Time Marches On

Draco POV:

"So this is it then? I won't see you again after today?" I asked, feeling my eyes tear up a little.

Grandfather Arcturus gave me a serene smile. "Yes Draco. I've been lucky to hold on as long as I have. You've made my last years on this earth much more interesting. Thank you." Said grandfather.

My eyes were blurry as I looked at his emaciated frame. His body held and stayed strong for a long time until he finally couldn't hold the curse from ravaging his stalwart figure any longer. A month ago the curse finally breached the potion treatments and his own magic. From there, his body rapidly withered before my eyes. Every day that I came over, he had lost some mass until now where he looked like a starved man, no longer the broad shouldered warrior any longer.

It's been just over 2 years since I met and started learning from him and in that time, he's grown to be the grandfather, the role model I didn't know I needed. I had just been cruising along with my dreams to guide me. I was taking my time because I had time. Above and beyond everything he's taught me, his mentorship has engraved in me that time is precious. So I learned. I poured everything I had into absorbing everything he could teach me.

Before, I was learning magic at a snails pace compared to what I could have been doing. All those Harry Potter fanfictions where the main character finishes the Hogwarts curriculum before even attending? I would have matched those characters before. But only matching them? With my advantages? That would be an insult!

So I stopped taking it easy and started burning through my accumulated knowledge. Now, i'm already at that stage. By the time I start school, I will be close to the teacher's levels and will only continue to grow from there. I no longer need a wand at all and never will again. I put more effort into everything and it was paying off.

Granfather's words pulled me back into the now. "There's no need to be sad Draco. We've both known from the beginning that this day would come." He said.

I nodded and wiped the tears from my eyes. "Thank you grandfather. For teaching me. For making me into a warrior. For showing me the way. Thank you for everything." The emotional words came from the heart.

He grinned at me and laughed merrily.

"Hahahaha! You're very welcome Draco! I'm just glad I got such a good student! Some of the people i've taught before..." He trailed off, before focusing on me again.

"I can rest easy now that i've trained someone like you. You came into my waning years as a breath of fresh air, allowing me to see hope for the future. I have no doubt that the Black family will prosper in your hands. What you do with it will be up to you." He finished, relaxing into his chair more deeply.

I smiled. "Don't worry about a thing grandfather. With me here, the Black family will stand strong." I reassured him.

He nodded with an approving smile. "I know it will Draco. I've taught you everything I wanted to teach you and more. You're already a fine warrior, you only need more experience now. Keep on your path and you will thrive." He said with approval.

I felt a surge of satisfaction at his words. Not pride. No need to be proud. I already knew I would reach this level, but I was very satisfied at my current level and progress. Without grandfather, it would have taken me a long, long time to reach where I am on my own. Like he always stressed, he taught me the mindset needed to survive and thrive in conflict.

Of course, I actively practised his teachings, but without him I would need to face many battles to have my current mental state. I will make sure to keep practising everything he's taught me and never become rusty.

We sat in a comfortable silence for a long while, just enjoying the other's presence. Everything that needed to be said already had. Our previous words were just verbalising what we both knew and felt. Now, it's just a waiting game. Grandfather finally broke the silence.

"You should go home brat." He said, switching back to his usual way of speaking.

I nodded, but made no move to get up.

He sighed. "It's about time for me to go. Truthfully brat, i'm quite looking forward to seeing everyone again. I don't know whether Dorea will hug me or give me a smack. Haha! I suppose it's about time I found out." He finished, looking ragged and worn out, but joyful all the same.

I finally made to leave, not saying anything but my footsteps were heavy. When I got to the door of his study, he called me one last time.

"Draco." He said seriously.

I turned to him. "Yes grandfather?" I asked.

He smiled a savage smile, teeth bared and nostrils flaring.

"Give them hell." He ordered, his presence growing until he sat there like a mountain. Magic turned against him and body broken, he was immovable all the same.

The words weren't directed at anyone or anything, but I understood. I let my presence flare, meeting his challenge with a dragon's roar of my own: indomitable, prideful, sharp and yet elegant, regal and mysterious. My presence crashed into his with a ferociousness I had honed under his guidance.

I returned his savage smile with one of my own as our presence's clashed, making the air feel heavy. I didn't use my soul pressure. This was purely our natural presence with our intent backing it.

"Hahahaha!" I laughed, my voice booming deeply despite my childish stature.

I didn't respond verbally as there was no need. I had already answered. After a long moment I closed the door, our final meeting having reached it's end. I kept laughing all throughout and only reined myself in when I reached the floo.

Despite knowing this would be the last time I saw him, despite the pain it brought, I wasn't sad. I wouldn't allow myself to be said. Grandfather went out on his own terms, staring death in the face with a smile. Wherever he ends up, I know he'll face it with that same savage smile and a laugh. The fireplace flared green and I was off, my last time with Lord Arcturus Black concluded.


Narcissa POV:

The will reading of Lord Black was held a few days after the funeral and concluded as everyone expected. By now, everyone already knew that my Draco was the Black Heir and there were no unexpected surprises. Lord Black's other sister, Casseiopeia, made an appearance but otherwise kept to herself. She hasn't been involved much with the Black family for a long time. She got a fairly sized monthly stipend with everything else going to Draco when he comes of age.

When news of Lord Black's death came, I was worried my baby boy would be deeply affected. I knew he was closer with Lord Black than he let on. I knew he was hiding things from me when we spoke about his lessons, but I didn't pry. Let him have some secrets. I still find it amusing that my foolish husband never caught on.

I needn't have worried however. It's normally during the funeral that it finally sinks in, but during the entire affair Draco kept a strange, knowing smile on his face. When everyone went to place a handful of dirt on the coffin, Draco grinned a positively goblin grin i've never seen on him before and laughed. His turn to throw dirt on the coffin felt more like a toast than a solemn ceremony.

When asked, he only smiled mysteriously and said "Grandfather would understand". No amount of prodding would make him explain, so I let it go. His actions made me curious however.

Draco was always an intelligent child, even when he was young. He started talking very young which I later learned from the other Ladies bragging about their children at tea parties. He showed maturity beyond his years time and again in our different lessons. I also have a sneaking suspicion that he only ever paid lip service to Lucius' attempts to mold him after himself. Call it a mother's intuition, but that's what my gut tells me.

It was when Draco started learning from Lord Black that I began to see rapid changes in him. He started to hold himself differently. It took me a while, but then it hit me. He started moving like I remember some of the more disciplined death eaters did towards the end of the war. It wasn't a massive change and I only noticed because I was the one who conducted his posture training. This is what led me to believe he was being taught differently to what he told Lucius and I.

He was growing up so fast and despite some secrets kept from me, I couldn't be prouder of him. I just know he will do great things when he grows up. I smiled as I watched him wander the grounds from an upstairs window. The will reading just ended and he went to spend some time alone in his spot in the tree grove at the edge of the wards.

He likes to spend his time there, either with a book or just to nap. Sometimes I would catch him climbing the trees as well. It always made me nervous, but then he would make it look so easy for him that I would feel silly about it afterwards. 

I enjoy this type of behaviour. Lucius often confides in me his frustration at Draco's lack of interest in learning from him, but I can see it for what it is. If Lucius would care to notice, he would see that whenever I find Draco in the library or whenever he's reading a book outside, it's a book about magic.

Lucius began teaching him everything he would need to know about running the Malfoy family after the ball whenever he's not at Lord Black's abode. Business, politics, financial management etc. but he couldn't see that Draco is simply not that interested. He learned it of course, but Lucius would often be frustrated that he never took initiative in these lessons.

I can see that Draco is simply more interested in magic. To me, that's completely fine. We're wizards and witches. As long as he learns what he needs to know, I don't see the problem. I sighed, thinking of my marriage for the umpteenth time.

It started off well. Lucius is a handsome man and I am a beautiful woman. I liked him even in school. Then we got married and the rose tinted glasses started falling away, allowing me to see Lucius for who he really is. He has a hatred for muggleborns that drove him to emulate his father and follow the Dark Lord. I at first didn't know where it came from but some digging around let me find out.

It turns out that he was sweet on a girl during Hogwarts and proceeded to court her. It didn't end well for him. He was rejected harshly in the great hall for all to hear. This was before I attended. Lucius is not a man that would let that slide. I don't know exactly what happened next, but a few days later he was put in the hospital wing for a week. The rumors tell that he tried to force himself on her and was promptly destroyed by some muggleborn boys who were friends with the girl.

Ever since then his hatred of muggleborns became a vile thing and that was the reason he joined up with the death eater right out of Hogwarts, outside of his father's wishes. I was only told about him joining up after our marriage, but I had heard the rumors. Murderers, rapists, arsonists and sadists all joined under the Dark Lord's banner.

Our marriage cooled significantly soon after that. I was never told what Lucius did during his death eater activities, but I could take an educated guess. I may not like the muggleborns, but that is the behaviour of animals. 

When Draco was born, it at first looked like Lucius would change and our relationship did get better for a time. But he never did, he just has something precious to him now. Oh Lucius loves Draco with all his heart, that's easy to see, but outside of Draco, Lucius is still the petty, vindictive man who can't handle slights against him.

I felt myself sighing once again before smiling and pushing those thoughts aside. Lucius and I's relationship may never mend and I don't expect to ever love anyone like I loved him before our marriage, but I have more in my life now. I looked lovingly at Draco sitting with a book under his favourite oak tree and smiled adoringly.

Making a quick decision, my wand swished and soon my clothes were switched with robe made more for outdoor activities along with sturdy boots. I walked out the cold mansion to join my baby boy underneath the oak tree in the sun. He looked up at me and smiled, causing my heart to almost melt at the cuteness. He's going to be a ladykiller when he gets older.

I sat down against the tree and patted my lap. He smiled and sat between my legs, leaning back against me to continue reading his book. Neither of us said anything and that was fine. Despite not knowing him very well, Lord Black's death came as a shock to all and me especially. He always seemed invincible whenever I did meet him. I just hugged Draco to me to give him comfort. It's times like these that I cherish more than anything.


Draco POV:

"...and that's what determines magical strength." I finished my first lecture.

"So the mind, body and soul are connected like that? And magical strength is determined by the weakest of the three?" Asked Daphne, deep in thought after I had finished.

She had reached the 7th stage of occlumency far quicker than I thought she would. Honestly, I didn't think it possible for her to complete my test. But here she is, 10 years old and already as one with her magical core and soul. It seems I vastly underestimated her talent. Now that she's reached this point, i'll be taking her under my wing like I said I would. It was a whim when I set that test, but let it not be said that I go back on my words.

I nodded. "Yes. You don't need to focus on the soul or the mind, they are already very strong. The thing that limits most wizards is the body." I continued explaining.

"Even a below average soul can handle enough power to level a city. The mind is similarly strong, especially with the mind arts."

I shook my head. "It's the body that limits wizards. The average magical is only 1.5-2 times as physically strong as a muggle. That's why only 'legendary' wizards are able to level an entire house with a single blasting charm. I'm sure there are some who are born with extraordinarily strong bodies, but I guarantee you that the likes of Dumbledore or You-Know-Who have used various rituals to strengthen themselves." I said.

She nodded slowly. "I guess I can understand that. It's well known that You-Know-Who was barely human by the end of the war. What about magical conductivity? Where does that fit into this?" She asked.

I explained. "Having a body with high magical conductivity will raise the magical power somewhat, but it's a minor increase. What magical conductivity does do is opens the door to wandless magic and allows magic to be cast internally with much better efficiency. Spells to increase speed, for example, are cast internally and will work much, much better the higher the magical conductivity of the body." I said.

"That's why, until school starts, I will have to ask you to stop using your wand." I said.

"What?! Why?" Daphne interrupted.

I explained patiently. "Daphne. The wand is a crutch. Even though you started early, it's only been a few years so there's still time to prevent an unhealthy dependency. This is more of a mental thing. Magicals are taught that magic is impossible without a wand and this creates a mental block. If you believe it is impossible, it will be. Conversely, if you believe wandless magic is possible, it is. Magic depends heavily on belief, remember that."

"The wand also increases the conductivity of the arm you use it with. When magic passes through the wand arm, conductivity is built up over time. However, this also means that only a single part of your body is conductive to magic. If it's been too long, then when learning the excercise I will teach you to increase the rest of your body's conductivity, your wand arm will act like a magnet and drain, leading all magic to it and draining it away. This will make it harder to increase the rest of your body's conductivity."

"The task before Hogwarts starts is to bring the rest of your body to the same level as your wand arm. From there, you will have to keep a watchful eye and make sure you elevate your body as a single whole." I finished.

Daphne leaned back against the tree she was sitting against, turning over what I told her in her mind. Truthfully, she's taken this first session well. She's not like Harry. The circumstances are different but I believe their talents are comparable. She has plenty of willpower, determination and perseverence. Truthfully, she's an amazing choice to pass my teachings to.

Our relationship has thankfully stabilised as close friends. In these past years since we've met, other than that first time I teased her, I pretended like I didn't notice her little crush on me. With time, that crush has faded away which i'm thankful for. I never acted awkward around her, but it was a little uncomfortable for me. Marriage contract or not, I don't want little girls having romantic feelings for me. It's weird.

Daphne broke me of my musings. "Okay then Draco. I will do as you say and not use my wand before Hogwarts. But only if you teach me wandless magic!" She asked, eyes sparkling with excitement and mischief.

I chucked and nodded. "Good. It's a deal, although I was going to teach you anyway. Wandless magic is actually very simple. After you had connected to your magical core, i'm sure you noticed that when you use spells, you can feel the shapes magic takes when casting?" I asked.

She nodded and then froze. "It can't be that easy, can it?" She asked, having thought of something absurd.

I smiled a cheshire grin. "Oh but it is Daphne. That's all there is to it. Wandless magic is just replicating what you do with a wand, only without it." I finished.

She already knew I could do wandless magic, i'd shared that with her ages ago, but she clearly didn't expect it to be so simple.

She looked at me in disbelief. "That's absurd! How come no one has figured this out before?" She asked.

I deadpanned. "They have. Uagadou school of magic doesn't use wands at all."

She facepalmed. "Of course." She muttered, annoyed at herself.

I just laughed. "Who's to say people in Europe haven't either? I'm sure some have. Maybe they hoarded the knowledge or maybe it was purposefully supressed by the Department of Mysteries. Who knows?" I asked philosophically.

Daphne nodded in agreement. Wizards generally didn't share secrets and Europe, Britain especially looks down on other countries. I've already found this written down in multiple books i've copied to my mental library, so I knew for a fact that wandless magic is not unknown. Why it's not more widespread is what eludes me. Hubris perhaps? Stupidity aside, I will keep using it.

I turned serious for a moment. "It may sound simple in theory, but it's harder to do in practice. When casting with a wand, all the wand motions shape the magic for you, but you have to do this manually when casting without one. Also, a wand draws power from the magical core and even when passing through the wand arm, there is very little loss after the initial conductivity is built."

"This means that unless your body is as conductive of magic as the wand itself, wandless magic will always be weaker. The excercise I will teach you to increase your body's conductivity will gradually increase this over time. After many years, perhaps your body will become as conductive as your wand and you will no longer need it at all." I finished.

"I understand." She said solemnly, taking the difficulty seriously.

"Good. I'm glad you're taking this seriously. Because you've been using a wand for a few years and have gotten used to casting that way, the initial learning period for wandless magic will be an excercise in control. Still, it shouldn't be too hard for you now that you're connected to your core." I said.

She smiled and nodded. "Hopefully it won't take too long." She joked.

I smiled. "It won't. I've probably overstated the difficulty. Honestly, I doubt it will take more than a week or two for your control to reach the needed level for the simpler spells. From there, your control will improve as you keep practising more difficult spells."

She breathed a small sigh. "You scared me there for a second." She pouted at me.

I just laughed. "Sorry, sorry. Anyway, it's about time I taught you the excercise." I said, bringing this lesson back on track.

She nodded and sat up excitedly. I smiled at her enthusiasm, which was a big part of the reason I decided to teach her at all. Her love of magic resonates with my own beautifully.

"Close your eyes and feel your magic. Good. Now, I want you to bring a stream of it from your core to the top of your head... yes, just like that. Let that stream pass through your body. Make sure you don't miss any part. Feel how your magic is wanting to flow to your wand arm? This is what I was talking about before. It's a good thing you started this now and not years later." I said, observing her with soul-sense.

"Be sure to control your magic so that doesn't happen. No, don't stop it altogether, keep it flowing through your wand arm as well, just make sure the rest of your body has more flowing through it. Yes, just like that. Good control, well done. When your body is roughly the same level as your wand arm is now, you will need to incorporate your wand arm back in. That's for later however." I explained.

"Move the stream down to the tips of your toes. Yes, just like that. And finally, move the stream back to your core. Feel how the stream is now a loop between your body and core? Keep this going for as long as you can." I said.

Looking at her doing the technique I created since before I was born, I couldn't help but smile. She's a natural. I won't be teaching her to speed the flow up to make her body stronger just yet, but the slow river of magic through the body that I am doing even now is perfect for her.

I haven't decided just yet whether i'll teach her to make her body stronger with this method, but even if I do, it will have to wait regardless. She'll need to bring her body's conductivity into balance with her wand arm and get more experience with her newly unlocked soul-sense. All wizards unlock it at the 7th stage of occlumency when becoming one with their souls.

Harry did as well. My advantage is that I have a soul cultivation technique which contains not only the cultivation technique to make my soul stronger, but also a comprehensive guide to manipulating the soul and soul energy. Wizards are basically stumbling around in the dark. Not to mention my natural talent with these which is extremely rare. Talent doesn't mean everything though, other's can still learn just fine, it will simply take longer.

Daphne gradually opened her eyes, still completely focused on what she was doing but having enough mental dexterity to communicate as well. 

"This is harder than I thought." She said.

"Right now it's mostly that your magic has never moved this way before." I reassured her.

"Once you've gotten used to it, you will be able to keep this going in the background as you do other things. Like me for instance. I'm doing it right now. I've done this for so long that it doesn't stop even when i'm sleeping; I no longer have to think about it." I said.

She looked surprised at that. "That's amazing!" She said, slightly awed.

I smiled. "Thank you. The hard part to anything is always getting started. The only other thing you need to watch out for is your wand arm. Once your body is more balanced, you won't need to worry about that and this excercise will become even easier. If you get to my point where it's just something running in the background, it'll benefit you your whole life." I stated seriously.

She nodded before smiling. "Thank you for teaching me Draco, it means a lot to me." She said gratefully.

I smiled back warmly. "You're very welcome. I said I would teach you and teach you I shall. Don't worry about Hogwarts either. I'll teach you properly." I said.

She frowned. "What's wrong with Hogwarts?" She asked.

I sighed. "Many things Daphne. I've looked into this. A lot of the teachers are properly qualified masters in their fields, no doubt about that. There are exceptions however. For instance, ever since Severus Snape took the position of potions master, there has been a decline of over 90% of students graduating with potions NEWT's. He's definitely qualified, but his teachings are clearly shit." I said.

"That's just one example. The divination teacher is a fraud and the less said about defence against the dark arts, the better. That's already bad enough, what really bothers me is the level of education taught and lack of electives. I had my elf fetch me the curriculum for a few other schools around the world. They're publically available in Flourish and Blotts if you want to look yourself."

I shook my head. "Hogwarts NEWT level is the same level as the OWL equivalent for most other schools. The NEWT tests have had to be constantly dumbed down for the past 50 years or so by the ministry as grades kept dropping due to the curriculum being dumbed down. Then there's the lack of classes taught. Other schools all have elective classes for things like enchanting, warding, alchemy, duelling, healing and more."

"Of course, some schools have specialties as well. The biggest school in the world, Uagadou in Africa that I mentioned before, is famous for both their teaching of wandless magic and their animagus program. Most students who graduate are an animagus. Basically, Hogwarts is no longer the premier school of magic." I finished.

Daphne's expression got progressively worse throughout my explanation until she could no longer hold back. 

"Why..." She growled out, clearly angry.

I shrugged. "Dumbledore I suspect. Ever since he ascended to headmaster, Hogwarts has gotten gradually worse. Then there's the board of governers to consider as well. I wouldn't be overly surprised if some were embezzling funds. There used to be a lot more staff. 2 teachers for electives and 3 for the core classes. Each. The teachers used to take apprentices as well, but the only one to do so in the last 50 years was Filius Flitwick who took on Lily Potter as an apprentice after she graduated." I finished.

Daphne reined in her momentary anger and just sighed tiredly. "Father never liked Dumbledore." She said. "He's always warned Astoria and I to be wary of him."

I nodded. "Good advice. Nevermind all that though. The state of Hogwarts education doesn't mean much to me. It's not like I'm going to let subpar education keep me from being great. I've already said that i'll be teaching you, so just put it out of your mind." I said with a smile, unbothered.

She jolted. "Right. You wouldn't let that stop you. Still, why go to Hogwarts at all if it's that bad?" She asked curiously.

I grinned excitedly. "Now that is the right question! Forget the level of education offered, I want to go to Hogwarts to find it's secrets and use it's resources! Hogwarts is the first magical school ever built, and it's founders are legendary wizards. There will be many secrets to uncover i'm sure. Not to mention all the resources there. The forbidden forest is one of the largest and most mysterious magical forests in the world, i'm sure there's plenty of stuff to find in there." I exclaimed.

Daphne grinned back and laughed, infected by my energy. "That's just like you. I should have known." She shook her head.

"Anyway, enough of this. Let's get back to what we were doing before. You stopped your excercise when we were talking. Back to it." I said chidingly.

She huffed but still followed my instructions. She did ask to learn from me after all. I looked at my friend, happy with her progress and determined to help her reach great heights.