Potential Part 3

*Anos's POV*

"Okay, I have good news and bad news," Zephyr said and I sighed.

"Well, I'll take the good news first."

"I think I know exactly what the issue is and it'll be easy to resolve for the most part." He said and I felt a bit less burdened but as always there was a catch.

"So what's the bad news?" I asked.

"Well, I hope this isn't on any record and I mean no offense but you're an idiot," Zephyr said and for the first time, I heard him a little bit agitated.

Well, I certainly hadn't expected that. Instead of explaining further Zephyr tried to touch me and I instantaneously took down limitless.

He just tapped me on the head and I was left irritated.

"Don't try to hide it from me. I can see through you. You maintain a barrier around you at all times. An incredibly strong one at that."

I was dumbfounded for a moment. It wasn't as if I could do anything about the leaked information of me being a Progenitor.

Alucard had known already, some people I myself had foolishly told but this was something even Dad didn't know about.

"Good. At least you're surprised. Don't worry my ability is almost unique and you aren't going to find that many people with Mana manipulation of my level. When I first entered the classroom I used wind magic to sense your presence.

I could see through the cores of every single person in the classroom except you." Zephyr explained and started rummaging through his desk.

" So... I'm right?" He asked.

" Yeah. I don't know much about it but it never hurt me so I didn't think it would be that much of a problem." I told a half-truth.

" That's where you're incredibly wrong. Here." Zephyr came back and handed me a blue crystal.

" Now I need you to close your eyes and focus on this. Try to remain as calm as you can, no stray thoughts." I did as told and closed my eyes.

"Open your eyes," Zephyr said and I looked down at the crystal which had turned to dust.

'Hope that wasn't expensive.'

"Okay. So I'm going to explain what you have to do and ask your parents first. Don't do this without them knowing." Zephyr stressed the point and I nodded.

" Imagine your energy as water stored in a bucket that represents your body, a normal human will have one or in rare cases, two taps connected to that bucket, and as they grow up drops of water will keep dropping out. Those are Techniques or Affinities. For humans, that means what type of magic they are best at, Offensive, Defensive, Inscriptions, and a lot more.

For creatures like you and I, we have 2 taps most of the time that drop steady streams which are the basis of our Techniques. You following till now?"

I nodded.

"Elemental Manipulation is one of my techniques, and for other creatures, these can range anything from telekinesis to transformations to better senses. All of that depends on the creature."

" So I get it that something is wrong with the body or bucket in my case?" I asked and Zephyr shook his head.

" No, your body is the most resilient one I've ever seen. The problem is the number of taps you have."

" How many do I have?"

" Unknown. I can't tell you that. The crystal that turned to dust just now was supposed to tell us. Which means you have more than 4 at least. For context, a Progenitor is supposed to have 2 Strong ones and one weak one. The strongest races are supposed to have 2 Strong ones.

In your case, you have an infinite amount of them, which means all of the taps are broken. In your situation, if you want to take our water to drink then someone is stealing an equal amount and throwing it down a drain.

It should've killed you by now but Blood is helping you because you're taking in vitality from others. You're incredibly Lucky." Zephyr said while rubbing his head.

'Wow, such good luck.' I thought in my mind and tried to process what had been said.

" Okay, so what am I supposed to do to stop that?" I asked. I came here for a solution and If everything could be stopped easily then there's no need to make a fuss about it anyways.

" If you had Mana as energy then you could've gone to an Apothecary and everything would've been fine but the energy you have reacts to dark thoughts so I really don't know. I've never even heard of people being born with more than 3 Affinities,

Muggles for example don't have any Affinities at all that's why they can't use magic with a wand or staff. There's nothing to use as a base so there's nothing produced."

" So is there a time limit or something?" I asked a bit nervous.

" Yes. Around 2 years of lifespan before it becomes too much and drinking blood will become unfeasible.

Don't worry give me a few hours and I'll think of something but I'll need a bit of your blood. I'll ask Professor Snape first don't worry." He tried to reassure me but that sentence was too much of a bombshell.

'I could've died and I wouldn't have even known why.' I began imagining scenarios each worse than the last before Zephyr shook my shoulders and snapped me out of it.

" Hey, don't worry. I might not look like it but I'm the best at this sort of stuff. No one other than your parents will know and you'll be just fine in a couple of days. I promise."

" Parent," I said in a low voice.

" Huh?"

" I don't have a mother. My Dad will be the only one to know." I corrected Zephyr.

" Oh. I think you're tired and it's also time for dinner. Why don't we go to the Great Hall." Zephyr offered.

" No. I don't think I'll be able to eat today. I'll just go to sleep." I said but couldn't bother to fake a yawn or rub my eyes.

I wanted to go alone but Zephyr insisted on at least taking me to the common room himself and I didn't argue.

All the way I was thinking of things. There must be something I was missing, something that felt wrong that I should know. Anything that meant Dad wouldn't have to bothered again.

I had probably given him a lifetime's worth of problems in the single week I had been in school.

Fortunately, no one was in the common room so I was alone.

That day I took the longest sleep I had ever taken till then. Sleeping as soon as my face hit the bed.


Author's Note: As fun as it would be to just say I was procrastinating during all this time unfortunately i wasn't. This is a basic run down of everything that's happened in my life over the last few days:

1) I had family stuck in Ukraine. I think that one's pretty self explanatory.

2) One of my family members got surgery and I'm taking care of them.

3) The deadline of my practicals was moved forward by a week so essentially I'm giving them right after exams are over.

4) I'm surving off of 6 hours of sleep and a lot of coffee. My mental and physical health is fucked up beyond belief. I've genuinely never felt shittier.

5) The typing on phone thing is becoming more than just a nuisance. I'm getting knots in my thumbs making moving them for long periods of time constantly to be painful. I'm still saving for that laptop.

That's the bare bones of what's been going on. I'm trying to get back into writing because goddamit I wanna write these stories without interruption.

If you could then consider supporting my Patreön.

Patre on.com/Ashara

But I'll try to get back in form.

Take care of yourself everyone and hope you have a nice Day/Night.