Chapter 31.5 [!!!EXPLICIT CONTENT!!! NSFW!!! Ages 18+ ONLY!!!]

[!!!EXPLICIT CONTENT!!! NSFW!!! Ages 18+ ONLY!!!]

[You were warned! ;)]

The scent of sex wafted from somewhere within the room. HER sex. Gharret growled, throwing the door open and letting his nose go to work. He checked under the bed, in the closet, under the table…anywhere that she and another male might be hiding. Sure, it was perfectly acceptable for her to take another mate, but this…! Taking that mate in HIS territory?!

Hell no.

He tracked it everywhere and still, all that assaulted his nostrils was her pure, clean scent of absolute, passionate arousal. When he determined that she was nowhere to be found within his space, he gently closed the door behind him and moved to the window. Opening it up, he let a gentle night breeze drift through to clear the air a bit. It would make it a little easier to track the smell.

Wait for it…

Waaait for it…


Gharret pounced on his bed and snatched up his favorite pillow and pressed his nose deep into the folds…then began to growl.

The front of his pants, which had been tightening, now began tenting heavily. His cock grew exponentially at the realization of his discovery:

She had MARKED his pillow.

…and she was in heat.

Gharret fell to the bed, clutching the pillow desperately with one hand to his face as he licked, gnawed, and chewed the spot she'd marked. Instinctively, his hand slipped into the front of his pants, wrapping around the base of his member as it throbbed against his palm, already weeping hot, sticky fluids. It burned his skin with its heat and he began whimpering and growling as his grip slid along the length of his cock, all the while tearing at the pillow with his teeth.

It left him unsatisfied, however…

Withdrawing his hand, he tossed the pillow away, where it landed with a soft 'fwump' on the floor near the window before he stalked toward his door, throwing it open again. She had insisted on sleeping in another room that night and now he knew why…in a way. This was a test, perhaps…or maybe she was keen on teasing him. Either way, he wasn't going to have it. He would be her mate tonight or…or he didn't know what he'd do with himself.

It felt as though moments had passed before he found himself in front of the door to her room. All this build-up and he ended up freezing in place, merely listening for sound or movement inside. She was a crafty female…cruel and callous one moment, gentle and giving the next. As unpredictable as a summer storm, as powerful as a hurricane…as beautiful and deadly as ice.

"Hello…?" came her soft voice from inside. He tensed, cringing at his own fear before he swallowed it back and cleared his throat.

"It's me…," he mumbled against the wood. "Let me in…"

There was silence at first. He knew he could easily burst into her room and have her, but…but then he'd never have her again. The way that Gharret wanted her was painful, agonizing, terrifying…and forever. This was a female he was more than happy to kneel before.

"Zion…?" he asked softly. He also didn't want to wake others, but the discomfort in his pants was making him impatient. He reached down and adjusted himself for a moment, then looked back to the door.

"Uh…come in…I suppose…"

As he closed his eyes, straining to hear her, he imagined the soft curve of her throat and how the muscles moved sinuously over each other with every syllable. It made him shudder and drool, remembering what her skin tasted like.

With her permission, he gripped the handle and gently pushed the door open. Head bowed, he entered the smaller room.

She was sat upright in bed, leather chest piece removed and folded neatly on a chair nearby, with the blankets over her long legs as she scribbled in her book. She still wore the dress from earlier that day and looked both comfortable and beautiful in it.

"Gharret?" she queried. She wasn't worried about mistaking him – there was no mistaking him, of course – she was more worried about the look on his face. "You okay?" She then proceeded to close up her book, attach the pen to it and set it down on the chair beside the bed. The concern on her face was genuine.

He closed the door behind himself and leaned back against it. She climbed out of bed, swinging those long legs over the side and flashing too much skin as she put her bare feet on the ground and moved toward him. He couldn't smell it as much, now, but as she stopped almost two feet from him, he could tell she was no longer in heat. Had…he missed his chance…?

Nah. Humans can mate any time and for the moment, he wasn't at all interested in making babies…just mating.

He was startled as he felt her cool hands brush his face as sense, sensibility, and reason vacated from his brain. Gharret clenched his jaw and growled softly as his body tensed. All the hair on his body stood on end as her touch, alone, electrified him. Once more, he felt the painful throbbing in his loins, and his bestial urge to mark her roared.

Zion didn't falter. She remained in front of him and actually smiled. It was a cruel mix of amusement and pity as she stepped a little closer to him. Their bodies were inches apart and she could feel the heat radiating from him…

"I see you found my little present…," she whispered softly. Her hands slipped from his cheeks, down the sides of his neck, before slipping under his coat and landing on his shoulders, against his bare skin, making him shudder.

"You…," he panted, unable to control the vibrations echoing from his throat, which had suddenly run dry. "You left that…for me…on purpose…" Perhaps he'd just heard her wrong, maybe she'd just…accidentally…

"Yes," she breathed.

He snapped.

It took every shred of willpower to restrain himself from pouncing on her and having his way, but now…? Gharret snatched her up, one arm crushing her head and chest to his, the other scooping up her legs against his hip as he rushed to throw her on her bed. It wasn't as big as his, but it would do in a pinch. Zion landed with a gasp and a startled cry, though he was on top of her a moment later.

He landed between her legs, shoving them wide open with his hips as his arms encircled her, one hand at the back of her neck, lifting and supporting her as his mouth came crashing down against hers.

She groaned deliciously against his mouth, her lips slipping over his expertly in return, before she pressed further, wrapping her arms around his shoulders beneath his coat and parting her lips. Like he'd imagined so many times, his tongue speared into her as his hips bucked against hers, eliciting a soft moan that sent shivers running the length of his spine.

Oh, Gods…This woman would be the death of him.

He broke the kiss, letting his mouth trail down her neck and over an exposed expanse of shoulder and chest. Gharret could hear her panting softly, fingers tangling in his hair as she moaned, shuddered, and flinched with every kiss, lick, and nibble he pressed against her delicate skin.

"G…Gharret…," she said, panting and tugging gently on his hair. He hadn't seemed to notice as he nuzzled her dress further down her chest while one of his free hands slipped under her dress along her thigh until he found her sex, clothed in a woolen panty. His fingers landed hard against the material as the scent of her arousal nearly pushed him over the edge. It blossomed and grew as her fluids began to seep through the fabric of the panty. He groaned with psychological pleasure as he ground his fingers against her clothed core, sliding them along the length before she tugged a little more insistently on his hair. It gave him pause, so he looked at her.

She truly was a goddess, sprawled beneath him and panting. Her cheeks were flush and her nipples pressed hard against the hyper-fine snakeskin as her breasts, free from restraint, bounced softly against her ribcage and looked far more tender than they ever should have a right to be.

"Zion…," he responded. "What is it?"

She smiled a little, then laughed gently.

"Take your clothes off…and mine, too." Her voice was husky, dropped into a pitch he'd never heard her express before. He swallowed hard, finding his throat had run dry again, before gently extracting himself from her and standing up from the bed. She seemed reluctant to let go of him but did so.

When he straightened, he immediately shucked the jacket and let it fall to the ground before he began to work at loosening the ties at the front of his pants. For a moment, he watched her as she stared back hungrily at the bulge his hardened member was creating.

She wasn't sure what she'd been expecting. When he slipped his pants down over his thighs, his cock sprung free, standing at full attention with a dribble of pre leaking down his bulging, throbbing shaft. In shape, however, it was different from what she was used to, tapered and almost pointed at the head with a bulb toward the base. What was more important was who it was attached to.

Gharret stood before her, panting softly as his cock twitched and flopped against his hard belly. It made her anxious and so she shifted a little, her legs spreading further for him.

Her scent wafted stronger over his senses and it took everything he had not to pounce on her and rip her dress clean from her form. Instead, he crept closer, slipping between her thighs. His hands traced the soft lines of muscle in her legs, sliding under her dress to her hips. He gripped them gently…

But there were things in the way.

Hastily, he helped her rid herself of the white smock and tossed it to the floor in a burst of frustration before he froze before the sight below him. What seemed like miles of smooth, flawless skin lay before him, full breasts sat high and heavy on her ribcage, nothing but gentle curves and subtle lines.

"W…what…?" she asked softly, seemingly breathless as well. He smiled gently at her.

"You're beautiful."

Zion's already pink cheeks turned a lovely shade of crimson and he leaned over her, taking her lips in a tender kiss. A hand caressed her cheek, brushing her lovely hair aside before he withdrew. There lay only one more obstacle between ecstasy and frustration. He couldn't help but drag his mouth over her body, taking a nipple into his mouth and giving it a gentle suckling. When her breath hitched, he released her.

A free hand had traveled downward to the juncture at her hips, over the woolen panty that shielded her from him. Fingers pressed gently over her soft mound, dipping lower as he clutched her weeping femininity in his hand. She threw her head back as she gasped, twitching beneath his hand and below him. Slowly, he slipped his hand back up, to the hem of the panty and slowly slipped his fingers inside…

…and ripped the damn thing clean from her hips.

She let out a startled yelp and as he tossed it aside, the scent of her arousal hit him hard and nearly knocked him down. Unbidden, a possessive growl crept from his throat and he dropped to his knees in front of the bed, reaching for her thighs and jacking her closer to the edge of the bed. She let out yet another startling noise, but this one tapered to a soft giggle, which only spurred him further.

When he finally came face-to-face with her core, the source of his need, he observed her bright red folds, swollen with need, and glistening with honey. Leaning closer, he wondered if she tasted as sweet as she smelled.

His tongue brushed over her and he felt his tongue nearly sizzle from her heat. She began making soft, whimpering noises and he pressed further, burying his face in her and closing his eyes.

It darted in and out of her opening, tasting her sweetness, her virginity, as he lapped up the sweet nectar her core released for him. While virgin, himself, he learned her sweet spots quickly, moving his attention to the little pink button that seemed to vex her whenever his nose brushed over it. Within minutes, she was gasping, flinching, twitching, and stifling moans as she thrashed her head and arms. Eventually, her hips began to roll against his tongue and he began to grin. Of all the stories and 'advice' he received over the years, he was finally putting it to work.

His hand slipped from her thigh to her juncture and it took only a moment before his fingers were slicked with her honey. With his tongue abusing her clit, he slowly and gently worked his fingers into her molten core as she rocked her hips with urgency. When she finally let out a gasping cry, he felt her insides clamp down around his fingers and begin twitching and convulsing as he continued working his tongue. He stopped only when a desperate hand came down to push him away and he relented with a chuckle.

All the while, his cock twitched impatiently.

As he stood and looked over her, she lay relaxed and panting, her legs spread wide with a listless gaze to her eyes. He waited until she looked back up at him before sucking his fingers clean and licking his lips. The show snapped her back to reality and another rush of her arousal scent came at him.

"Zion…," he breathed, smiling down on her affectionately. She blushed.

"Y-yes…?" She shifted beneath his gaze, bunching her shoulders and arching her back. Whether she did these things on purpose was unimportant to him at the moment.

"Take me as yours," he commanded…but more begged as he kneeled on the bed. She scoot back a little and at first, he paused, but realized she was giving him room. Pressing himself into the space between her open thighs, he then leaned over her. "All of me…," he breathed into her ear before gently nipping her earlobe.

She shuddered and nodded. He moved closer, feeling the tip of his dick and shaft slide against the folds of her core. She gasped and whimpered, her hips rolling again.

"Say it…" He growled against her ear and he felt goosebumps rise on her skin. Gharret gently pressed his teeth against the side of her neck, growling all the while and he felt her core twitch and convulse against him. There was a moment of silence before she swallowed.

"M…mark me…mate with me, Gharret…" The sound of her voice made him groan and roll his own hips. By beautiful design, the tip of his cock fell against the juncture of her core, and slowly, he pushed forward.

The tip of his member parted her folds slowly, entering her blazing channel that suckled gently on his cock as he shuddered at the slow entrance. The way she quivered and groaned as he pressed into her the full length of his shaft was delicious.

"Ooooh…fuck yesss….," she moaned. He didn't wait for an invitation and began rocking his hips back and forth. The immediate sensations were indescribable and it seemed like every nerve ending sparked and was set alight. It took everything he had not to clutch her hips and pound relentlessly into her core until he came and filled her belly with his seed…and swelling her with pups. He needed control.

"I will mate with you all night if you ask…I want nothing other than to live with my cock lodged deep in your pussy forever. I want to see you come over and over…I will drink your honey by the gallon…" Gharret continued growling in her ear, making his dirty talk sound more like threats, but it was working. She had snaked her arms around him as he thrust his hips into hers. He could feel her twitch and groan, which only brought him closer. He'd finally achieved his goal…he didn't want it to end so quickly.

"Mmh…Gharret…," she whimpered as he increased his pace and he found the noises that she made just propelled his progress, not to mention the tight, wet heat that gripped his cock in a vice, sucking him back in with every pull. But her voice caught his attention again as she buried her face against him and she twitched around his member.

"I…I want…I want you to cum in me…fill me with it…knot me and fill me…with your seed," she said. Gharret twitched inside of her, his body begging to obey her command. Her gentle request made him groan as he bit down on the fleshy bit at the curve of her neck. She cried out as simultaneously, he began hammering against her as hard and fast as he could while she held on for dear life.

There came a shuddering, twitching sensation from her core, just like earlier on his fingers and he smirked. Yes, he was bringing her to orgasm with his dick, alone. There was nothing more satisfying, except, perhaps…

"Of course, my mate. I will do as you…ask!" He punctuated his final thrust with a grunt and a groan as he slipped the rest of his cock within her. She gasped and moaned as he pressed his hips against hers, grinding and rolling his cock within as she clamped down on him, her core convulsing as strained, moaning whimpers escaped her.

The sensation of her pussy sucking on him, urging him to finish, caused him to drop far over the edge as he released himself within her, filling her womb with his cum. Her orgasm was not short, dragging on as he continued grinding and groaning softly against her neck, though it slowly tapered off until she fell limp to the bed.

Gharret shuddered, exhausted, as he knelt between her legs, panting…but this position would not be comfortable for a prolonged period of time. Unable to break their connection, he gathered her up against him before turning them and laying down with her on top. She didn't struggle in his grasp but still panted softly.

After a moment or two, she looked up at him and gave a half-smile.

"You can pull out, now…," she murmured exhaustedly. Gharret could only shrug and smirk.

"You're a little stuck. Apologies."

Zion tested it briefly, then whimpered when she found that she couldn't get free. Gharret had to grip her gently as he groaned and clenched his jaw.

"Gentle. It's attached…" She blushed and cleared her throat.

"Sorry…I just don't want to squish you…"

He shook his head and chuckled, wrapping his arms around her and brushing her hair back. "You're fine…don't worry about it, okay?"

She nodded and sighed, closing her eyes, so he resolved to wrap the covers around them as well…