A Little Perspective

Harry POV:

??? - So Dumbledore has been observing you closely, subtly nudging you where he wants you to go. This isn't unexpected. I did advise you that this would happen when you go to Hogwarts, did I not?

Harry - You did, yes. Without your help over the years, I would be completely oblivious to it. It's incredibly frustrating. Especially what happened with my cloak and the Mirror Of Erised. He was scanning my mind the whole time. My false mind fooled him, but that whole situation made me nervous.

??? - The Mirror Of Erised. Said to show the deepest desire in one's heart - a famous artifact and very dangerous. We can guess from this that Dumbledore was trying to determine your personality and motivations. What makes you tick.

Harry - I figured that out for myself thanks. You should try being in my position some time, see how you like it.

??? - No thank you, I would rather not.

Harry - *Snort* I wonder why.

??? - I can see you're frustrated. You should find someplace you can be alone for some relaxation or you'll crumble under the pressure.

Harry - That's easier said than done. No place in this goddamn castle is private. I'm being watched everywhere I go, even in the bathroom. I can feel it. I can only talk to you right now with a dicta-quill and it's only because I do all my homework with one that it doesn't stand out. I use silencing charms around my desk and even then, I have to constantly check for eavesdropping magics.

??? - It's really that bad? That seems excessive.

Harry - You have no idea. I have eyes and ears on me 24/7 and I'm not talking about the students, although they watch me constantly. I know the plan was to play along, but I don't know how much longer I can cope.

??? - Right. Okay. It seems that you were downplaying how bad it was whenever we spoke before. Dumbledore is more controlling than I thought.

Harry - I didn't want to bother you, you've already helped me enough.

??? - And you're asking for help now that it's getting too much right?

Harry - ...yes.

??? - Okay. At least you know to seek help when you need it.

Harry - Oi! You make it sound as if I never ask you for help.

??? - You've stopped since going to Hogwarts. Harry is all grown up. I'm proud.

Harry - Screw you.

??? - Hehehe. Anyway, getting back on topic. Try looking in the dungeons for privacy. That place is a maze and most of it has been unused for centuries. There are no portraits and the teachers don't patrol it. You'll need to clean any place you find, but that should be no trouble.

Harry - Thanks for the tip, I'll have a look in my non-existent alone time.

??? - When did you become like this? I remember when you were younger, all stoic and serious like a miniature adult.

Harry - I grew up.

??? - Heh. But it seems that having real friends has been good for you. I'm glad.

Harry - ...

??? - I have an idea of how you can get some time alone. Have you checked your family cloak for external magics?

Harry - Of course I have. I moved all of them to my fake glasses, but even when I leave them in my room, I can still feel eyes on me.

??? - Then you didn't get them all. Here: crush five portions of moonstone...........add a drop of niffler blood, stir once clockwise and finally let it simmer for 30 minutes until a light mud-like brown colour. This is a very potent revealing potion. Pour it over your cloak and it will show all the magic affecting it. You can then easily identify foreign magics.

Harry - Thanks for the recipe. Does this work on anything? What about cleaning?

??? - It works on anything. Don't worry about cleaning either, it evaporates after a few minutes so it's safe to use on most things. I wouldn't recommend using it on parchment, but it does work and won't ruin the writing, but it makes the parchment crinkly.

Harry - Good to know. I'll brew it in my trunk's potion lab. 

??? - Good idea, although I would be careful with that in the future if I were you. Most trunks don't have very good security. I doubt Dumbledore would take more than 10 seconds to pierce the protections.

Harry - What are you talking about? I paid a lot of money for my trunk. I had to use the confundus charm on Hagrid when he took me to the alley just to get it. Even Dumbledore would need some time to get inside if he doesn't want to destroy it, more if he wants to be discreet.

??? - Trunk makers are just that - trunk makers. They aren't professional enchanters or warders. They may be good at making trunks and are proficient in the spells used, but those spells aren't all sophisticated. I would recommend either placing protections yourself or paying Gringotts to hire enchanters and warders to do it for you.

Harry - Great. Another thing to watch out for. *Sigh* I'll add it to my list.

??? - At least you know, it's better than the alternative. Getting back on topic, once you have removed all foreign magics from your cloak, it will be your greatest tool to move around unseen. Using it in conjunction with your wandless magic will give you leeway to act without anything being traced back to you.

Harry - I should still learn some higher-level spells. Invisibility cloaks aren't foolproof after all.

??? - It's a good idea, and you should, but I have to correct you about something. You're right in saying invisibility cloaks aren't foolproof, but your one is special.

Harry - Special how?

??? - Invisibility cloaks usually don't last more than 10 years. The best ones could maybe last 20-30 years, but they're practically impossible to buy. Your cloak has been in the Potter family for centuries.

Harry - While that is amazing, stop stalling and tell me already.

??? - Fine, fine, no need to be snippy.

Harry - You just like hearing yourself talk.

??? - I won't deny that.

Harry - And now you know why I'm 'snippy'.

??? - I'll just get to the point then. Your cloak is one of a kind. I've had the pleasure of examining it myself before, so I know. That cloak will hide you from anything. And when I say anything, I mean ANYTHING. It will hide your scent, sound, body, body-heat, mind and even your soul. Your cloak can hide everything about you from anything.

Harry - When did you examine my cloak?!

??? - Your cloak is very old, there have been plenty of opportunities.

Harry - .....Fine, be vague. But it sounds amazing. Why didn't Dumbledore keep it for himself? And why didn't you take it if you had the chance?

??? - I'm not 100% certain about this, but I'm pretty sure your father managed to get some kind of agreement from him. Considering this is Dumbledore we're talking about, it would have to be an unbreakable vow considering he did actually give it back to you. I can't imagine your father parting with your family's prized artifact without one.

Harry - I suppose that makes sense. And you?

??? - That I can't tell you. Just know that I have zero intention to ever try stealing it from you.

That made me suspicious. The only time the stranger hasn't told me something is for two reasons. The first is his own personal secrets, like his refusal to teach me soul abilities after I reached the 7th stage of occlumency. The second is his mission which I still don't know. He said he was tasked to help me, but I don't know who by nor do I know if that is all there is to it. Considering the current conversation, personal secrets can be ruled out, which only leaves his mission.

Harry - It has something to do with your mission, doesn't it?

??? - .....

Harry - I'm right then.

??? - .....Perceptive. Yes, you're right. 

Harry - Are you going to finally tell me what your mission is? Or who gave it to you?

??? - No. I will say nothing more on this.

Harry - You know that's incredibly suspicious, right?

??? - I'm aware.

Harry - If you aren't going to tell me, why should I trust you?

??? - Trusting me is entirely your choice. My refusal to speak doesn't change the fact that I don't mean you any harm nor does it change the effort I've spent to help you does it?

Harry - I suppose it doesn't. It's still highly suspect and I will figure it out eventually.

??? - Maybe you will, maybe you won't. It doesn't change anything. My mission is nothing detrimental to you. I wouldn't have spent all this effort healing you, educating you and providing help to you just to set you up for something bad.

I sat back in my chair, looking at the words written and felt some of the unease dissipate, though not all of it. It seems Mr Stranger's agenda is deeper than I thought and has something to do with my cloak. I will have to look into it. He said my cloak is unique and centuries old. I'll see if I can find anything about old and powerful invisibility cloaks in the library, maybe ask around.

??? - Is that everything? 

Harry - I wanted your advice about how to deal with Dumbledore.

??? - I thought we had already decided. Just follow along with his games as you've been doing while amassing knowledge and skill in secret. The day will come when you have the power to face him.

Harry - I know this, but now my friends are getting involved and I'm worried for their safety.

??? - I see. Hmm... You have a couple of options here. You could push them away. This would keep them safe, but you would be alone again.

Harry - No. I won't push my first friends away.

??? - I thought so. The second option is to use spells on them when whatever Dumbledore is planning comes to fruition. Knock them out, bind them etcetera. This would keep them safe although it would impact your friendships.

Harry - ....Maybe. I suppose the last one would be to go along with it then?

??? - If we rule out immoral use of magic to influence your friends, then yes. I'm sure you have already thought about your options before this, so you're asking me for my opinion on what you should do.

Harry - I have. What do you think I should do? 

??? - If you want my honest opinion, I think you should bring your friends into the fold.

Harry - Your reasons?

??? - Well you obviously don't want to go back to being friendless, nor do you want to strain or even break your friendship with your two new best friends by betraying them.

Harry - I wouldn't be betraying them! I would be protecting them!

??? - That's not how they would see it.

Harry - I guess.

??? - So your only option left is to trust them.

Harry - That's it? Just trust them? What if they get hurt or worse?! It would be because of me!

??? - Harry. You need to realise that you're in a war. It may not seem like it now, but your conflict with Dumbledore and Voldemort is undoubtedly a war. Dumbledore intends to groom you for whatever purpose and your generation will be caught up in it whether they want to or not when Voldemort comes back. You could run away, but we've already established how that would end.

Harry - So what do I do? The troll on Hallowe'en was bad enough, but the three-headed dog on the third floor was terrifying. Now Neville and Hermione are both trying to solve the mystery. I felt the compulsions leading us to the third floor that night. I don't want them to get hurt by whatever Dumbledore is planning.

??? - If you don't want to break your friendships then you need to trust them. If that doesn't satisfy you though, then take action. Bring them into your confidence and explain things to them. Impress upon them the danger of being your friend.

Harry - I guess.

??? - You can always train them. Train them in magic, train them in occlumency. I never trained you in fighting but I can guide you in that area and you can start on that together.

Harry - Yes... yes, that's a good idea!

??? - Did you not think about that before?

Harry - I did think about it, but I thought that it would give too much away to Dumbledore and make him suspicious.

??? - It might, but you can always spin it to your advantage. Bring up training with them and a after few sessions get Neville to mention Occlumency somehow. You're not supposed to know what it is, but as the heir to an old pureblood house, he's been trained in it for years. Get him to teach it and then it's not suspicious.

Harry - Good idea.

??? - Then after their mental defences are good enough, bring them further into your confidence. Hell, show them this journal even. Trust them and rely on them to have your back as you have theirs.

Harry - You're alright with showing them? And when will their mental defences be enough?

??? - It doesn't change anything. You would train them at some point and would've chosen to show them the journal eventually. They might be suspicious, but I'm still your best source of information until you can claim your Lordship.

Harry - I suppose. At least I only have to wait until I'm 15 and not 17.

??? - That is convenient, yes. Once you do, everything from Potter Manor should be in the main Potter vault. The mansion may be destroyed now, but the wards were supposedly formidable and I doubt your grandparents let the Potter Legacy be destroyed with the property even if they couldn't escape.

Harry - I hope so.

??? - I'm right, trust me. Your grandfather Charlus was a war hero and his wife was from the renowned Black family. They definitely took measures in the time they had.

Harry - Fine, fine, I believe you. And my friend's mental defences? When do you think they will be good enough?

??? - Dumbledore has over a century of experience. Even your defences will crumble under an attack from him, although it would take a long time. All of you will need decades to get to a level where you can actually stop him, so don't worry too much about that. Your friends just need to reach a level where they can fool casual mental probes. I'd say level 5. It also wouldn't hurt to get or make them both something to protect their minds on top of that. Your friend Heir Longbottom undoubtedly already has something, but more wouldn't hurt and your other friend Miss Granger definitely doesn't have anything.

Harry - Okay then. 5th level and some enchanted items for further protection. Got it.

??? - You may feel guilty for dragging them into danger, but they're their own people and can decide for themselves. It would be worse for them and you if you pushed them away, so just prepare them and yourself as best you can

Harry - I understand. Thanks for the advice.

??? - Not a problem. Although, you need to stop being such a little gremlin in the future.

Harry - Don't start! It's not like you're any better! I literally call you Mr Stranger, how lame is that?

??? - You're hilarious. In all seriousness though Harry, be careful.

Harry - I will.

I sat back and closed the journal, thinking over the latest conversation I just had with Mr Stranger. I learned some new and interesting things along with getting some much needed perspective from an outside source. We've only spoken a handful of times since school started - much less than before but I really needed some advice this time.

The other few times were asking him about the three-headed dog and the troll. Apparently, house elves are allowed through the wards and he told me what he found. A set of obstacles clearly designed for first years lie beyond the cerberus with the troll being one of them. That's how it got in on Hallowe'en: It was already in Hogwarts to begin with.

It made me nervous. Obviously, the obstacle course is designed to test first years, so I have at least some idea of what Dumbledore is planning. Judging by the Mirror Of Erised episode, this year's theme is all about him getting an idea of what kind of person I am, hence all the spying, but I don't know what else he has planned beyond that.

I hope I get some breathing room next year. At least Mr Stranger gave me some ideas of how to get some privacy. I got some useful information about his mission as well when discussing the topic of my cloak. I'm not sure if he deliberately told me or otherwise, he's tricky like that. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that he told me on purpose to further some goal of his.

At least the tricky blighter gave me some good advice about my friends. Neville and Hermione getting involved has been a weight on my mind for a while now, hence why I decided to ask for his advice. Said advice hasn't taken away that weight, but I now have a clear course of action and that helps direct my worries.

I was startled out of my thoughts by Neville, who tapped me on the shoulder. "Are you alright Harry? You seem stressed." 

I nearly jumped, but quickly recovered. "Oh, hey Nev. I'm fine. Just thinking." I said.

"I can see that. Want to talk about it?" He asked.

"Is Hermione in the common room?" I asked, not answering him.

He nodded. "She should be. Last I saw her, she was buried under a pile of books for some 'light' reading. He said, making air quotes.

"Hahaha. That's just like her." I chuckled. "Let's go join her, I have something to discuss."


Draco POV:

That was an interesting conversation. I slipped up a bit when the cloak came up, but it's fine. It changes nothing. Now that the cloak is in his possession, the threat of fate between Harry and the Hallows has been connected. I've felt it. He'll end up with the three artifacts no matter what happens now, so my mission is basically complete. I'm still helping him because he's a good kid, that's all.

After coming home from Yule, I did take the opportunity to examine the cloak along with Gryffindor Tower. The tower is pretty normal with no secrets to speak of, but the cloak on the other hand... well, it was something special.

The cloak was originally made by humans, probably the youngest Peverall, but the enchantment on the cloak is not something that could be done by him. The Guardian already told me they were copies of his artifacts, but I suppose the implementation of that is rather more complex than simply copying the artifacts and spreading them around.

In this universe at least, the cloak was created by human hands but the essence of it, the power within, is incredible. The cloak is imbued with the purely conceptual power of 'Concealment'. This conceptual power is wondrous, deep and vast, encompassing many things all revolving around concealment. It is infinitely complex and also ludicrously simple. But it also feels muted, its actual power limited.

This doesn't detract from the imbued concept, merely the power when used. Which doesn't mean much to me as it's the single most powerful artifact I've ever seen. Given its concept, I'm lucky that it allowed itself to be studied so thoroughly, although I suspect that the Guardian allowed it. Its concept is concealment. If it didn't want to be studied, I would find nothing so I suspect I was given permission.

What I learned was so far above me it wasn't even funny, but I saved everything in my mind to ponder as I grow in power. I'll do the same for the stone and wand when I can. I've seen the wand a few times, but I was never close enough nor did I have enough time for an in-depth analysis. I know its concept is 'Power' and that it has the same depth as the cloak, but I'll need Dumbledore to be in the Great Hall more times before I'm finished analysing the Elder Wand. I'll study the stone sometime before the end of 5th year.

I'm just lucky Harry doesn't carry his cloak with him often, leaving it in his trunk most of the time which has given me many opportunities to study it. Like I told him, his trunk doesn't have the best protections. The weeks since school started back up after Yule have been fruitful.

Right now though I'm on a mission. Curfew was a few hours ago and I snuck out to complete my objective after putting the journal and dicta-quill down. Activating my stealth ring, I decided to go all the way with my stealth. A higher-level magic-erasing charm that I created from my studies of the cloak, plus using techniques from my soul cultivation legacy that masks my soul perfectly, making it appear that my soul doesn't even exist.

After all, who knows what crazy monitoring spells Dumbledore has for his obstacle course? I reached the third floor easily and bypassed the alarm ward just like when I took Daphne here. Fluffy the cerberus was already asleep so I just cast an overpowered sleeping charm with an added living being component at it. Its high magic resistance made it hard to apply, but an application of precision let me punch through its resistance.

Shifting Fluffy's paw and jumping through the trapdoor, I landed on a bed of devil's snare, Professor Sprout's room. Conjuring a bright light made the plant reel back, allowing me to pass easily. The next room was Flitwicks, the flying keys. My talent for flying a broom isn't as good as Harry's but it's still excellent. The brooms however were swamped with surveillance charms so I didn't bother with them.

A quick scan of the door with soul-sense revealed some potent charms and enchantments barring entry, linked to a single flying key. He even included the hinges so I couldn't just disconnect the door entirely. I didn't want to waste time disabling them, so I just used transfiguration to tunnel through the surrounding wall, bypassing it that way. The wall closed up behind me like I was never there and I continued on.

Professor McGonagall's chess set was very simple to bypass, which was kind of disappointing. Flitwick's room was better protected. The chess match only starts when you trip the alert ward at the entrance. I simply opened a hole in it and the chess match didn't start at all, not realising there was someone there in the first place.

I already knew these obstacles weren't meant to protect the stone, but these haven't even delayed me so far. Only Flitwick's obstacle delayed me a little, but not by much. Dumbledore must be able to spin his bullshit masterfully for the other teachers to not call him on it.

Quirrel's room with the troll was next. It was just as easy as the last ones, easier even. The thing was awake and the room absolutely reeked which wasn't pleasant, but it didn't even know I was there with all my concealment. An area silencing charm around the doors and it didn't hear a thing as I entered and exited.

I had to disable another alert ward tied into the cursed fire enchantments on the entrance and exit of the next room. Snape's potions puzzle I bypassed as easily as McGonagall's, not bothering with it.

I had to stop there however as the next room was Dumbledore's with the Mirror Of Erised. I already expected it but I still scowled. The entire room was covered in a multitude of surveillance enchantments and an entire monitoring ward scheme feeding information back to him. What a paranoid man.

My concealment would allow me access unhindered without being noticed by the enchantments, but the ward scheme is another matter. Even with all my concealment, it would detect the slightest change. I had the ROR replicate Dumbledore's protections, but it seems Hogwarts was playing tricks on me and didn't replicate the wards when I asked. I've found that the castle is mischievous, but also kind. This wasn't done out of ill intent, only to prank me.

I sighed. Well, it's fine. Hogwarts can play pranks on me all it likes, it's letting me use its facilities as I like and even assists me in places. This will only slow me down slightly.

I focused up, allocating the majority of my mental power to my mind's computer. Analysing the scheme only took a moment. Unfortunately, there weren't any obvious weaknesses for me to exploit. The whole scheme was made flawlessly, with wards interconnecting at different points to form a coherent whole bereft of weak points. It was beautiful work.

Still, I had a self-appointed mission to complete. I ran simulations by the thousands before eventually coming to a viable method. Objective achieved, my mental power disengaged from my mind's computer. I shook off the strange feeling I get whenever I dedicate a lot of mental power to that part of my mind. In that state, my thinking is very mechanical which isn't surprising, but it's an odd experience.

Implementing the solution I found, I gently nudged four separate wards of the scheme at different points, tying them into a kind of 'knot' that will send a feedback loop throughout the rest of the ward scheme. This will make it so the ward scheme transmits exactly what it has been this whole time with no changes. Essentially, the wards are on a playback loop.

Smiling at my success, I skipped over to the Mirror Of Erised. I had practised for this moment in the ROR, having it replicate everything. Thankfully this part was just as I knew it to be. Dumbledore did put the stone in the mirror behind an intent ward just like in canon. Only someone who wants to find the stone, but not use it, would be able to get it.

The thing is, the intent ward is tied into the mirror itself, using the artifact's ability to see into the hearts of the one standing in front of it to determine worthiness. Absolutely genius. Not only is this another character test for Harry, but it will also stop Voldemort dead in his tracks with no way to overcome it.

The mirror is a powerful artifact that he can't subvert without an immense amount of time and effort, probably requiring sacrifices to corrupt it. Destroying the mirror would destroy the small artificial dimension the stone is stored in, sending the stone into the Void to be destroyed or lost for all eternity.

I became serious here, psyching myself up. Stepping before the mirror, I focused my mind and moulded my thoughts. My perception of the world changed immediately and my thoughts along with it. I was now a saint, full of righteousness and impeccable morals. This wasn't a facade, the mirror would see through that. This was a fundamental change of my being. 

Only my awareness of my own soul allowed me to stay myself otherwise this change would be permanent. It's an incredibly dangerous process, but it was a challenge and the reward was worth it. My reflection stared back at me, holding a red stone in its hand. My reflection put it into his pocket and I felt a weight appear in my own.

I then took out another stone, seemingly identical to the real one, and put it into the mirror. This was a fake I prepared during the Yule break. I studied the stone in the ROR for months to be able to create such a lifelike fake. It will take Dumbledore a long time to realise the deception before assuming the Flamels played him.

My heist complete, I stepped back and a pre-programmed routine in my mind's computer activated, throwing out a controversial thought into my mind's now 'pure' state. This caused a domino effect as it clashed with my current mind, allowing me to take control and gradually revert to how I was originally.

I grimaced, rubbing my temples. That was not fun. The headache and distinct lack of mental power are a small price to pay. My first attempt at this was more severe and I only recovered by using my soul to 'reset' my mind. That was a horrible experience that I didn't want to repeat, so I programmed my mind's computer to release a thought completely opposite to the current state so I could break out of it myself.

Forgetting all that for the moment, I took the faceted red gem out of my pocket. Jackpot. I couldn't stop the smile from spreading on my face. Putting it back in my pocket, I left, returning the ward scheme to how it was and making sure everything was unchanged before heading back to Ravenclaw Tower.

Back in my room, I called for Mipsy and had her take the Philosophere's Stone to the Black mansion. A soft pop later and my heist was officially complete with nothing to trace back to me. I made sure of it.

I lay in bed thinking of my success. Sure, I had the ROR to replicate the stone and study it there, which I will be doing, but the stone is something that is immensely useful in the real world. Unlimited gold. This will make the bottleneck of my real-world resources disappear. I can study and create in the ROR, but those things aren't real.

I need resources for my ideas. I have artifacts and expensive potions to make, rare ingredients to buy, etc. The trust vaults for the Malfoy and Black families I have access to simply aren't enough for some things. Especially rare metals and ingredients. Some ingredients are so expensive that I could spend my whole vault for a single item. Plus, I don't want to risk using the Malfoy trust vault in case Lucius checks the records.

I'll definitely reach the level in alchemy to where I can make my own stone, but how long would that take? A decade? More? Even with my cheats, the lifetime Nicholas Flamel spent to create his, focusing entirely on alchemy and only alchemy for decades would take me a while to match.

After all, alchemy isn't my only focus and having the stone doesn't allow me to reverse-engineer it. The thing is a homogenous whole with no traces of its composition. It's a tremendous tool to further my budding alchemy knowledge, but doesn't help me re-create it. All I know is that it's basically crystalised magic of incredible density. If I can figure out how to make it, it will become a potent power source for future endeavours.

That's years away, however, so I stole the real stone for myself for the wealth it can give me now. A bit shallow of me perhaps, but that doesn't bother me. What that wealth represents is the true prize: Unlimited resources to create useful things with and further my growth. I fell asleep to recover from tonight's adventure brimming with satisfaction and thoughts for future projects.