Characters in Order of Appearance

Zion Ordaz: Main character, 22 year old woman who got dropped into the world of Bai Qingqing and her beastmen, only it's several thousands of years later. Strong-willed, determined, with great leadership qualities, she's a far cry from Bai. Human, obviously.

Leigh: Younger brother to the Chief, treated as a young prince within the village. Between 13 and 15 years old. Youthful, excitable, and wears his heart on his sleeve. A young wolf beastman.

Gharret: The Chief, himself, elected by the Elders. 37 years old. He is Untrusting and suspicious of most outsiders, which leads him to terrible acts. However, he does truly care about the wellbeing of the village and has shown a softer side to Zion, with whom he is enamored. A wolf beastman.

Caroline: The mother of the Chief and (supposedly) Leigh, though that was still up for debate. 150 years old. One of the elders of the village. Wild personality on a quick switch, as she tends to flip between night and day fairly often, depending on who she's around and what she's trying to accomplish…a little bit sneaky, this lady…Fox beastman.

Jack: One of the elder's council. 105 years old. Hare beastman (more on him later!)

Holly: One of the elder's council. ??? years old. Sheep beastman.

Gregory: Elder's council. ??? years old. Forest Cat beastman.

Nevin: Elder's council, Gharret's uncle. ??? years old. Wolf beastman.

Vernon: One of the elder's council, unmated currently, but has been mated many times in the past to supposedly multiple females. Evidently, the Goddess had abolished the banishment of unwanted males and allowed them to remate. 250 years old (debatable as he looks to be in his 50's, though in GREAT shape), still hasn't revealed how he made it that far. Loud but coy, with a great sense of humor, work ethic, and strong morals, he watches out for the unmated males in the village. Stag beastman.

Isabella: A young, unmated female from the village. 20 years old. Self-claimed 'plant whisperer', she's a bright, bubbly, bouncy bunny girl with an unusual color pattern on her skin. Though she's viewed as ugly, she's actually rather quite hot, but also very sweet and kind. Hare beastman.