Ch 83: 3 Starred Menace

*Anos's POV*

"Huh what're you so angry about?" Anos asked the statue as he stretched, something told him the longer he was taking the more the statue was becoming annoyed.

For a moment the room had complete silence which was then broken by a rustle of wind.

"Hmm, it would've been more weird if you answered," Anos said, shrugging.

As he took the first step to begin the fight, already ready the statue fired its first spell at him.

"Deflectere." Anos cast with his hands and threw the opposing spell to another side of the room, where it hit the Obsidian walls and blew out like a candle in a storm.

'Can it hear my thoughts?' Anos wondered. The Statue did start the moment he thought he was ready to start the fight.

But thoughts like that were distracting so instead he pushed Cursed energy into his fingers and cast another spell.

"Shard." He casted and a blue black light left his index finger and the statue hurried to guard with a blocking spell but was only semi successful as crumbs of its white rocks dropped to the ground.

The spell he had used was a very simple one, well not that simple when using cursed energy instead of simple mana.

Anos had found that Cursed energy amplified almost all basic spells with the intention to harm or break but made other forms of spell like healing spells much much more difficult.

The statue looked at its hurt stone hand and then didn't wait before launching a flurry of spells.

Anos sidestepped some that were particularly slow and deflected others, he still had Infinity on him so the spells most likely wouldn't even reach him except in brute strength but he had given himself a handicap for the fight.

The statue didn't seem to realize that the spells it was using as a 3-star were just too weak to not get straight deflected and was moving forward while Anos stayed in the same position since the fight started.

"Wingardium Leviosa." Anos casted but the statue didn't seem the least bit hindered as the spell shrugged off of it.

Instead, the statue took that time to change its usual spell and almost in contempt casted a different more potent spell as a flaming snake left the statue's wand and glided through the air towards Anos.

"Reverse Red," Anos said as he held out the palm of his hand towards the air.

For a moment the air felt too heavy as if it had become Solid before....


In a blast of air, the air threw itself against the statue, throwing it straight towards the Obsidian wall and embedding it deep into it.

'Is it over?' Anos thought panting a bit. Reverse Red took a bit out of him that was for damn sure. The bigger the scale the higher the cost.

He looked at the Statue that seemed to have a bit of its chest plating shattered so there were cracks all the way in its previously smooth chest piece and the insides revealed were still stone.

Stone that shone in the glittering light from the roof of the room.


Just as Anos was gonna drop down to rest the statue creaked again. The inside of its body giving off a Scarlet miasma that touched its white outer body and formed a sort of layer on it.

The statue then started moving again crawling its way out of the wall and leaving a big hole in its shape into the solid Obsidian-colored wall.

Its hands that had turned in weird shapes were forcefully turned back into a semi natural shape. Still looking weird and unnatural as they were missing chunks.

It looked nothing like it did at the start and with the glow in its eyes, it almost seemed like a Creature not a statue.

"Well fuck." Anos said before unleashing a barrage of spells on it trying to chip more of it off.

But the scarlet miasma around it turned into little plates of sentient Armor as it absorbed spells and then vanished.

At least it seemed to be limited in quantity as it was no longer being produced from the creature's chest. Immediately several areas near the creature's legs were showing the hard white outer skin.

The creature didn't flinch from the spells and instead seemed to humm as it unleashed a barrage of spells of its own.


Anos sidestepped one, deciding to use some of his newfound body strength. It was a good idea to do so as the place where the spell landed exploded throwing chunks of the floor into the air.

"Well, this got a whole lot trickier. Shard." Anos started fighting making sure to sidestep the explosive spells of the creature.

'There's no cover to hide behind here.' Anos looked around still dodging, this was a rather sour situation since no cover to hide behind means he would have to rely on his deflecting spells but he wasn't sure how good they would be against literal explosion spells. He wasn't really proficient in them for now.

'Should've worked harder in Charms class.' he thought making a mental note. Before the hardest part was the fact that the creature's spells didn't require any chanting so they were rather spontaneous but this was a whole another level of bad as he was forced to dodge again and again to chip away at the miasma.

As he dodged he also seemed to be moving closer to the stagnant creature. At a rather awkward pace since he was dodging at the same time but slowly but surely Anos made his way so he was less than 20 feet from the creature.


The creature took three straight shard spells to its exposed legs as it seemed to prepare for a more powerful spell.

Anos braced himself as a spell landed a few feet in front of him before blowing the floor's pieces 4 meters into the air.

For a moment a large part of the surrounding area was filled with a dust cloud.

'Strengthened Blue.'

Suddenly a small box-sized space around the statue's legs got empty of air before in a sudden rush it pulled everything inside into that small area .

And the statue that was already very close to him lost its footing and Anos took the chance to straight rush the statue as he ran up to it from the dust and delivered a solid punch to its face, the dust hadn't hindered his vision in any way.

He did pull back a bit at the last moment since he didn't want to turn the statue into white mist, he had already found that his raw strength was beastial in its own right and he was more or less experimenting.

The Red mist tried to stop but Anos's hand phased through it and connected with the statue's chest and caused deep cracks to run through it making several more holes in it.


The statue threw its wand and brought its angry stone arm towards Anos who brought his left arm to block it in the nick of time.


He felt his head buzz and something inside his hand definitely needed repair now.

The statue was about to deliver another of its punches before Anos saw the glittering in its chest. He had been aiming for these from the start and brought both his hands into it and started to pull them apart.


The cracks in the statue's chest widened since the inside of its body was a lot softer compared to its outside.


With a long-winded crack, the chest of the statue was split into two horizontally and finally, it turned off.

Anos waited another moment to see if it'll wake up or not before dropping to the floor and letting out a chuckle.


Author's Notes: So, I managed to get a back infection and lost the ability to sit for a long while so the gods have truly being kind to me. So sorry for the delay, I got this out as quick as I could.

My poisoning has healed so that's good but I'm nursing a migraine right now which is evidently less good.

Anyways, I need to bounce quick and well everyone comes here for those chapters, which I promise will keep on coming soon as I'm able to, it's hard to write when I'm turned into stew at 42 degrees celsius, I wish I could change that but don't have the cash for that so cold water has to suffice.

I promise to heal quickly and upload chapters, just need to sleep for a night without stress, which is impossible but well I can at least try.

To those that wanna read ahead, they can do so at my Patreò I try my best but I appreciate readers both there and here, thank you for reading what I write.

Anyways, hope everyone has a nice Day/Night and know that whatever any of you are going through, I trust you all to get through it; I believe in all of you. I wish someone had said that to me once so I'm saying it to all of you.