
*Anos's POV*

"Son of a blasphemous bitch." I said as I woke up. The open dark sky was directly above me but I couldn't find in me to appreciate the stars.

I looked at my phone and it was 3 in the morning.

I tried to sleep again but my eyes couldn't remain close and the sky almost seemed to be staring back today, so I spent god knows how long tossing and turning in my bed.

Listening to music seemed too tiresome and there was constant nagging at the back of my head.

I felt hungry and fortunately, it was my stomach, not my throat that was parched.

I slowly got up and removed my school robes since I had fallen asleep in them and changed into a high-neck shirt and jeans. My mask felt pleasing on my face and my blindfold seemed natural.

It seemed weird that I hadn't tried to open my eyes. I was aware of the headache but not that it would be this much of a problem.

I went out of my room and looked around to see if there was anyone else awake which thankfully everyone seemed to be sleeping but I had a feeling Alucard was awake.

I walked to the kitchen and contemplated making something. I was having an intense staring contest with a loaf of bread before I felt a hand on my back and turned to see Alucard and Simon standing behind me.

"Morning," I said weakly before going back to the common room without eating anything.

I took the chair beside the fire and Simon and Alucard followed me into the room and both took seats at the opposite ends of the room.

"You sick or something?" Simon asked shuffling his hand due to the cold.

"Nah. I'm just tired." I said closing my eyes.

"We have got some Muggle homework. Granger wanted me to remind you and Belmont happened to be awake." Alucard said flipping through a book.

"Oh. Well, let's finish that shit." I said getting up.

"Wait you're doing homework today?" Simon asked incredulously.

"Yeah, I mean better get done with that shit as fast as I can," I replied.

"Come on. It's Sunday. It's God's Day! You're never supposed to get shit done on Sunday." Simon drawled.

" That's a seventh of your life that you're doing nothing. But I expected nothing less from you, Belmont." Alucard said flipping to another page.

" How did it go with the Fae?" Alucard asked looking up from his book and I sat back down.

" Well, apparently I'm in some really deep shit. I've more taps in the bucket than possible so my wand doesn't have anything to use as a base meaning I'm firing raw energy." I explained leaving out the lifespan part, hoping that I wouldn't have to explain it to anybody ever.

It was kinda jarring to go from the possibility that you might be immortal and ageless to having 2 years of lifespan.

Simon looked confused but realization dawned on Alucard's face and he gave a short nod and left the conversation at that.

"I talked to the cool professor about my wands issue. It got problematic but I might have a solution." I lied and Simon nodded.

" Talk to Potter, she was worried that you got sick or choked on a sandwich," Simon said getting up with a yawn.

" Now I'll leave you, nocturnal idiots, to it. See you in the afternoon." Simon said as he left the room while stretching his arms.

" So how many years?" Alucard asked as soon as I heard a snore from Simon's room.

" 2," I said and Alucard took in a sharp breath.

" Not even double digits? How many Affinities do you have?" Alucard asked.

"Unknown. There are supposed to be 3 at max and I have more than 4 at the very least." I said and now my mind was clear I was starting to think of it more and more.

" I see. Give me a drop of your blood." Alucard said and came towards me. I took down Limitless and he slowly hardened the nail of his index finger and poked my left hand resulting in a barely visible drop of blood on the tip of the nail.

He then brought it closer to the fireplace and the blood burned black and blue before disappearing.

" So..... Was that supposed to mean something?" I asked rubbing my wound.

" Yes," Alucard said and in a flash brought a drop of his own blood over the fire as the red bead burnt black before evaporating.

"Your blood is extremely similar to mine and that's saying something. I'm not a Common vampire you see and since you're a Progenitor your blood should be the most distinct out of your species. What happened to your blood just now means that there's a possibility a Blood Oath might work on you." Alucard said jerking his hand a little and taking a seat beside me.

"What exactly is that?"

"When Vampires or strong entities are born or made they have this period of chaos known as the Surge where either their body or their energy is unable to keep up with the transformation and influx of Affinities being imprinted on them.

In those moments a binding power or Blood Brand in case of Vampires acts as a binding spell on them restricting their powers to specific Affinities and stopping their bodies from destroying itself." Alucard explained looking a bit Haggard in the light from the fireplace.

" Blood Oaths are always taken by the strongest, they don't have to be at the moment when something is born but whenever possible. It's an equal exchange that only works on creatures of a certain magnitude.

It works on the Alchemical law of equivalent exchange, 'energy cannot be destroyed or created, only transmuted or replaced with something of equivalent worth'.

You'll have to give a vow or something of the sort and that'll be it. We can confirm it with the Fae." Alucard explained.

" How sure are you about this?"

" As sure as I am about the Belmont being an idiot," Alucard said without hesitation meaning it was real shit.

" Then we'll see," I replied gaining a glimmer in my eyes.


Author's Note: Thumbs hurt couldn't write + Insomnia.

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Hope everyone has a nice Day/Night and long live Insomnia.