Harry Potter FF: The Power Of The Soul

Harry Potter FF: The Power Of The Soul

Book&Literature27 Chapters420.9K Views
Author: Lozz
Table of Contents

What do you do when you find yourself in one of your favourite universes after death? Or how about being born as one of the main antagonists? Do you freak out about how the character you are now is destined to end? Do you make plans and plots about how to avoid it? Or maybe you play along with the plot until the critical moment?

None of the above, that's what. I've been given a chance for an entirely new life in a fantasy world, who cares about the plot? I'll just do my own thing. It's my life now.

MC is a guy who reincarnates into an AU HP world as Draco Malfoy. He won't be interacting much with Harry directly but there will be interaction. No Wishes, ROB, etc, etc. There are cultivation elements in it, hence the tag, but MC isn't a cultivator. This story is a magic based story, that's why it's an HP fanfic, not a cultivation novel. If you don't like it, don't read it.

3 things before readers start reading:

1: This story will have cultivation stuff in it. No 'magic cultivation' but it has a Soul Cultivation Technique. It's the gimmick of this story. I personally really enjoy the POWER SYSTEM of the cultivation genre. However I really, really, REALLY hate the genre itself. Out of all I've read, I only enjoy a rare few novels and everything else is just young masters, jade beauties, "YOU DARE?" etc. If you've ever read one, you know what I mean.

I am based in Australia and was raised here, so while the MC might have a soul cultivation technique and I might touch upon aspects of cultivation, the characters wont be behaving like in those novels. The MC won't be acting like a young master. Basically, this isn't a CN Novel. I don't know how else to explain it, but if you've ever read one you should understand.

2: Early chapters have a lot of info dump in them. It reads smoothly but some parts are full of infodump. I wanted to get the power system and how magic works in this story out of the way. Skim it as you please but skipping ahead may make you miss stuff. It's not ALL infodump.

3: This story isn't going to be a harem story. I thought about it and thought what's the point? It's been done so many times before that it gets old. Haven't decided on the pairing yet.

A/N: I'm confident in my english and grammar, having always been pretty decent at it (It's my first language). My storytelling, character building, relationships, the plot etc. on the other hand, not so much. Criticism is welcomed, just don't be a ****.

Update speed: No promises. This whole thing is being done casually. I might post a few chapters a day and then not post at all for months. I've had the first 5-10 chapters of this story written out for a few years now and kept tweaking and re-writing it over and over for a while now. I thought that posting it might motivate me to continue writing it. Save it or don't. This will be one of those stories you check after 6 months in your library after forgetting it was there.

Disclaimer: I don't own this series. All rights belong to J.K. Rowling. Please support the official release.

***Update*** I have uploaded a cover for the book. It's some AI-generated pic I found on Google, but I like it. He's handsome in the pic, pretty close to what I envisioned.

Also, I know AI stuff can't be copyrighted, but just in case.

Disclaimer: The image used on the cover is not mine. I don't own the rights to it. Please support the official release... whoever that is.

19 Reviews
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The Mc is bland with everyone being a copy and paste meaning no depth to any of them. With minor spelling mistakes scattered throughout the novel. And a fairly boring premise of a guardian god thing wanting a new friend, so he sent Mc to make sure Harry— the guardian’s soon to be friend— will turn out as he intends.

17 days ago

this is peak HP fiction. must try. mc is going about the magical world of HP in a mother of learning logical way.

a month ago

This is the third greatest fanfic and novel I had have ever read and trust I have seen plenty, practically hundreds of thousands... Well I wish you luck with your writing ✍️ and please don't keep 🙏 us hanging

a month ago

5 stars........................that's it. it's so good that it's illegal to be on this platform why? 1) first it's chapters are big and chunky already around 4k-7k range 2) mc is smart(finally someone has a soul to help Harry) 3) he isn't a dense harem protagonist 4) finally magic isn't some science but magic itself oh I know how many fics try to make sense of magic like bro you are taking the magic out of...magic. 5) unique power system like cultivation seemly blend into the universe the issue is that author sometimes struggle to flesh out characters unique personalities so sometimes if I remove the names it would feel like a person is talking to itself .( this would only be resolved with experience) I think author need to add the characters unique qwerks like hargids accent or their way of talking(Harry sass), Hermione bossy nature, Daphne icy personality, etc. Other than that it has some tropes (dark lord Dumbledore) is one. family magic is one( occlumency is op) the only thing is that just don't bash ron he was fine in novel (movie one is trash) and Hermione seems like she has no flaws so some character development is needed. + Dumbledore being manipulative is not my cup of tea like he has like 50 yrs he could have ruled the wizarding world if he was smart (which dark lord Dumbledore are not... usually) but yea you could try to make him smart/genius he is.. on that note I'll deduct 1 star from world background for that. goodbye author

12 days ago

Only read the 9 chapters currently published so far but I am loving the novel. Keep up the good work Mr. Author. To fellow Taoists of the Book, I highly recommend this fanfic.

a month ago

This is hands down one of the best Harry Potter fan fictions, there is. I only wish there were more chapters, but the chapters are LONG(4K TO 5K). So I'm not too upset about it. I'm just nervous that it will be dropped.

16 days ago

Reveal Spoiler

a month ago

Really great story, without ruining the harry potter world vibe you've managed to use your version of cultivation as well as starting on the global stage of the magic world as well Very well written, no noticeable grammar or spelling mistakes, likeable mc, so far the bashing hasn't been extreme into the stupid levels and is actually believable and not just crack fic bashing that you see so often I look forward to see how you're gonna continue and hope you stay with the story and finish it

a month ago

love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love this story.

a month ago


a month ago

me esta encantando la historia y los personajes porfa no la abandones o la pauses y NO la cambies o rescribas esta buena tal como esta gracias quiero regalarte monedas pero no se puede en fanfic asi que quiero ver si tienes una novela original

2 days ago

Great novel keep it up author your doing a great job!

2 days ago

I’ve read 23 chapters of the current release and I’m giving it a rating of 3.1/5, but I’ll bump it up to 5 to encourage the author. Overall, it’s a story about a powerful, overpowered MC who is reincarnated in HP world after devouring some souls and is sent to guide Harry Potter against the evil Dumbledore. The story is dense at the beginning, but it improves after chapter 6. One of the main weaknesses in the narrative is the characters, They are very square in their role in the script, without a three-dimensionality to make them more interesting with one or two episodes, this is accentuated in the MC's interactions, and as if there were a tag that predefines the MC's treatment of a character. He can even find one of these pre-allies and reveal secrets that would literally kill him, this before getting to know them or having enough interactions to build trust. The mc personality tends to overshadow other characters in dialogues and actions, making it seem as though he lives in a world where everyone is just an extension of himself. Regarding world-building, there are original scenes outside of Hogwarts, but they are generally predictable and have been explored in many fanfics. As for the writing, it’s decent—you shouldn’t have much trouble understanding or enjoying it. That’s my general perspective. I hope you continue to write and improve your skills!

2 days ago

Its amazing… finaly novel taht is interesting and has long chapters that are not Just info dump… Pls continue

6 days ago

Great story keep up the work no matter the haters!!!!!

13 days ago