
*Anos's POV*

'Let's hope Dad doesn't know of it yet.' I thought as the class started to become full.

"If I may ask Anos. The Potions Master, is he one of your blood?" Alucard asked.

"Well that's one way to put it but yeah. He's my father." I said waking up from my stupor.

As we sat around Simon came up and sat in the row in front of us. Harriet was of course carried off to the front row by Hermione.

*5 Minutes later*


'Oh, he definitely knows.' I thought as Dad entered the classroom and almost took off the wooden door by its hinges.

He walked to the front of the class and then turned around almost like a ghost in his fully dark robes.

"The art of Potion making isn't something that comes easy, for it requires a specific set of traits. Traits that I have found are unable to be cultivated in most students..." He cast a sharp eye to some specific dumb faces from both Gryffindor and Slytherin "...But as it stands I am a Potions Master so I suppose I'll have to find a way to salvage what little is available from most of you. There will be no chattering in my class, no flashy-eyed miracles, no giggling, no wand play." I cringed a little at the choice of words.

"For those of you that truly wish to learn these arts that have provided sustenance and life to our kind for millennia I can teach you to conquer the mind, store the stars and for those exceptional students you might even hold the wheels of fortune within your grasp." He finished and cast an eye across the whole room taking in every student's face and reactions.

The class was dead silent for a moment except for the little shuffling of feet under the robes and squirming of students on their seats.

" Now let's see how much any of you actually know of the basic herbs. Harriet Potter." He called out and Harriet slowly stood up.

" Can you tell me the year the first Wolfsbane flower was discovered," Dad asked and Hermione's hand shot up.

" 1510," Harriet replied in a low voice, and Dad looked straight at me.

" Off by a couple of years. 1512. The Discoverer?"

Hermione's hand was still in the air.

"William Blackblood," Harriet answered.

"Uses of the flower." Hermione was almost jumping from her chair.

"Causes headaches to pure werewolves and is lethal to most suffering from Lycanthropy," Harriet replied with a bit more confidence this time.

"I recommend a more thorough reading of the texts Potter rather than curious glances. You've listed two out of the 7 given uses in this year's texts. 5 of them are written in bold letters while 2 are conclusions easy to arrive at for even a 5 year old." Dad said in a chilly voice.

"Ms. Granger it would be better for you to show some restraint in class I had only asked the questions to Potter and I think we are in a class, not a discussion board. Since this is the first day I'll let this behavior go without punishment but you'll do well to heed my words better in the future." Dad said and Hermione's head dropped.

After that started a literal massacre of Gryffindor students. It didn't matter whether you raised your hand to answer the question or not you'll get at least a sentence that made you question your own intelligence. Hell, I was sure that if a 100 year old grandma was sitting in the class wearing a red and golden emblem Dad wouldn't have spared her.

*25 Minutes later*

"Your answers are more gibberish than a newborn's notebook."

Another one bites the dust.

Dad finally came upon the last Gryffindor in the classroom. A Golden-haired boy sitting between Draco and Simon.

" Scamander what might be a Dragon scale used for," Dad asked as the boy stood up with confidence.

"Depending on the Dragon it's an excellent tool for cutting a moonstone or ray flower in half while it might also be useful in learning the exact mass of two finely grounded flower petals of any kind." The boy replied with ease.

Dad's right eyebrow rose slightly.

" It seems one of you has at least some semblance of knowledge. Difference between A Blue Spider Lily and a Red Spider Lily." To my surprise, Lan Zhan almost raised his hand but I held it down before it was in someone else's view.

All eyes shifted to the golden haired boy but a reply never came.

"I suppose I have a grasp of your knowledge on the subject and I can tell that it's poor. Most of you know next to nothing about flowers that might grow in your own backyard." Dad said with a sigh.

"But this isn't botany, It's Potion Making how does not knowing a few names affect us. We can make those easily while looking at the books, a handful of pixie dust and a bit of unicorn horn and here you have your potion." A Gryffindor boy suddenly said and I looked and found that it was none other than Ron.

Dad slowly walked up to his row and looked straight at him.

"I can assure you Weasley that Potion Making is a tiny bit more sophisticated than spreading butter on bread and calling it breakfast. A dash more of that dust can blow up half of the castle in the hands of students like you and unlike you, some of us here have a sense of self-preservation. Unfortunately for me, I am stuck in a position where I have to be the one making sure none of you make Chimera's saliva and melt the very ground beneath our feet." Dad said and started towards the exit.

" Lesson's over. I want detailed essays on the 7 ingredients used for voiceveiler potions on my desk before our next class. Also, 10 points from Gryffindor."


Check out 'Arant Chronicles' on Scirbble hub. It's a collaboration me and a lot of other writers are working at. It's really cool stuff , so please check it out.

Hope everyone has a nice Day/Night.

Chapter 54 is already out on Patreön.
