Look at the Camera

*MC's POV*

"Excuse me, sir?" One of the employees stopped me in the parking lot before I took off on my bike.

"What's the matter?" I asked while taking stopping the music in my earphone. As I stopped the new 'Shady' song the woman seemed to be almost alarmed by my appearance again.

"We wondered if you would like to join us tonight?" She asked.

"For what?" I asked while already the knowing the answer. Tomorrow was a day off and I had already planned to read the books tomorrow.

"Well, we wanted to go out for drinks?" She said.

"Hope you enjoy yourself," I said from behind my mask and took off on my bike.

My distaste for drinking was nothing much. Others liked to drink I did not it was as simple as that.

*20 Minutes later*

I entered the bookstore and immediately started looking for the 'Deathly Hallows'. It didn't take me even a minute to find the book stacked neatly in the center. I picked one up and went to the counter beaming behind my mask. I was finally going to read it. Finally, I'll witness the end with my own eyes.

The woman at the counter who was an old lady in beautiful clothes saw me and didn't even react to my appearance.

'Must be in a good mood.' I thought and went up to her.

"Would you like to donate something dear?" She asked while handing me the book back.

I didn't say anything and just slipped a couple more bills with the price of the book and handed it to her.

"Have a nice evening dear." She said from behind me as I exited the store and I gave a small 'same to you' as a reply.

I mounted my bike and left the parking lot.

*Unknown POV*

"Prepare for trouble."

"And make it double."

"Hey, guys welcome to another banger video. Today we're doing the fridge prank." Came another voice as they prepared a fridge to be thrown down from the water tank they were at.

"It'll be awesome guys. 50 feet and a fridge." The voice sounded even more excited getting almost frantic at the end.

"Hey, hey there's one guy on the bike. Let's do this shit guys."

*MC's POV*

I was almost home. Ready to read but as soon as I took a turn my hands became numb. It seemed that all of my weight had been taken off and then just as suddenly it had been thrown back at me with 100 times the force.

I was on the ground with my legs stuck and cracked under what appeared to be a large fridge. I screamed in pain but the next words I heard made my blood boil.

"You've been pranked!! Kindly look at the camera and shake your hand." Came a voice and I knew that it was hopeless to ask for help now. The studies I had done to survive had also told me at that exact moment that I wasn't going to survive this.

"Guys. This doesn't seem fake." Came one of the voices from behind me.

I chose to ignore both the panicking voices and my bleeding body as I took out the book from my jacket and moved a bloody hand over the "Deathly Hallows' title.

As the world started to fade around me I clicked my phone and my playlist continued.

'Ah, that was a nice investment.' I thought while listening to the music in my last moments of life. Even though I was dying the thought of the playlist I had still brought a smile to my face. I had regrets but the greatest one was that I hadn't been able to drink coffee and read the book which seemed to be growing colder within my almost numb hands.

There was no recap or something that I suddenly saw. I just felt tired, something I had never felt before but now felt more than ever. I seemed tired of the world. My body seemed ready to just lie down and perish at the spot.

As the music started to fade and my eyes started to fall I took one last look with my right eye and beyond the blood-covered book in my hand I saw an extremely beautiful tree covered in bright lights from top to bottom. I could hear the kids panicking behind me. The reality of the situation finally settling in their feeble minds.

'Oh yeah today was Christmas. I guess my title finally came true.' were my last thoughts as I felt the last of my strength leave my body.

I had died as I had lived 'Completely and utterly unfulfilled'