Where Strength resides

*Anos's POV*

Charms by far was the most boring subject. It wasn't as if it was useless or anything. It could do some pretty cool tricks like making objects float and casting cool illusions on things but it wasn't the most exciting when the illusion you were casting was to make a green leaf appear blue. It was founded by some Eros guy or something.

Professor Flitwick was certainly excited to teach the subject and out of all of us, Hermione was the most eager to learn it.

"And with a flick of your wands like this and a few words, you can open any muggle lock in existence." Professor Flitwick taught chirpily standing on a table.

'Wonder if I can open someone's brain with this. We are really being taught to open locks, huh, they are literally begging us to go snooping around in the castle.' I sighed wondering how many ex-wizards were now thiefs.

We didn't have to perform any charms ourselves since this was the first day making the class even more boring not that I was eager to start using my wand again

The rest of the charm class passed by in a blur. I caught only bits and pieces of the class.

"No homework today." Professor Flitwick said as the class ended and suddenly he was the favorite teacher of Simon and more than half of the class.

We all walked to the next class. It wasn't gonna start for half an hour but Hermione insisted that we reach their first. Surprisingly Alucard agreed.

"You wanna pay attention to this one," Alucard said as he walked beside me.

In a few minutes, we were at the entrance of the class.

*Magical Theory*

Was written on a wooden board in Golden letters. The board hung right above the blackboard where the date and day were written along with a quote.

"Learn where your strength resides if you wish to learn where your destiny does."

The quote was written quite elegantly considering it was written with just chalk and while reading it I felt a strong gust of wind. I decided to ignore it not noticing that all windows were closed.

Hermione insisted we take the front seats in this lesson since she was stuck in the middle row during charms. Something about answering questions faster.

The seats were arranged in twos. Harriet and Hermione took the very front. Alucard and I sat behind them while Lan Zhan and Simon sat together. Draco sat behind them. Somehow Simon and Draco were stuck keeping Lan awake.

If the teacher as much as took a water break he'll take a nap. No one would know if it wasn't for the soft snoring that starts simultaneously as he sleeps.

No other students were entering the class so all of us stuck to idle conversation.

After a while, the door to the classroom opened again and we all moved our heads to see who had entered. There was quite a lot of time and we weren't supposed to share this lesson with Ravenclaw.

What or rather who entered was a young man with fair skin and sapphire-colored eyes. Long wavy golden hair fell below his back and a small blue tattoo in the shape of a stream was placed right below his left eye. He was also tall, maybe around 6'4''.

"Oh, I did not expect students to be here this early. Bright little ones aren't ya." He said smiling with his pearl white teeth and only then did I notice the silvery cross on his right ear. The man looked beautiful, no other way to describe it.

'Veela?' I thought for a moment.

'Nah too dangerous besides all of them are female. Then which race?' my mind raced with thoughts.

"Oh, I'm your Magical Theory teacher Zephyr Fey. Sorry for the late introductions, I hope to have a pleasant year with all of you." The man introduced himself and the pieces fell into place.

The man was a Fae. No other race would be proud enough to wear the name of their species directly as their surname.

All of us nodded in response. The man had certainly left an impression. Instead of wearing the normal black robes that almost all the teachers at Hogwarts wore he instead wore blue jeans and a golden embroidered shirt complimented by a white cloak that most certainly had a charm placed on it since it did not have a single speck of dust on it.

"Would you all like to introduce yourself?" The man asked with another dazzling smile.

"Hermione Granger." Hermione stumbled over her words, surprisingly nervous.

"Harriet Potter." Harriet was the total opposite of Hermione, seemingly at ease with the man's presence. The man nodded.

"Alucard from Neverwinter. Pleasure to make your acquaintance." The man gave an interested 'oh' and then asked us to continue.

" Anos V. Snape. May the winds favor your fortune." I said and the man looked at me for a moment more than the rest. Perhaps curious about the blindfold and mask but didn't ask.

" You've studied our culture? Are you by any chance Professor Snape's son?" The man asked.

" Yeah, the one and only. Dad bothered you or something?" I guessed.

" You could say that but you seem his total opposite. Ask me if you ever wish to know anything else about the Fae. Wouldn't want one of my students embarrassing themselves with a bland greeting though the effort is commendable." The man said with a laugh that sounded like tinkering of bells.

"Simon Belmont." The man gave for a moment had an interested look in his eyes before he gave a brief nod.

"Draco Malfoy. I'll be in your care." Draco introduced himself before hastily nudging Lan Zhan to wake up as he had fallen asleep between the time it took for us to give our introductions.

"Lan Zhan from the land of Forever Sun. I am honored to meet you." The man had a gleam in his eyes.

"Not as much as it is mine. I worked with one of your brothers before." Zephyr said with a smile though there was a slight sadness in his eyes.

"As I was saying I'll be teaching you all about Magical Theory. We'll be starting once the rest of the class-" Zephyr started adjusting his stack of papers before he was cut off abruptly.


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