Gods and Arguments


Here I was floating in the unknown. Not knowing how long had passed. Just drifting along but still, there was one thing in my mind that never left me. My curiosity for the books that I hadn't finished.

'Guess Death wasn't enough to end my interests in the previous life.' I thought to myself while floating in the void. There were some sounds here and there but I couldn't open my eyes to see what was making them. It sounded like a roar a very angry and very very animalistic roar. Slowly my eyes opened and I saw something that would've stopped my heart if it was still beating. I seemed to be made from ether or something like that.

A whitish body which seemed ethereal. In front of me stood beasts. Some that I couldn't seem to see no matter how much I squinted my eyes.

What was visible to me was a Dragon. Larger than anything I had seen roaring furiously seemingly trapped by the void around him. It had deep blue scales and a heart that seemed to pulse with the space itself.

"Hello there." Came a voice.

"General Kenobi" I replied on instinct to the white swan like figure in front of me. It was bright. Bright enough that I couldn't make out its features but the light from it seemed to tend my eyes rather than hurt them.

But then another figure appeared beside him and both of them started arguing about something.

"But give him some time." The figure in light seemed to argue but the figure in black wooshed in front of the Dragon took some blood from him and threw the vial of blood at my face so it broke when it came to contact with it.

"There, our work is done." The figure in black said. Somehow I was still able to hear it despite the chaotic roars of the Dragon behind him.

"What the fuck did you just do? You threw a vial of pure blood at the poor soul!" The white figure seemed to lose its composure and started getting angrier by the second.

"Not our problem. If he has to survive he'll figure things out himself." The black figure said.

"But at least tell him something..."

And just like that, I had been thrown out of the Heavens. No farewell or anything. Just a kick to the ass and the black figure saying 'Get the Fuck out.'

It seemed like eternity as I kept falling but I eventually touched what appeared to be the ground and immediately fell asleep.

*Some time later*

It had been a very very bad year for Severus Snape. He had been a part of a wizard war in which he had lost more than anything. He had been called a 'Hero' by Dumbledore but Snape knew the truth.

He would bet his favorite cauldron that no one from the 'Order of the Phoenix' trusted him. Not a single person except Dumbledore himself.

It had been less than a month since he had lost Lily and all because of that stupid arrogant James. Why couldn't he have ran away. Why fight. But even in his last moments, James had managed to make Snape's life miserable. Like he had done in school for all those years.

All that was left to remember Lily by was Lily's daughter. Harriet Potter and even the child had been given a mark by the Dark Lord on that dreadful night.

And now here he was. The Patriarch of the house 'Prince' in a gutter. With hands covered in blood from some of the more 'Frantic' Death eaters that if had been left alive would've caused more trouble than they were worth for the Dark Lord or at least that was what he would tell the Dark Lord if he ever returns.

"Muggles and their filthy streets." He said while trying to fix a particularly nasty scratch on his black robes that made him look like a shadow.

That's when he heard it. A crying sound. From a small child coming from a corner of the alley.

Snape forgot about his robes and came face to face with a pale child. So small that it seemed difficult to notice him except when he moved his small arms in that trash that he was thrown on with only a ragged piece of cloth around him for warmth.

"And who might you be?" Snape asked skeptically to no one in particular.

He didn't expect the muggles to stoop so low as to throw a child away. He didn't particularly like muggles but even he didn't think it possible for someone to throw away a child of such feeble stature out on the streets to die.

He checked the loincloth and there was no name there not that he expected one.

"Well, my work seems to be done here," Snape said while trying to move out of the street but with each step, he took the cry of the child seemed to be getting louder. It didn't take long for Snape to return to the child and picking him up.

"Let's find someone to take care of you shall we," Snape said and with a flash of darkness, he was out of the alley having forgotten about clearing the bodies he had left there.