I like this man

*Anos's POV*

"As I was saying I'll be teaching you all about Magical Theory. We'll be starting once the rest of the class-" Zephyr started adjusting his stack of papers before he was cut off abruptly.

" Fucking beast lovers stepping on my robes. These are worth more than your pathetic 'sorry'." A voice I instantly recognized came from outside before the door was slammed open and a group of kids entered inside.

'Of course, he's in Slytherin why wouldn't he be.' I thought as the greasy-haired kid from before entered the room with his lackeys. Which probably amounted to almost all the boys in Slytherin's first year.

I also smelled the blood on his fist clearly.

"Who might you all be?" Zephyr asked the group which slightly recoiled, perhaps expecting the teacher to be a bit late but the greasy-haired kid was the first to recover as he came to the front of the group.

"Maxwell Prince." The kid said with a smug smile.

Zephyr's left eyebrow rose slightly and he leaned over a bit to peer at the gate to see two bruised kids outside the class.

"You did that?" Zephyr asked as his smile disappeared.

"And what if I did?" Maxwell said with a shit-eating grin.

"Nothing much." Maxwell looked even happier as his goons laughed behind him.

"Evartaria," Zephyr said as he raised a single finger and raised Maxwell in the air, and opened a hole in the ceiling. He slowly lifted him up to the hole and then closed it such that he was stuck by his head in the ceiling.

"Just that," Zephyr said and brushed off a bit of dust from his shirt.

'I like this man.' I found myself fully appreciating his method of trash disposal.

He then turned to the others who were now pale on their faces.

"He'll drop from the ceiling in a minute or two or maybe when the earth wills it so. Be ready to catch him." He then turned towards us.

" I apologize but the lesson will be a bit delayed, please inform the other students. I'll be carrying the injured students to the medical ward." Zephyr said and left swiftly.

The rest of the students started to enter the classroom leading to some pretty surprised looks at the headless boy stuck in the ceiling. All of them asked where the teacher was and some girls even screamed when they saw Maxwell.

It turned out the Slytherin group were not great catchers since Maxwell fell from the roof and instead of catching him they panicked and dispersed leading to Maxwell falling straight to the ground.

"Tch." Both me and Simon made an annoyed sound as he instead of bashing his head fell on soft ground. It seemed Zephyr had enchanted it before he left.

*15 minutes later*

"For the last time! He will return in a few minutes." Hermione answered for the hundredth time as the students continued to bother us.

"Sorry for the delay." Zephyr walked back in followed by Ron Weasley and Neville Longbottom. With the former having a band-aid on his lips while the latter had a swollen eyeball.

"I wanted to start with Introductions today but since we are a bit behind schedule let's just start with the lecture." Zephyr walked up to the board and pointed at the quote.

"You're in good hands," Alucard said from my side.

"Now can anyone tell me what exactly does this quote mean?" Zephyr asked the class and a few dozen hands shot up.

" Alucard," Zephyr said and Alucard stood up.

"The magical core of a sorcerer matters the most when casting even the most basic of spells. If you pull energy too fast you will break your mana pathways instead of strengthening them, resulting in a weak spell and even backlash to the caster." Alucard said and Zephyr nodded at him to sit down.

" Impressive. Though some parts may not apply to regular beings." Zephyr said with a smirk.

" Belmont." He said and I looked back to surprisingly see Simon had raised his hand as well.

"The intent of the cast matters as much as the caster itself. Overestimate your will and tenacity and will and your body breaks while not giving enough pressure will result in less finesse when using spells." Simon said and sat down.

'Ooh, he even used a fancy word.'

"Yes. What Simon said just now is the basis of croakers law though some parts of it might be described as a bit 'Fanatical' it entails that an intent behind a spell can change its uses by a large amount. Use hate on an enchanting spell and the spell won't ever work." Zephyr explained and I could feel the worship from half the girls in the class.

'Definitely shouldn't have given an enchanting spell as an example.'

Zephyr then drew all the main organs of a human on the board with such skill that it made some of the boys in the class rub their eyes at how fast he was. What was even more impressive and made half the class lose their mind was that he drew a circle over the heart. With his bare hands. No tools whatsoever.

I could probably make a thousand wishes to a shooting star and still not do that. Hell, you could drink the Holiest piss in Vatican and still not do that.

The only reason the girls weren't squealing was that he had drawn an actual heart. The ventricle and blood pumping type and not the cupid one.

"Most humans have their mana cores in their hearts and draw mana from there. There are of course some humans that can store mana throughout the body while there are some that can store it in a ball-like shape right below the navel.

As Simon and Alucard have explained a moment before both intent and the mana core. Some of course are more blessed in this area than others but a good Magician doesn't give excuses. I expect the best out of all of you." Zephyr passed a look over all the students in the classroom.

"This year we'll only be focusing a bit on the brain and mostly on how to draw your mana out without making things explode," Zephyr said and the lecture continued, I was fully interested in this one.


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Hope everyone has a nice Day/Night.