Progressing Plans

A few years passed like the wind and I turned 5 years old a few days ago. Mother came back after being cleared of any suspicion after 2 days and father bought his way out of any charges levelled against him, returning 2 months later. After that, time passed quickly for me.

When I turned 2, mother bagan to teach me to read and write. She had always read to me, bedtime stories and the like, but she started to use kids books with me sitting on her lap and made sure I was following along with the childrens books.

It was interesting seeing the different stories parents tell their children in the magical world. The initial learning to read books weren't that different than the ones available in the muggle world, but the bedtime stories she read to me were quite different.

Stories of the great mage Merlin and his adventures with Aurthur and his knights of Camelot. The different tales in the book Tales of Beedle the Bard. Different stories of great mages in ancient Rome or Greece. There was a common theme with all of them. These stories most of the time ended in the protagonist conquering their oppenents and subjecting them to their rule.

The tales in the magical world were more gritty and dark than the fairytale stories told in the muggle world. More realistic as well. Mother read to me about the great strategies and conquests of Alexander the Great with his court mages and similar stories along those lines.

The stories were more grim than the muggle world's childrens stories, but they were still quite light. They were for children after all. I found them fascinating because the history was generally more accurate than what was available in the muggle world.

This is because wizards as a general rule revere knowledge and have long lives. Everything is recorded and precious knowledge is guarded jealously by families. Wizards also live longer than muggles, much longer. At this time, the oldest wizard alive isn't even Nicholas Flammel and his wife. It's a dude named Barry Wee Willie Winkle, aged nearly 750 years old at this time. 

The headmaster before Dumbledore was Dippet and he lived to 355 years old and died of old age before Dumbledore took over. Basically, wizards can live hundreds of years without a problem. History is more recent for us compared to the muggles.

Unless there is a concerted effort to purge information from the public, things are remembered in the magical world. And even then, families will record history and protect their knowledge like a dragon guarding its hoard so the knowledge is almost always still out there somewhere.

Anyway, after that, mother began to teach me how to write whilst father began to teach me about our families history and began to try to instill his ideology into me. The writing lessons sucked doing them, but I got used to using a quill and am happy to learn good handwriting. Plus I always enjoyed spending time with mother so it's fine.

She might be a snob and a blood purist, but she's a good mother and showers me with love. Her soul is also bright with colours marred by only a few splotches of darkness.

My father's lessons on the other hand were really quite insufferable. I don't give a single shit about the Malfoy family's history. I had already read the books in the house with my soul. We were a family of peasants from the french countryside up until the 1700's. Then a family member came into *read blackmailed* a small fortune and started rising from there.

The family grew from there through the different echelons of society through bribery, blackmail and sometimes murder in order to rise until the family was exiled from france when my grandfather was a child. The head of the family at that time overreached and tried to bribe a member of the royal family of France. They were given the name Malfoy meaning Bad Faith and were exiled. It's good they didn't try blackmail at the time otherwise the family would have been wiped out.

The family had barely any resources left after being exiled and my grandfather built the current family practially from nothing. He went to school with Tom Riddle and followed him as an original Knight of Wulpurgis. He used the methods of his ancestors to build the current family fortune but was more careful about it.

My father followed in his footsteps and continued this legacy. It wasn't a history I could take pride in. His teachings to me also included his bigotry as well. It was actually quite subtle. Small comments here and there and little anecdotes about the mudbloods taking over *our world*.

Honestly, it's quite disgusting. His soul is very dark with only a few bright spots. It's funny because he genuinly loves me as his son. Even in the books and movies, it was always known that Draco's parents loved him dearly despite their personalities. Not me though. He disgusts me. His bigotry also has real, personal hatred behind it as well.

Something must have happened to him in the past or maybe during the war for his hatred to run this deep. Mother's bigotry doesn't have any deep feeling behind it. It's a learned hatred, instilled since childhood and at this point close to impossible to change, but there's no deep feeling behind it.

One good thing came of this however and that was Mother teaching me about the Black family history. Now this, this was interesting. Lucius has always aimed for the Black family ever since he married my mother. This is especially true after the war as all the members were either old as in the case of Arcturus, the current Lord, in Azkaban in the case of Bellatrix and Sirius, exiled as is the case for Andromeda or dead like Regulus.

Father realised this soon after he was aquitted and began plotting. To that end, him and mother have been putting the idea of me becoming the Lord Black in my head and mother began teaching me the history of that family.

The only thing I can say is that that family is quite scary. The family has always been large. In the Harry Potter books this was the generation where the Black family fell. Until the recent blood war tore the family apart, it was one of the pre-eminent families in the magical world of Europe.

Mother hasn't taught me much just yet, but so far i've managed to piece together that the family was more of a criminal empire than anything else. She's been telling me stuff about how the Lord rules with an iron fist over his family members and controls their futures. Not in those words of course, but with stories of her life as she grew up with her sisters.

Although I didn't much like this family either, they were very successful. It's fascinating. Soon after I started learning about the family, I decided that I would change my last name to Black if I could in the future. The Malfoy family isn't something I want connected to me. Let it fade to dust.

Moving on, I pretty much just focused on myself during this time. I implemented a plan in my Mindscape i've had for a while, I began to play around and experiment with magic and made sure to keep physically active. I've only left the house a couple of times since birth. The first time was with mother to Diagon Alley and the second time was with father to introduce the Crabbe and Goyle families to me.

Those families are vassal families of the Malfoys and their elders are pretty much like how Crabbe and Goyle would be in the books and movies. Dumb sacks of bricks. It was very boring.

Mother has told me stories of her childhood and the friends she had then, but I haven't been out other than those 2 times. Father told me it was the same for the other children at this time. The country just came out of the war and everyone knows that the main people of both sides are mostly still alive.

The light faction suffered a lot more losses than the dark faction due to Dumbledore's lead of trying to capture and not kill. But the point stands that all the adults in this country are still winding down from the war, not wanting to risk their children in any way. This leads to a lot of the children in my generation being quite isolated at this time.

My days have consisted of running around the HUGE grounds of Malfoy manor, experimenting with what magic I can do at this time, spending time with mother, reading etc. It's been quite leasurely.

The first thing I did in my mindscape was set aside a room and collate all my current knowledge together in different books of subjects. I have a book for languages, a book for history, a book for anatomy, martial arts/fighting, the different magical subjects etc. These books are my current knowledge and understanding of these subjects.

From there, I summoned my magic and created connections between all these different books containing my knowledge. This immediately had the effect of allowing me to connect different knowledge together from these different subjects in order to gain new ideas and varied insights from all over my knowledge base.

I then connected this whole setup into my memories in order for it to update automatically. This took the longest of the whole process but I eventually figured it out. Whenever I learn new knowledge, it will automatically collect into these knowledge books. New subjects will have to be added manually but hey, it's already great.

I'll keep updating this until eventually the whole thing runs automatically. I didn't forget to make a backup of this whole setup either in case something happens and I have to scrap the whole thing or it gets damaged in a mental attack.

In addition, I created a backup of all my memories in the basement of the tower to have 2 sets of memories. I synchronised them together to update automatically with heavy security measures. This is incase something happens I will have a backup of my memories.

Next, I set up a separate room and compiled a library in it. This contains every book i've ever read. It was very easy to set up and I only really go there to relax. Having a lavish library in to relax is wonderful. It's great because I don't even need to read the books, just scan the book with my soul in order to extract a complete book from a memory. Then I can read it at a later time.

Lastly I added more shields around my mind and some shields around the tower inside. Nothing much else changed with my mindscape. Just small things. I started to decorate the wizard tower in my mind with different things. Rugs, carvings, furniture etc. It doesn't do anything but it makes the whole place feel more personal.

Regarding magic, there isn't much I can do right now without a wand. It's fairly simple to do a few different basic things. I can let out a blast of force easily, I can levitate things around, I can change the colours of something. Simple things like that are one dimensional and are more controlled accidental magic than real spells.

In order to begin learning magic properly, I need a wand in order to learn how to weave magic into the structures required for different magics.

I didn't waste my time however. I researched runes and arithmancy extensively during my time. Even with all my cheats, learning all the different rune languages currently available to me is still a very time consuming thing.

It's also something i've come to like doing. Runes are an extremely broad subject with dozens of different languages from Ancient Norse, Older and Younger Futhark, Sanscrit, Egyptian Heiroglyphs, Ancient Chinese languages, Ancient Japanese languages and many, many more.

You don't necessarily need to learn all these, but the more you learn the more combinations you can put together as all these different languages have symbols that represent different things. Runes are also very open to interpretation as well. You can write a sentence in runes and that same sentence can have many different meanings depending on the interpretation. It's fascinating.

Arithmancy on the other hand is a much more strict discipline with exacting equations and calculations. It's quite tedious honestly. Even back in my previous life, I liked mathematics but at some point you just need a calculator. Needing to do everything by yourself is very annoying.

I've been doing equations and calculations in my mindscape but even with differential time perception, it's a time consuming process.

My latest project is actually related to this. I've read many fanfictions of Harry Potter where when the protagonist learns occlumency, they make their mind a computer and this has profound benefits for them.

Now this isn't a bad idea per se. I did have this thought in the beginning, but realised quickly that real life is much more complicated. Even though literally everything is possible inside your mindscape, it's a bad idea to make your mind a computer.

Firstly, what about your emotions? If you imagine a computer, it'll work like a computer. All logic and no emotions. You would effectively eliminate your emotions that way. In addition, computers are logic based. You would lose all creativity if you did that.

Those are only two detriments, there are probably more as well. All of that doesn't mean, however, that having a computer inside my mindscape is a bad idea. If you can implement it correctly, it would be a massive boon.

Coming up with a viable way to do it is still a ways off, but for the past year i've been making efforts into a viable way to make a computer in my mindscape. It took a while to find, but I found the logic centre of my mind in my mindscape and am aiming to turn that into a computer.

This has some benefits. The logic centre of the brain is literally made for pure logic. So if I turn it into a computer, it will only make it more efficient. The problem however is that I have to be very, very careful otherwise I could make a mistake that would end up with a self inflicted labotomy.

So i'm taking that slow and relying on my instincts whilst doing so. Due to my strong soul, my instincts are very acute. If something is going to harm me, I will feel a powerful sense of danger beforehand. Using this, whenever I implement a change, I can get a vague feeling of danger, strangeness, safety etc. Following those feelings will lead me true as I do this and in everything else in life as well.

Right now, i'm outside enjoying the grounds on a beautiful sunny day, thinking to myself about how to speed up my progress. I also can't forget the task given to me. I'm five now. I don't know the situation with Harry in this world. His family could be just neglectful like in the books, but there is a very real possibility that they're physically abusive and starve him. Waiting much longer could cause irreversible damage if that's the case.

I know i'm probably being paranoid but I also need to consider his mental state as well. I can't wait for too long or he will have the bad lessons hammered into him permanently by his family. The belief that he is worthless being the most prominent. Being a hero is fine. Sacrificing yourself because you genuinly believe that you aren't important isn't.

Heroes sacrifice their life all the time in stories, but it's the reasons that matter. In addition, I remember that Harry never did well in school because he couldn't do better than Dudley without being punished. He eventually stopped trying at school. This continued throughout his whole life. Sure he was good at defense in the series but that was more of a necessity than anything.

I mean come on. He took divination! I refuse to believe the son of James and Lily Potter is dumb. Lily was the smartest witch of her generation, a master of charms and even came up with a way to stop the killing curse! James was clever as well. He was a master at transfiguration, becoming an animagus in 5th year. He also participated in the creation of the Marauder's Map.

I don't believe for a second that Harry in the books or movies could have created something like the Marauder's Map. He simply didn't try very hard in school. It's not his fault really due to his upbringing, but even if it wasn't his fault, he should've wised up after first year.

Like yeah Harry spent the year being enamoured with having friends, magic is real, Hogwarts! I get it. But then at the end of the year he learned that Voledemort was still alive and trying to kill him. And so does he realise that he needs to learn more in order to survive? No! He continues coasting through. *Sigh*

Anyway! Enough about my gripes with the Harry from the series. I need to make sure that that habit doesn't happen. I need to get to him soon. I can't delay it too much longer.

In order to facilitate this, I have come up with a cunning plan! Firstly I need to learn enough magic in order to cast a notice-me-not enchantment. Not the spell, I need to learn how to enchant it into something like a necklace or ring. I realised quickly that Harry needs time more than anyting else. He won't have that if he's always in the sights of his family. Therefore an item enchanted with notice-me-not effects.

I also need a pair of linked journals with extremely strong security. Close to indestructible, blood locked, unreadable to outsiders, unnoticable by those not keyed in, unable to be tapped into, camoflagued, auto-recalling back to owner and more enchantments are needed.

I thought this would be an issue at first. I haven't started learning magic yet and even when I do, learning to enchant objects to that level will take years. It turns out however that it won't be a problem to get two linked books with those requirements.

My father has multiple blank books that are linked together in storage with many being used in his office. He uses them for his business dealings, especially the illegal ones. I can't read them so it took some time to figure out. But I finally realised it after a long while of reading through the missives he sends and receives.

The protections in these linked books are extraordinary so I have no doubt they will work for my needs. With that part of the problem solved for me, all that is left is to be able to get to Harry himself. I'll need to make preparations. Learn enough magic to enchant a medallion or ring, write a long letter explaining what's going on.

I also need to learn some ligilimency as well in order to assess Harry's mind. I don't need a super high level for this, but I need to not damage his mind while I go through it. Lastly, to facilitate all of this, I need to recruit some help.

"Dobby." I called out. 

Who wouldn't want a personal house elf? Dobby popped into existence in front of me, looking at me with with a little apprehension despite being taller than me. He was dressed in a dirty pillowcase and had the classic big ears and large, protruding eyes of house elves.

"Young master called for Dobby?" He asked.

I nodded. "Yes Dobby. Firstly, I order you to answer my questions quietly." I said, thinking back on the movies. He's a loud elf.

He nodded. "Yes young master"

I continued speaking. "Okay first of all, you are bonded to the main wardstone. My question is how much can father feel through his connection to the wardstone. Would he notice if you were no longer bonded to it?"

Dobby thought for a moment before shaking his head. "No young master. Master be's not knowing."

I nodded, having thought that already. It never hurts to make sure though. "Dobby, would you like to bond to me as my personal house elf? I have some big plans, but for that I need someone to be able do things for me that I can't."

His eyes widened, having been completely blindsided by my question. It took him a moment to gather himself before he nodded happily. The elves generally don't show themselves but whenever they did near me, I always treated them well.

"Yes young master. Dobby be willing!" He nodded rapidly with hope in his eyes.

I smiled brightly, genuinly happy at this. Dobby was one of my favourite characters in the series despite his strangeness.

"Okay then Dobby, how do we do this?" I asked. I don't actually know much about house elves.

"Young master just be's putting his hand on Dobby and say he be his elf!" He said rapidly.

It took a minute to figure out what he meant before I nodded and put my hand up to his head.

"I, Draco Lucius Malfoy, take Dobby willingly as my personal house elf." I said. It was a proclamation through magic rather than a statement.

"Dobby accepts!" He responded and with that, the bond snapped into place. Our intent resonated and the bond formed through our magics. His previous bond to the wardstone snapped when the bond to me was established.

Bonds are a complex subject in magic. There are different bonds as well. Parent-child, brother sister, twin, marriage etc etc. Even the fabled soul bond exists although extraordinarily rare. In this case it was a master-servant bond. Not slave. Servant.

The bond with Dobby barely takes any magic so it isn't draining. The outside source only needs to be there to stabilise and anchor their magic, not fuel them.

"Okay Dobby, I have a few primary orders for you before anything else." I said before launching into my primary orders.

"Firstly, everything concerning me is to be kept secret. If either mother or father asks about me, report that nothing strange has occurred." He nodded.

"Secondly, you will continue to act as you have all this time." Confirming he understood I continued.

"Thirdly, you will not punish yourself. If anyone tells you to punish yourself, use illusions to fake the punishment. If you really feel the need to punish yourself you will tell me first and I will decide. If Lucius punishes you directly then heal yourself and use illusions like I told you." He cried at that but my previous order about being quiet was still in place so it was more whimpering.

"And lastly, inform me of anything important that happens around my mother and father that's important." He nodded one final time and I smiled in satisfaction.

I was lucky that the elves wer bound to the wardstone and not mother and father directly, otherwise my plans would've been delayed likely until hogwarts or at least until I am much older.

"Alright Dobby. Those are your primary orders for you." I said.

Dobby was tearing up and blubbering something about kind masters. I ignored it and asked.

"Dobby, can you read?" I asked.

He nodded happily. "Yes master, Dobby be's reading."

I nodded. "Okay Dobby, I have two tasks for you. Firstly, in the basement with the wardstone there is a rack with wands on them. Bring the rack here." I said and he nodded and popped away, only to pop back in a moment later with a nicely carved wooden rack containing dozens of wands.

I picked up each one to see which one was the best match for me and finally found a long pale wand that let out a few deep royal blue sparks the same colour as my magic. It will work alright until I get my own.

"Okay Dobby, please take it back." I said and he popped away with it and popped back an instant later.

"Now for your second task dobby. I want you to use your spare time to study the occlumency books in the library and do your best to learn it. This will help you increase your intelligence. Come to me if you need any help with it." I said. As useful as a house elf is, I need a capable assistant. The more capable the better.

Dobby's eyes widened even further and I swear there was worship in his eyes. 

"Dobby be doing it master!" He exlaimed... quietly. It was funny.

"Oh and Dobby, make sure no one sees you." I said seriously.

He nodded seriously and popped away to await my call.

I smiled. Plans are coming together. I just need to get to the prerequisite level in magic before starting. It shouldn't be too hard really. The notice-me-not and the muggle repelling charms are the most basic of basic spells wizards know to avoid muggle attention. There is literally not a single adult wizard in the world that doesn't know them.

I immediately started with the basics you see in the movies. Turning a match stick into a needle, levitating spell, colour changing charms etc. I had already scanned all the books in the mansion and both basements into my mental library.

It's good because I chose not to read them before getting a wand. The room in my mindscape that contains my knowledge books only have information that i've verified are correct. The library in my mindscape on the other hand is all the books i've scanned and will in the future contain things like the lectures from teachers. I haven't read most of them, but it's good to have the entire Malfoy collection saved. I'll do the same at Hogwarts and any pureblood house I go to. The more the better.

I stayed out in the ground of the mansion for a while longer before I had to go back inside with a smile. I was already making progress.