So How's Life

*Anos's POV*

"Wow, that was rough," I said as I walked out of the class.

"Dude your old man is intense. For a moment I was scared that he'll ask me something." Simon said as he came up behind me.

" Does your Father hold a grudge against Gryffindors?" Alucard asked as he transferred his book into his ring.

" Dude that's so convenient. I wouldn't go as far as to call it a grudge just an undying and eternal hatred towards anyone in the house." I replied as I shifted my books from one hand to the other.

"I see." Alucard gave a stiff nod.

"Hey, Harriet! So really cool class eh? That was my Dad by the way." I said as I saw her and Hermione exiting the class.

" And my Godfather," Draco said as he quickly ran up and behind me and watched carefully as the Slytherin students walked out of the class. Some of them gave me weird looks before scurrying off.

"Thank You. I didn't know a lot about any of them but he asked only the ones that you had marked specifically in the book." She said with a smile.

" Oh Dad has an interest in Defense Against the Dark Arts so I was fairly certain he'll ask about ingredients related to that. You obviously needed a headstart and my notes can save some time, I would've given some to Hermione too but I'm fairly sure that she has already read the whole book." I replied and she nodded.

" So you must be great at Potions? " Hermione asked.

" Of course he will be his Dad teaches the freaking subject," Simon said.

"You know that's a very bad assumption to make right? The child of a Constellation rarely becomes one himself." I started to walk to the Great Hall.

" So you're bad at it?" Lan Zhan asked.

" Nope. I'm the best at it." I replied.

" You know I can easily surpass you at Potion Making right?" Draco said immediately.

" Say that after you've stopped falling unconscious by Moon Dust or when you finish 3 more Advanced books," I said with a chuckle

" So what's the next class after this?" Simon asked.

" History," Alucard replied.

" Well I'm hungry so let's eat something first," I said as we entered the Great Hall.

*30 Minutes later*

"These stairs are an obvious death trap. I mean look at this shit!" Simon said as we made our way to classroom 4F for the history lesson.

"I agree with ya." A pale head popped up from between Simon's chest.

Simon without hesitance delivered a full forced punch towards the ghost and unexpectedly it passed through the ghost and Simon was kneeling on the ground the next moment.

" I have far too many close calls with mistress death due to these stairs." The ghost said and simply floated off.

"It seems there are good ghosts in this world," Alucard said as I helped Simon.

"Why the hell weren't any of you surprised?" Simon asked as he brushed off his clothes.

" Well, I could see the ghost from a mile away," I replied.

" I have been taught of cutting off the head of apparations but I don't have my sword on me." Lan Zhan said in an honest voice and for a moment I considered if I should warn the ghosts in the castle. Only for a moment though.

" Unlike you all, I'm not stupid." Alucard said as he flicked a strand of hair from his face.

"More importantly why did you punch it?" Hermione asked as we all looked at Simon waiting for a reply.

"I mean it was a ghost," Simon answered.

"And your first instinct was to punch it?" Harriet said skeptically.

" Uh... Yeah. " Simon said now unsure.

" Typical Belmonts. Give them a farm and they'll eat the weeds." Alucard said derisively.

" Oi! At least I don't suckle on someone else's body fluids." Simon replied sharply.

" Now now we're all normal people here. We all put on our socks before our pants so let's just all calm down. By the way where's Draco?" I said and looked around.

It took everyone in the vicinity a few moments to process what I had just said and I saw a myriad of emotions on their faces. Shock, anger, confusion, betrayal, and despair were a few of them.

We started on the stairs and in a few minutes as we were waiting for it to change its position for the thousandth time we heard a hurried shuffling of feet.

I looked up and saw a disheveled Draco running down the stairs. He probably ran up the stairs after seeing the ghost or something

" There... There's a...." He started in a jagged breath.

" What? A unicorn, Superman? Your great Grandma Ruth? I knew that old slut was still kicking, always had a kick in her. When they buried her I was sure she was playing inside that coffin on her PS3. Never should've trusted that witch."

" What? No! It's a giant freaky three-headed dog." Draco finally said and took deep breaths to gather his bearings.

" Oh? That's lame. They got Cerberus up there? Is Hades visiting or something?" I said but I could already see a glint in Harriet's eyes.

'Ever the curious one.' I thought as I was sure her brain was already working turbo speed.

"Okay let's go we're gonna be late for our lessons," Alucard said and began walking upstairs as we all followed him.

"Calm down Draco. We'll talk about your bad habit of lying later." I said and started dragging Draco to the classroom.

" I'm not... Ow.. lying... Goddamit at least raise my head so it doesn't hit the steps." Draco said angrily.


We reached the classroom and entered into the dusty old room which most likely housed a Napoleonic gun or something it looked so old.

"Wow, shit's super old," Simon said as we took our seats on a jumbo version of the round table.

"Couldn't have said it better myself Mr. Belmont." The same ghost we met on the stairs popped up directly from between the table.

"Uh... How's life going for ya?" Simon said awkwardly.


Read 16 chapters ahead on my Patreön. It's the first half of the month so it's a great time to join.
