Ch 82: Room of Statues

*3rd POV*

Hogwarts looked absolutely breathtaking, covered with snow on the day of Christmas with little light coming from inside the castle. Shimmering out to the world outside.

Inside the Castle despite housing much less than its usual amount of humans looked extremely festive. The Great Hall was decorated by a large Christmas tree with ornaments hanging to the branches like little Gems and Pearls.

And for one Peeves the Poltorghist a little Dung Beetle shaped ornament was placed at the lowest branch of the tree contrasting the other shiny ornaments.

Did it take away from the tree's beauty and the amazing atmosphere in the hall? No. Did it make Peeves happy and allowed him to snicker in wait for someone to notice that he had put a Real Dung beetle on the Christmas Tree? Yeah.

It was still Christmas morning but most of the castle was already awake and joyous. For the teachers, this was a relaxing time, and for the students? Well for most of them this seemed like the best time of their life.

For other students namely those in House Dragon it meant staring at incredible gifts and doing their best to remember who gave what to whom.

After having breakfast everyone had split up for a bit, promising to meet at the Common room in the afternoon.

Anos taking this opportunity was now looking through the castle for something peculiar. And a strange way of looking it was for he was on the seventh floor. Passing along the left corridor again and again.

Past the portrait of someone, quite admirably trying to teach Trolls how to do Ballet. A very mentally taxing endeavor but who was he to question the wizards.

'Somewhere I can practice with no one but me who can enter. Somewhere that can take a raw beating and survive. Somewhere I can absolutely destroy and then reuse if nothing happened.' He thought as he passed the corridor.

It was a very weird thought but he was trying to be as specific as he possibly could. He had already passed the hall one time and this was the second time.

Now he started to walk through the hall for the third time, quite hopeful that he'll succeed.

'Somewhere no one but I can enter. Somewhere to practice with every tool or equipment required already provided. Somewhere strong and hidden.' He thought as he passed the Portrait for the third time and then waited.

'Do I need to do it once more? It should be around here.' Anos thought as he touched and prodded the walls.

There was no one guarding this place at this time, no Prefects, and Filch was busy trying to clean up the mess the Weasley Twins had made during the Breakfast with their Aerable Glitter.

As he touched the walls opposite to the Troll Tapestry they shifted beneath his fingers, shaking and turning, and without a hiss or a sound, they split apart into a magnificent Obsidian Black Door.

Shaped in the form of Snarling Beasts and Humans it was quite opposite to what he expected it to be but he opened the doors anyway and entered.

The Room that appeared before him was very very different from what he imagined it would be or it should've been. This was a room large enough to run in with leisure.

Brightened by Torches that Burnt with Blue and Black Flames the room had an eerie shadow to it and its top had a Golden Shard embedded right in the middle. Shining and making the floor of the room feel as if it was drowned in light.

Anos was quite pleased with the area of the room, certainly enough to practice in and the Obsidian Black Floor seemed like it could take a beating for Days on End by exploding spells.

The Room of Requirements certainly seemed to be exactly what he was looking for. Best place as any to learn to control his strength and grow stronger.

As he mused in his thoughts from the other end of the room walked in 5 feet tall Humanoid Statues. All wielding a wand and walking surprisingly quickly.

Each was dressed in Purple robes embroidered with Stars. Different amount for each.

3 Stars for the first one, 4 for the one next to him till 6 stars for the fourth one while the last one had 9 stars.

'Hmm, so if this follows the normal Wizarding Ranks then the 9-star one is the most threatening one while the 3-star one would be the one with the least combat capability.' Anos mused as the 5 Statues started tinkering and for statues they were quite nimble as they moved their wands between their fingers with quite the large amount of dexterity.

"Ok let's start with the lowest one and climb our way higher," Anos said, dropping some of his heavier clothing since the room was heated to just the perfect temperature for him.

At his provocation, the 3-starred Statues with its beady eyes and Polygon face almost seemed to smile evilly before it grabbed its wand in a death grip and walked forward.

The light shining on its body illuminated its Porcelain White limbs, in contrast to the Obsidian Black walls of the room. It looked almost as if it was made from some sort of Heap of White rock.

If not for its height of 5 feet being almost the same as Anos then it would be better described as a White Golem or Automaton.

The other 4 statues took a step back and seemed to lose life and the 3 starred one gained almost sentience like Light in its own eyes as he looked at Anos.

Anos just smiled as he stretched his limbs, his white hair waving in the room from the unnatural flow of air. The 3 starred Statue waited opposite to him, staring menacingly.

Something told Anos this was gonna be fun, finally a way to let loose.

"Let's get this started shall we."


Author's Note: Well how's it going?

On another note, I managed to poison myself a few days ago so that was a new experience, wouldn't recommend though.

Was already sporting a fever and managed to confuse the tube containing the toothpaste for my sensitive little teeth with mosquito repellent insecticide. Looking back on it, why do they make them look so similar? Anyways, don't be an idiot like me is the lesson to learn from that one, I'm still alive somehow.

Hope all of you enjoyed the chapter, if you want to read ahead and support me while I try not to poison myself you can do so at my Patrion.

Well I have some medicines to take, hopefully I survive, probably will, I have some works to write.

Hope everyone has a Nice Day/Night.