally!"


One footstep, followed by, "Cigarettes are bad for you, didn't you know?"


The brunette.


"I might have heard that."


She continues, "And you were already crippled when we got you. Stand and face the wall. Hands up, cowboy. No funny business."


I look in her direction; her silhouette keeps the light low, then reluctantly get up. My body is sore all over. 


"Just get it over with." I say to the wall.


Her boots click across the concrete floor towards me. I feel her behind me.


She takes my left hand and cuffs it, then my right. 


And I'm helpless.


I face the wall for a moment, as her light shines around the room. I'm turned around and my last cigarette is put to my lips. A lighter flashes in my face, and I instinctively puff it to life.


"Get it smoked fast."


So I stand, and smoke it awkwardly with my hands cuffed behind me. She watches, almost with a smile, as I don't ask for help. My face contorted, one eye closed, my mouth pushing a stream out the side. I wonder how many arrestees have had this same opportunity.


In the shadowed light, I don't see a mask on her face. Just fragments of features. Her eyes light up the dark, reflecting light, I can see them clear in this soup of black.


"I look funny?"


Her smile broadens, "Yes, of course you do."


"Feel like a cop, don't you?"


She smiles as she takes the cigarette from my lips. Taking a drag, she ashes, then returns it.


"Yes, kinda." She exhales, never breaking eye contact. "Except, you're going to be tortured like no other criminal. Enjoy that cigarette."


We stand and together, as I shiver and suck down nicotine. Before I know it, its heat is close to my lips. She takes it from me, and stomps it out.


"Excuse me, ma'am! This is where I live! Cigarettes are tossed in the-"


She spins me around, "Walk."


I immediately stop when I see the other flashlight. The blonde at the door.


There is an awkward moment that stops us. 


"Hey, crazy." She says softly.


She bags my head with some fabric, and I'm blinded.


I'm at the door, and being pushed out. The light from the torture room, I see the torture chair. The tools. Then more black as we walk through the basement without light.


I shake my head, "I meant what I said. You know that."


She doesn't respond, as I'm pushed forward. She pulls the draw string tight around my neck as we walk. I guess the blonde in front, the brunette behind me.


I feel a hand holding my head down. Touching me. And I don't want it to stop, or leave.


"At least...tell me, you know that."


Her hand runs under my chin, lifting my head upwards.  


"I know you're not a liar...not a good one at least." 


She's close. Her voice inches from my face. Close enough to kiss. 


"What does-" 


I try to ask, but cut off by her lips finding mine under the fabric. We share a passionate kiss under the cloth before her hands leave my head. Then her lips.


"What, is this? Do I know too much? Is...this is how it ends?"


They don't respond verbally, but one straps something around my neck. I hear the rattle of chain metal. A leash. 


I'm pulled ahead by the neck, and I have to walk blindly upstairs. The figure ahead leads me in the dark.


We enter a large home; lights from a kitchen expose shapes and furniture as I pass. Everything looks rich, nice. I trip over nothing and walk from marble, to hardwood.


My socks glide on the floor. Each room has one light, dimly allowing me to see. We enter another room. A dining room. Then a living room. Then I stand at stairs, and I'm pulled upwards. I step slow, and up curling stairs. The steps continue up and we go what I guess is to the third floor.


Stopping, we walk on carpet. Soft, lush. My feet enjoy some sense of padding for the first time in weeks. I curl my toes as I step, taking in the soft feel.


We walk to a door, I hear it open, and can see it's even darker inside. I see nothing. I'm pulled towards it, but resist. 


"Where, where are we going? What's going on!?"


From behind, a voice is in my ear, "Dummy, if we wanted to kill you, we would have done it outside, or the first night we got you...How about, trust us?"


I hesitate a moment. With no pull from the leash, I'm not forced. So I reluctantly step into the darkness.


I'm led across the room. Their footsteps are all around me in dark. I hear things being moved and shuffled around me.


I'm pulled over to something soft around my knees. A bed, I guess.


Two sets of hands help me set down on a large mattress. I feel one of them pull me and I shift with them, unsure of what's happening. I scoot across the bed; a left hand gently stays on my jaw, directing me.


I'm stopped in the middle of the large mattress. I guess king, by the amount of moving I have to do. 


Two sets of mass are on either side of me, their weight pushes down on both sides of me. I hear the familiar snap of a knife, and I'm rolled on my side. The leash is removed, and I hear,


"Don't get your hopes high." 


One of them says, before I feel my hands being freed from the handcuffs. I don't move, allowing them to move me where they want. Each grabs a wrist and I'm on my back. 


They push my hands down to the bed, and I stay without fight. 


The hood is pulled from my head, and I can't see much, as the room is dark.  I can see their figures on either side of me. In the moonlight I can see the knifes reflection. Their eyes stand out, looking down on me without emotion.



"Sshhh." One interrupts.


My sweatshirt is lifted, and the knife comes to my neck. 


I try to move away but the blonde holds my neck gently.  The brunette leans in and begins slicing south. She comes back, cutting down each arm, and the sweatshirt is sliced to ribbons.


Neither says a word as the brunette looks to my legs, the blonde holds my face still.


I feel my sweatpants being sliced similar down each leg. My body is overtaken by goosebumps. It's probably 70 degrees, but to me I'm frozen.


"Wait, couldn't you just...take them off?"


Both girls look to each other before looking back to me. 


The brunette responds, "I just did."


I feel my wrists being grabbed, and I start to protest. The brunette shoots in close, letting go of my wrist. Immediately she's at my neck with the knife.


I can't move. Frozen in fear. Her face is close to mine. Her eyes are clear in the dark, intently staring into mine. I can smell her breath. Cinnamon.


She says nothing and I feel the blonde take my left wrist and pull it over my head. I hear the familiar metal restraints clank on the bed frame, and my wrist is secured.


Looking into the brunette's eyes, unable to speak to her, I just look back. She looks down to me, willing or wanting me to move. I feel her wanting to cut me. Wanting to show me she can.


The blonde leans over above me, grabbing my other wrist and securing it to the bed.


In this moment, I barely pay her attention, right now I'm connected to the brunette. 


"If you want to do it so bad, just do it. I'm not going to force you."


The blonde stops, I feel her energy looking back. The brunette doesn't bat an eye, still looking at me. Deciding. 


The blonde finishes securing my wrist, and I know I'm stuck, but don't move or acknowledge it.


I see the brunette's eyes slowly drift to my neck. Her face is curious. I feel the knife slightly change on my skin. She's repositioning.


"Hey." The blonde softly says.


"It's a lot funnier if you do though." She says in a whisper.


Her body on mine, warms me. I feel her hand run down my head and to my neck. She gently pushes my head, exposing more of my neck.


"What are you doing?" The blonde questions with an air of authority in her question.


The brunette doesn't respond right away, instead her eyes trace my body with curiosity. Her eyes are distant, seeing someone else at the tip of the blade.


"We're just...playing a little game." She finally responds, almost sounding not like herself.


There's a moment of silence before I look over to the blonde.


"She wants to show me she can hurt me...whenever she wants."


Her eyes look back to mine, and I see her snap back to the here and now. She looks to the blonde, then gets up and leaves the room.


I'm left with the blonde for a moment, in my mind, I fumble over how to start. Before I can think of something to say, she gets up, and follows her.


I'm alone again. My body shivers, and I try to kick the blankets up to cover myself. I succeed in covering my legs, causing my upper body to crave warmth even more.


In the other room, their voices come across as mumbles just out of the reach of my ears. I lay and wait for a short time before one comes back to the room. She stands at the door, barely entering.


I can't see who it is, so I start blind.


"I know one of you is there, I can't tell who, but I know both of you feel some sort of regret...for your actions, or decisions...look, I don't know how this is supposed to end, but I'm...happy, you entered my life, both of you, regardless of details...You can say it's Stockholm syndrome all you want, but you feel it too. Both of you. You know you do."


"You love to hear yourself talk, don't you?"


The blonde. I can tell her sass.


"I wouldn't have to, if you wouldn't speak in riddles all the time. Week two, and I can't get one straight answer out of either of you. What do you expect?"


I see her adjust her stance, to lean against the door.


"What do you want from me?"


"Answers." I protest, "Just tell me the true you-"


"What do you want to know about the true me?"


"Your name. Your passions. Your loves. The reason you're attracted to me-"


"I'm not attracted to you-"


"Bullshit!" I almost yell.


"You're a target. A mission. A training mission at that!"




"Look at you! Thinking how important you are-"


"I saw you-"


"That us poor little girls need a man-"


"I never said you need me, but something inside you, wants more of me."


She scoffs as a response.


"You can't even argue it, I saw you take off your considered, showing me your face!"


She doesn't argue, I can tell, for once, I can beat her with words. I see her head look down.


"Anything...tell me anything. But stop talking to me like I'm not more than just a mission."


There is a moment of silence before I hear footsteps.


"You were going to show him your face?"


The brunette freezes both of us. Oh fuck. This could be bad.


She walks past the blonde, and near the bed.


"" She finally states.


"And!?" The brunette questions, I see her stance change to defensive. Her arms look crossed.


"And I came to my senses. Case closed."


"You want loyalty?! No secrets, but you can have your own!?"


"I...I didn't do anything!...I considered it, but wanted to discuss it...with you."


"Funny, you haven't said anything till he pushed it out of you. Apparently, he seems to know you better than I do!"


"Really?...You can't seriously say that after your little cutter incident?"


They both go silent for a moment.


"It's my fault." I break this awkward silence. 


Both their silhouettes turn to my direction.  


"I found a way both of you. I found a way to get you both to break your rules."


I'm not even paying attention to my body now. I just don't want issues between the two holding me captive. Especially since the inexperienced one likes knives and electricity.


They look back to each other, then the brunette speaks first.


"So...we both like to break the rules, we already knew that...Can we, move past it?"


I don't hear if the blonde responds, I see her move and the two embrace. The two share a kiss, I hear their lips in the dark.


The two hold each other close; speaking in a whisper, before looking in my direction. The two walk together, separating at the foot of the bed. Going to either side of me. My eyes bounce left to right, not knowing what comes next.


The two silently undress, until I can tell they're naked. 


"Sooo...what...what's going on?" I ask unsure if I'm supposed to be turned on or not.


One responds, "Ssshh."


I feel both of them enter the bed on both sides of me. The blankets are yanked from my waist upwards. I instinctively try to move to avoid contact. 


Both move under the sheets and close to me. 




I hear one of them respond, "Now it's bedtime. You have a big day ahead of you tomorrow."


I feel their arms surround me, their body heat immediately warms my cool skin.


"He's so cold." One says as she snuggles into me.


"Mmm, too bad we can't do that to him more often." The other whispers.


I want to ask, but keep it in.


They nestle into me, both breathing on me, cold hands dig in. Their noses still cold, touching my neck. Their breaths, causing goosebumps down my shoulders and arms.


"Now, he's really cold!...heh-heh-heh!"




"Yeah, right here!"


I struggle as they both tease me with their mouths on my neck. Almost biting, dragging their teeth on my skin. Before I can stop myself, I hear a moan escape my lips.


This is not ignored by my captors. Their giggles, and dragged nails across my chest. I can't help but want more. I try to resist. My body bucks, and pulls away from them.


It's like fuel for them. They feed off my weakening resistance.


One moves above me, keeping her lips just above mine. At first, I push back into the pillow, but she stays just above me. I smell her breath in my face. It's, not bad.


The other, moves her hand to my cock while gently biting into my neck. 


I can't take it and lunge upwards, forcing myself into the lips above. She moans in surprise, but doesn't pull away.


I increase my intensity to her. And her lips become passive, I feel her moan through my mouth. I keep my lips pressed to hers, not letting her leave.


The other bites down hard, and I freeze up. My lips open and cannot move.


She's released, and I see her stay just above me. Her hand pushes my face over, allowing the other free reign on my neck.  She bites hard, then gentle, then dragging her mouth to mine.


She kisses me and my lips come to life. Before I know who, I'm inside one of them. 


I let go, slightly confused. She presses my elbows down, and her mouth comes back to mine. Her pressure pushes me back to the bed, I feel  someone rocking on me. I can't tell who I'm in, but hesitantly go with it.


In the complete dark, the brunette stays over me, keeping my sight on her as I'm sure, the blonde rides me until she climaxes. I feel the two change, and repeat the process. The blonde grabs my throat and teases choking me, studying me like a specimen. Her breath teases my lips, just inches away.


I try to kiss her, and she holds me down. I begin to struggle, to try and get my lips on hers. No matter how hard I struggle she doesn't allow our lips to touch. She never moves back, allowing my struggle.


I feel the other begin to grind harder on me, and I pump back hard. My struggle with the blonde has my frustration being taken out on the brunette. Our bodies' in sync, pistoning her up and down. She pushes harder into me.


Her moans are silenced as I look into mischievous eyes. Wanting her has the world silenced.


The blonde, I feel her smiling down, letting me struggle. Enjoying her control. I feel her gently blowing on my lips, causing me to struggle harder. 


She whispers, "So close."


The brunette moans behind her. I can tell she's close. I have to time this right.


Our bodies still pumping harder and harder into each other, I wait for her to pause, and she pushes down, collapsing onto me. Her weight pushes the blonde down, closer.


I lunge into her, my lips fight to keep her on mine, but she relents and I finally take the kiss I've been withheld from. Our lips pulse and fight each other for control.


Her hands move to hold my face close to hers as the kiss winds down. We share a loving ending kiss, more pecks and holding our faces close to one another's. 


The room smells of sweat and sex. I'm no longer cold. I'm covered in perspiration, chest heaving from the workout. Okay with not having an orgasm.


The two separate, and fall to either side of me. I hear their breaths, feel their sweat covered skin. Both pull their pillows up near my armpits. Their faces lay at my chest.


They pull the blanket to our waists. No one breaks the silence. Their hands lock and move over my heartbeat. After a moment, I hear the one to my left begin to breath deeper. She begins to moan quietly, her body twitches.


I look to my right, whispering; "Are you still with me?"


I don't get a response. 


"I hate it when you lie."


Her head moves up, "Don't ruin the moment with words, dummy."


I laugh to myself, not offering a rebuttal. I kiss her hair, and rest my head against hers. I feel her snuggle into me. After a minute, she moans under her breath. Soon after I let go, before all goes black.